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[#] Wed Jun 26 2024 21:59:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yaaaaaay the email nazis like me just a little bit more now.

Google Postmaster Tools lit up green "Compliant" for most categories a couple of months ago when I got DKIM working: SPF/DKIM authentication, From: header alignment, DMARC authentication, Encryption, User-reported spam rate, DNS records.

This week, I have discovered that the "one click unsubscribe" category, which was "Coming soon" until now, has changed to "Compliant". That's good news for me and for Citadel site operators everywhere who use it as a listserv.
"Honor unsubscribe" still shows as "coming soon". And I don't see an "Unsubscribe" button in Gmail for messages from the lists, so I wonder whether that will take additional time.

I'd still prefer to see a diaspora from Gmail. Too many people there which gives them too much nazi power.

[#] Wed Jul 03 2024 17:48:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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In a typical display of hypocrisy, Google's greenhouse gas emissions have surged 50% despite their "carbon neutral" pledge.

[ ]

To combat this, I am doing my part. I always have my ad blockers turned on, so that Google doesn't have to expend all that extra energy serving ads to my computers.

[#] Wed Jul 03 2024 17:57:45 UTC from Nurb432

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They will just blame AI farms and then government will crack down on non 'authorized' companies running it.

[#] Wed Jul 03 2024 18:13:10 UTC from Nurb432

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Looks like YT has got to the point of deleting posts with 'words' in them. Even if within context of the actual video posted. 


Not that post often, nor do i leave it up long. But it is annoying. 

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 02:44:35 UTC from Nurb432

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Didn't realize you could do this, but i turned off my view history so it no longer suggests crap.

But, it also logged out my TV and to get back in it gives you a QR code to some 3rd party place to register and login.. no thanks.    *delete*  ill get videos for my cats elsewhere.   commercials were getting unbearable, and cats lose interest and walk away before they ended

And on that TV box, i'm stuck with the app, as have yet to get a browser to install, so no ad block. It used to be just Android, and worked well, then it got 'upgraded' to 'googleTV' and has sucked ever since.  Its about to go into the trash. The only nice thing is it was also a chromecast.. so wife could stream from her phone, painlessly 

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 14:19:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Looks like YT has got to the point of deleting posts with 'words' in them. Even if within context of the actual video posted. 

I wish Instagram would do that.

That, by itself, would go a long way to making the platform usable again.  What started as a nice photo sharing site turned into "Facebook in square boxes of text".  I'd love to see it turn back.

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 15:00:26 UTC from Nurb432

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But deleting relevant comments that are within context of the video, and in these cases just due to a word?


One example: video of a car thief dropping a baby off in an underpass on the side walk, then speeding away, after mother was hanging on the door for several miles and finally fell into the road.

While it had more text, the comment was similar to " while that does not excuse his actions, he could have just tossed the baby out the window or killed him like will often happen in these cases"   Instant deletion.    Tried it a different way. Again, gone.  Replaced "killed" with "******" and it stayed. 

I have seen other example of non-bad comments, within context, political statements, but if its against the wrong party, its gone faster than you can blink. If its against the correct party, it stays.   Far too fast for people to be reporting and then being deleted. 

"shoot" is another. You can say it totally out of context of firearms, but the word alone can get it gone.  "well shoot, i didn't think of...." poof.   ( and a variety of other words like that, 2A channels struggle not to be demonetized due to 'words', even from comments and not the video )

I realize its a private company, their house thier rules, bla bla, but it can still piss me off that they use free speech laws to their advantage and make tons of cash and influence people, but don't feel like extending same to thier customers.

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 16:08:53 UTC from nonservator

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I think the "private company" ship sailed long ago with just about everyone in the corporate sphere. Let alone El Goog and their fellow Silicon Valleyites Facefuck, who were created and bankrolled by the military-industrial complex (you know, what we used to call the deep state until everyone decided they loved Big Brother).

[#] Sat Jul 06 2024 14:15:01 UTC from Nurb432

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Actually i think its also targeting individual people.

Had one instantly hidden a bit ago in a gun channel. It had no trigger words ( pun intended ) nor did it qualify for any other 'rule'.  Oh well.  Rarely commented anyway, so whatever, no loss.

Guess im on yet another list.  lol

Wed Jul 03 2024 14:13:10 EDT from Nurb432

Looks like YT has got to the point of deleting posts with 'words' in them. Even if within context of the actual video posted. 


Not that post often, nor do i leave it up long. But it is annoying. 


