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[#] Fri Mar 01 2024 17:18:56 EST from Nurb432

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eat ( image attached )




[#] Sat Mar 30 2024 20:01:30 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Earlier this week I was tasked with making lamb stew for a "first century dinner" that I was attending. Lamb is not something I normally cook. And now I know why. That shit smells STANK when it's uncooked. I found it unpleasant to work with. My wife spent the day feeling like she wanted to vomit. Even after cooking it for six hours I didn't even want to taste it.

A friend helped me rescue the dish by suggesting that I add a red wine reduction simmered with rosemary. That helped, and several people at the table liked it enough to have second helpings. I didn't. And as an Italian grandmother I find nothing more problematic than failing at feeding people.

I won't be volunteering for this thing again next year. Eeewwww. ("...and I thought they smelled bad on the outside!")

[#] Mon Jul 22 2024 17:07:37 EDT from Nurb432

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So i dont eat it often, but was at the grocery last night and thought "hey, i want some ice cream"   After wandering around and finding the isle ( they re-modeled, everyone is sill lost ) the area was almost empty. Even the cheap house brand, was mostly gone and only stupid flavors.

Blue bell had a couple, they still sell actual 1/2 gallon containers.    Had to look twice  **10 freaking dollars** for a 1/2 gallon..  

This is nuts.. when did this happen?



Time do dig out my ice cream machine from the garage.

[#] Sat Jul 27 2024 19:34:28 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ooooh, do you have the kind of machine with powered refrigeration, or one of those sissy machines that uses ice?

[#] Sat Jul 27 2024 21:02:29 EDT from Nurb432

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its got its own refrigeration system.  

Sat Jul 27 2024 19:34:28 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Ooooh, do you have the kind of machine with powered refrigeration, or one of those sissy machines that uses ice?


[#] Thu Aug 22 2024 12:18:27 EDT from Nurb432

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Been a while.  Thin crust.


[#] Fri Aug 23 2024 19:35:54 EDT from Nurb432

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Yay.. watermelon sitting on the floor in the kitchen.. exploded..  wet everywhere.. arrrrrrgh.

[#] Fri Aug 30 2024 15:35:54 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Thin crust in a cast iron pan?  Does that work?

[#] Fri Aug 30 2024 16:48:18 EDT from Nurb432

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Sure.  Just dont overcook it. Most real pizzerias use cast iron regardless of the kind of pizza. Even if i wimp out and get a pre-made uncooked, i have a large ( 16" or so diameter if i had to guess )cast iron pan for it. 

( and 'thin crust' was sort of a  joke, im sure most would still call it thick... but not me :) )

Fri Aug 30 2024 15:35:54 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Thin crust in a cast iron pan?  Does that work?


[#] Sat Aug 31 2024 08:58:59 EDT from Nurb432

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15", not 16".  But it was just a guess i didn't go measure it until this morning as i have something to cook on it for lunch. ( or think to look it up, which would have been easier :) )


Also have a smaller 10" one for when i was still buying 9" gino's frozen deep dish once in a while. Its not great food, but it was edible, quick and easy and a good 'plan B' when i was being lazy. But all the stores around these parts stopped selling it, and i refuse to spend 90 bucks on 2 pizzas shipped direct.. nope, not even if they were unbelievably great.. and not just 'eh'.  ( locally they sold for like 6 or 7 bucks each. its silly )

[#] Sat Sep 07 2024 15:02:50 EDT from Nurb432

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Arby's brought back potato cakes.  Not quite the same, but still nice to see that.

[#] Sat Sep 21 2024 21:13:27 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Potato cakes? As in latkes?

[#] Sun Sep 22 2024 06:58:44 EDT from Nurb432

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The little triangle things, sort of like frozen breaded fish . But its academic, they are not back, just visiting.  Went to get a picture first thing i saw was  "limited time"  


Bleh. They were really poplar for decades, never understood why they got rid of them.   Even if they lost money on them, they brought people in.  

Sat Sep 21 2024 21:13:27 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Potato cakes? As in latkes?


[#] Wed Sep 25 2024 18:02:54 EDT from Nurb432

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Blah, was down in town getting dirt and stuff.. stopped at JJs.   get home.  wrong food. gave me tunafish blows dinner for me i guess.

[#] Thu Sep 26 2024 15:57:39 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Not a fan of tuna? I am. I had it for lunch today. Shared it with one of the cats, too.

[#] Thu Sep 26 2024 16:38:54 EDT from Nurb432

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not how they make it, gross. it was all ground up almost like mashed potato and had stuff in it.

for me just tuna flakes + mayo.  

Thu Sep 26 2024 15:57:39 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Not a fan of tuna? I am. I had it for lunch today. Shared it with one of the cats, too.


[#] Wed Oct 02 2024 12:09:58 EDT from Nurb432

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Sort of a rant but its food related.

Sodastream.   They make stuff called 'fountain mist' i really like it. Nothing else was quite like it and i spent 2 years trying to replicate and fail. Used to get it in the stores all the time, then only online, so id stock up every so often.  Thought id order a couple of cases and stock up for another year. Gone. Grrrrr 


Pepsi bought them a few years ago, and seems that overlapping products are slowly being removed, first from stores, then 'well they are not selling enough' freaking Pepsi. 

[#] Sun Oct 06 2024 18:22:05 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: So Duh Stream?

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My family has been drinking a bit of flavored seltzer lately so the IGlet has been asking about maybe getting our sodastream machine back into use.
I don't remember what condition it's in or what we have on hand for consumables.
But I looked in the grocery store today and they want $30 for a bottle of CO2? WTF? How many bottles of seltzer does that make? It had better be hundreds because otherwise it's cheaper to buy seltzer.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2024 19:18:28 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: So Duh Stream?

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That is where they make their $.  Don't do it.

If you want to use the machine, get a regular tank, and an adapter.   My 10 pound tank costs me about 25 bucks to refill and lasts nearly a year with daily use.   Their mini tanks, a week perhaps.   If you dont care about the machine, get a tank and a beer gauge and an adapter for PET bottles ( that is what i do )

If you dont want to have a 10 pound tank sitting on the counter, depending one which model, you can get 2 pound paintball tanks that will fit up inside ( with an adapter ). that is over 2x what they offer.   I used to get those filled for 4 bucks.   

Sun Oct 06 2024 18:22:05 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: So Duh Stream?

My family has been drinking a bit of flavored seltzer lately so the IGlet has been asking about maybe getting our sodastream machine back into use.
I don't remember what condition it's in or what we have on hand for consumables.
But I looked in the grocery store today and they want $30 for a bottle of CO2? WTF? How many bottles of seltzer does that make? It had better be hundreds because otherwise it's cheaper to buy seltzer.


[#] Sun Oct 06 2024 19:27:59 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: So Duh Stream?

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Oh and not to get tooo far into the weeds..... But seltzer != CO2 water.   They add extra stuff.  Does it matter? Perhaps. It can change the flavor depending on the drink. 



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