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[#] Mon Jan 20 2014 21:46:07 UTC from wizard of aahz

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And believe it or not. You can actually make a meat (fleishich) Kosher green bean casserole that tastes like it was made with Cream of mushroom soup.

[#] Mon Jan 20 2014 21:59:49 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Aahz, have you been stealing Mo's mayo again?

[#] Mon Jan 20 2014 22:17:12 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Nope. No mayo whatsoever. The mayo is FOR dunking Mo into, not use in cooking.

[#] Tue Jan 21 2014 14:51:53 UTC from Ladyhawke

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*laughs*  Too true!

So what are you using for the base?

[#] Tue Jan 21 2014 18:21:58 UTC from wizard of aahz

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is the recipe I use.. Though I use soy milk instead of non-dairy creamer. People are amazed that it's not cream of mushroom soup.

[#] Wed Jan 22 2014 23:42:08 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Wow, wouldn't have thought that would do the trick, but will have to try it!

Geller always seems to have something interesting up there....

[#] Thu Jan 23 2014 16:34:54 UTC from Shazam

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Yeah, I want to try that too.

[#] Thu Jan 23 2014 18:01:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Clue me in here, but why would you need to make a dairy-free green bean casserole when there's normally no meat in a green bean casserole anyway?

[#] Thu Jan 23 2014 18:25:21 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Because you may want to serve it with a meat meal.

[#] Thu Jan 23 2014 20:02:12 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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May I remind you that Kosher Vegetarian Haggis goes with everything.

[#] Fri Jan 24 2014 12:44:54 UTC from dothebart

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hm, don't you usually do it with bacon?

[#] Fri Jan 24 2014 14:13:58 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Although that sounds like a great idea, it definitely wouldn't be kosher regardless of what else was on the table.

[#] Sun Jan 26 2014 21:10:11 UTC from Shazam

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Ha, shows how much I know about food. I was sure it was because people must usually put meat in their bean casseroles. Like they actually do with lasagna. I never used to know that most lasagnas have meat in them. But hey why now. Meat is yummy so if you just add it to any food it should still be yummy. See, I AM getting the idea about food, with time. It's just, go shopping, get food, make it yummy, and serve it up.

[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 10:29:56 UTC from the_mgt

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I should make some Lasagna next weekend, nice idea. is a nice meatless dish. I do not fry the egg plant, though. While waiting for the oven to heat up, I slice the eggplant, put salt on each side and let the salt pull out the water, for about 20 minutes. Then I remove the salt and water, apply some olive oil and let the slices bake for another 20 minutes.

After that, I layer them: 1. egg plant 2. mozzarella 3. tomato sauce. Repeat until everything is used up, cover with parmesan, put into oven again until parmesan turns brownish. I have the recipe at home, can post it on request.

[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 15:25:28 UTC from zooer

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Does the eggplant absorb the oil? When you fry eggplant is soaks up a lot of that oil.

[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 16:20:32 UTC from triLcat

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crumbles are your friends... unless you keep chalav yisrael. 

[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 19:07:18 UTC from zooer

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[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 20:32:55 UTC from triLcat

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morningstar farms crumbles...

soy pellets which can easily replace ground beef in recipes, and have a texture and flavor that is almost, but not entirely, unlike meat.

But their products overall taste really good, and in my meat-deprived youth, I lived on Morningstar Farms... - keeping Kosher in Lawton, Oklahoma wasn't always easy...  

We'd get chicken, salami, hot dogs, and fish. Nothing else that came from a dead animal unless my mom trecked out Dallas (4 hours each way) 

[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 22:20:29 UTC from fleeb

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I've found that vegetable replacements for beef cause me to potentially clear a room via anal vapours.

[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 23:59:39 UTC from the_mgt

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Mon Jan 27 2014 10:25:28 EST from zooer @ Uncensored
Does the eggplant absorb the oil? When you fry eggplant is soaks up a lot of that oil.

I only brush the eggplant lightly and because some of the water was absorbed earlier, it absorbs all of the oil during the 20 minutes in the oven. If you place it carefully into the oven, without burning it, they will dry up nicely. You get an almost papery/cardboard like consistency, but in a good way. This is a lengthy article, covering all the ways of skinning the cat. The skinned cat in their pictures looks... not so tasty...

I use the following method, found here:

Parmigiana di melanzane
serves 4 persons
for the  Eggplant:
800 g Eggplant (about 2 large Eggplants or 3-4 small)
3 spoons (Olive-)Oil
for the Sauce:
800 g cut tomatos (tinned or alternatively 1 kg fresh ones. If you use fresh ones, peal them by puring boiling water over them, I guess you know what to do)
1 large onion
2 bits of garlic
1 Spoon (olive-)oil
a few leaves of basil(+ some for decoration)

300 g Mozzarella
60 g Parmesan
maybe some bread
Wash eggplant, cut into discs about 7mm thick. Pour salt on both sides, put aside for 20 minutes. (This was once done in order to remove the bitterness. Bitterness was breed out of the eggplant, but eggplant eats salt as if there was no tomorrow. So in order to not suffer from an annoying legumes taste, I still salt eggplant generously. It also drains them, so the baking in the oven will be faster.) Heat up the oven to 200° C, maybe continue with the sauce. After twenty minutes, wipe off the water and salt from the eggplant. Brush lightly with oil from both sides, put into oven for yet another 20 minutes. Slow food anyone?
The Sauce: Peel onion and garlic, cut onion into small pieces, fry in oil (in a pan). When they become "glassy", add onion for a short fry and then add tomato pieces. Let it cook for about 20 minutes, so it loses lots of water. Add cut up basil, salt, pepper and a little bit of sugar.
Cut mozarella into slices, grind parmesan.
Take eggplant out of the oven after 20 minutes. They should not be brown, just "dry" and you will see pores. like a sponge.
Get a casserole, put in one layer of eggplant, one layer of mozarella, one layer of saue. Repeat, cover with parmesan. Turn heat to 225° C, put in casserole. Let it bake for 10-20 minutes, until the cheese has melted. Don't let it burn.

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