[#] Sat Jul 13 2024 22:31:36 UTC from Nurb432

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Interesting. YT recently let trump back on. i re-subscribed. He was posting videos of his campaign stops. They would show up in my subscription feed as they came out. ( I turned off view history, to reduce tracking so 'home' is now blank, and i dont get those stupid suggestions anymore that would fill the page ) I did a refresh a bit ago to see what was new in subscriptions, all of his vanished from the list, tho still in my notices. They are screwing with stuff again. YMMV of course.

[#] Sat Jul 13 2024 22:35:23 UTC from Nurb432

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Never mind. he just got shot. i bet they yanked videos due to that. 

Sat Jul 13 2024 18:31:36 EDT from Nurb432

Interesting. YT recently let trump back on. i re-subscribed. He was posting videos of his campaign stops. They would show up in my subscription feed as they came out. ( I turned off view history, to reduce tracking so 'home' is now blank, and i dont get those stupid suggestions anymore that would fill the page ) I did a refresh a bit ago to see what was new in subscriptions, all of his vanished from the list, tho still in my notices. They are screwing with stuff again. YMMV of course.


[#] Mon Jul 15 2024 10:51:21 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-07-03 14:13 from Nurb432
Looks like YT has got to the point of deleting posts with 'words' in

them. Even if within context of the actual video posted. 

Many legitimate non-controversial videos have been culled by automated filters. You know things are going bad when you cannot talk about industrial accidents or workplace safety because the videos get autoremoved for bad words. Some channels outright stopped producing for Youtube because fighing automoderation was not worth the effort.

Twitch also filters comments for bad words, but in theory a human moderator oversees that in close to real time, so if you mention "The AI of this game is stupid" you'll get the message quarantined and then posted.

[#] Tue Jul 16 2024 17:39:31 UTC from Nurb432

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Lol one today:

Comment about the Trump shooter: "cop saw him in area but had no gun"  One dude said ' backpack '      My comment "or the gun was on the roof waiting"


Instantly... it was gone.   



[#] Tue Jul 16 2024 21:49:10 UTC from Nurb432

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and lol2..   a rant about how fast comments are being deleted...      gone.


they win. im done.

[#] Tue Jul 16 2024 22:03:33 UTC from Nurb432

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And apparently if you have a channel that has any sponsorship from a company that is in the gun industry, your YT channel will get wiped if you dont stop.  

Time for everyone to move on. 

[#] Wed Jul 17 2024 10:19:22 UTC from darknetuser

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Time for everyone to move on. 

You are late in reaching that conclusion, but welcome anyway

[#] Wed Jul 17 2024 10:35:41 UTC from Nurb432

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The problem is there are a couple of channels that dont exist anywhere else.

Ill keep it for those.  Wont be commenting there anymore.

Wed Jul 17 2024 06:19:22 EDT from darknetuser
Time for everyone to move on. 

You are late in reaching that conclusion, but welcome anyway


[#] Sat Jul 20 2024 16:10:03 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Smart video producers are publishing on YouTube, Rumble, and BitChute at the very least. And making sure everyone knows about it. I think Styxhexenhammer666 has the best strategy, publishing a few videos per day, some of which are "new tech exclusives" where he is free to say the things YouTube won't allow.
This encourages your audience to spread out.

It isn't going to happen overnight. Google is bad, m'kay? That's why you always, always, ALWAYS watch YouTube with an ad blocker on a non-Google browser.
If you're not already using Brave, switch NOW.

I also want to recommend a browser extension called "XBrowserSync" which syncs your bookmarks in a way that is independent of any one browser vendor's software. I've used it on Brave, Chrome, Edge, and even Firefox and everything came over with no problem at all. The content is client-side encrypted (using a key the server doesn't have) and you can use their sync servers or run your own.

[#] Sat Jul 20 2024 16:20:52 UTC from Nurb432

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Ublock origin is still going strong in blocking YT garbage for me. 

But yes, anyone who is on another platform, go there instead.

[#] Thu Jul 25 2024 18:26:23 UTC from Nurb432

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Well it was. 

Looks like they have broken it to an extent. Unsure how bad.   Start video.  Get a black loading screen ... then a full screen ad that sits there.( i assume should be a video ).  then it pops to the video. 

Might be done and stick with yt-dlp.  Unless UBO can fix it in the next few days.

Sat Jul 20 2024 12:20:52 EDT from Nurb432

Ublock origin is still going strong in blocking YT garbage for me. 

But yes, anyone who is on another platform, go there instead.


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