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[#] Tue Sep 21 2021 01:54:13 UTC from smashbot64

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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I felt bad, they seemed to think that I was the Supreme being of their occult. It was kinda like Galaxy Quest when the space traveling aliens were told that all of it was fake, all pretend.



Mon Sep 20 2021 21:32:15 EDT from ParanoidDelusions Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

That explains the uptick in new user accounts from Russia. :D


Mon Sep 20 2021 15:36:12 EDT from smashbot64 Subject: an odd thing happened.

These guys thought they were onto something and were very disappointed when I told them that Citadel is just a 40+ year old name for computer bulletin board systems, and that I was not the Doctor Livingston they presumed.



[#] Tue Sep 21 2021 13:15:25 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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That may explain the pile of newbies who were here on September 15 but didn't appear to be doing anything.

[#] Wed Sep 22 2021 00:28:55 UTC from smashbot64

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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the / of my webserver before any virtualhosts are found (default basically...) at the ip only no hostname is

I have it set to spit out a random 5 digit integer each time the page is loaded. They have a dischord instance running. 

From reading my apache logs, they must really think there to be some significance to the number strings index.html is spitting out to them. 

There isn't. It's javascript that generates a random 5 digit positive number. Nothing more. There is a bot that has been eating these strings up. I suspect its curating the number blasts for AI and trying decipher the meaning. 

There is no meaning. I tried to explain that to them.

[#] Wed Sep 22 2021 00:33:00 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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lol. that there is funny

[#] Wed Sep 22 2021 05:13:47 UTC from smashbot64

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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whats worse is if anyone chose to view the html source, its completely obvious. they want to know what the numbers mean. i cant explain how my kernel generated them to mean. I hope our own worshipped "God" or gods dont take the same stance. "Hi god! we have been seeking your face for thousands of years! Presumed god: Um, I thought the doorbell meant my pizza was here. Again, Who did you say you are?"


[#] Wed Sep 22 2021 20:13:44 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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"You humans keep coming here talking about some book i wrote.  No, i didnt write any book" ( as the door slams )

[#] Tue Sep 28 2021 19:26:11 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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This is an altogether epic unintentional troll. 


[#] Wed Sep 29 2021 03:16:41 UTC from lambda

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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NFTs are a meme.

[#] Wed Sep 29 2021 17:32:13 UTC from interrupt

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[#] Wed Sep 29 2021 17:38:23 UTC from interrupt

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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probably the NRO using your bbs to sell secrets to Antartic nazi reptilian agents to release the plasma spirits orbiting Uranus.

[#] Wed Sep 29 2021 17:39:38 UTC from interrupt

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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did you also tell them you were running it on a C=64 too? :D

[#] Wed Sep 29 2021 21:09:14 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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These guys thought they were onto something and were very
disappointed when I told them that Citadel is just a 40+ year old

Well, maybe *your* Citadel is just a BBS, but *this* one might just have some super-secret hideouts.

Or maybe they're hidden in plain sight. Kreation, after all, is king.

[#] Thu Sep 30 2021 03:37:47 UTC from smashbot64

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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Wed Sep 29 2021 17:09:14 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.
These guys thought they were onto something and were very
disappointed when I told them that Citadel is just a 40+ year old

Well, maybe *your* Citadel is just a BBS, but *this* one might just have some super-secret hideouts.

Or maybe they're hidden in plain sight. Kreation, after all, is king.
yes, I concede that what I posted about it here is not the best way to report how I described Citadel. For brevity in my news brief I left out the part where I did direct them to and the wikipedia article to explain to them that what they were looking for was not something I was hosting. I think MY ( has the stories as they happened, without adjustments for their verbosity.
There may be something on uncensored these folks were seeking. You did say, however, there was an uptick of new users during that period, yet no action. 
Maybe they were port-knocking but on a higher level. If this posts in italics, I tried to turn it off as I hit it by accident. I never liked it when Readers Digest and or 2600 responded to comments in italics. The italics aversion is probably related to my in-country tour of Catholic grade school. Diagraming sentences. It's worth researching to to understand the PTSD impacts caused by this technique. I hope it's not italics. While we are here, are italics called so because Piza leans a little?

[#] Thu Sep 30 2021 03:42:05 UTC from smashbot64

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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Wed Sep 29 2021 17:09:14 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

Or maybe they're hidden in plain sight. Kreation, after all, is king.

They did mention that they are chasing steganographic clues.

[#] Thu Sep 30 2021 03:54:16 UTC from smashbot64

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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[#] Thu Sep 30 2021 04:01:18 UTC from smashbot64

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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Wed Sep 29 2021 13:39:38 EDT from interrupt Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.
did you also tell them you were running it on a C=64 too? :D

the c64 breadbin (real hardware) is interconnected (I could have just said connected, the inter part was for the phreaks) AND FOR ONCE I would like to respond in a message thread with language that doesnt look like something straight outta /etc with a crapton of brackets braces commas and semicolons.

[#] Sat Oct 02 2021 21:53:13 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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As an Italian-American I can assure you that italic typefaces are a secret conspiracy. The mafia is definitely involved.

[#] Sun Oct 03 2021 02:58:12 UTC from smashbot64

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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Sat Oct 02 2021 17:53:13 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.
As an Italian-American I can assure you that italic typefaces are a secret conspiracy. The mafia is definitely involved.

IG: Excellent point. AND- I almost forgot.  Those Yugo-Soviet blockchain seekers that became so enamored with "Citadel" for all the wrong reasons brought something to my attention LOL

[#] Sun Oct 03 2021 13:23:39 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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Scumbags.  People who do that should be beat with a stick.

[#] Mon Oct 04 2021 04:27:01 UTC from smashbot64

Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

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Sun Oct 03 2021 09:23:39 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: an odd thing happened.

Scumbags.  People who do that should be beat with a stick.

Not to split hairs but who are the scumbags (people?) and what is the stick?

checked /lib came up dry


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