My neighbor and I are planning on 3D printing up some explosive top Jarts now. I will let you know if the ring survives. If it does, I will let you know how the basement floor does with them.
Do you want it in a glass, or just in a puddle on the table?
Do you want a rocket with that rocket fuel?
Do you want it in a box? Do you want it with a fox? Do you like green legged spam? Do you like flan in a can?
Does a cactus wear a hat?
Does your beer come from a tap?
Does it snow inside your loft?
Does this whisky work or not?
I tried reading that backwards but it still doesn't make sense.
<< pours another round >>
Anyone hungry? I've got a recipe for kosher vegetarian haggis around here somewhere.
Here you go ... some great pub grub: an HLT (haggis, lettuce, and tomato) sandwich.
You enjoy that. I'm gonna go find some bacon and brown sauce so we can make real sarnies.
Sarnies, I am hooked from the (WWW) description here:
"gravy" has to have meat drippings in it. Brown sauce is popular across the pond, it is from what I can tell, sort of a less-sweet version of barbecue sauce.
"What is HP sauce and what does it taste like?" [ ]
HP sauce, and all the brown sauces (they are very similar) are spicy sauces to use with meat or egg dishes especially. Very much vinagary than BBQ sauces, not really related atall. More in common with chilli sauces almost, like a chilliusauce with the chilli takewn out and replaced with a weird concoxtion of spices.
It is the two sauces we use for a real fried breakfast here in England. People tend to put red sauce/ketchup on there chips/potato fries, and brown sauce on the meat/sausages etc...
so spicey ketchup without the tomatoes:)
As I understand it, the standard procedure is:
1. Spend the evening down at the pub getting pissed (which means "drunk," not "angry")
2. Cook up some bacon sarnies
3. Slather the bacon sarnies with HP Sauce
4. Eat until you're ready to start drinking again
If I got it right, it's time to pour another round and fire up the griddle...
Back when I could get streaming Absolute 80's (before they cut us off over in the colonies) - I heard an advert that was a PSA warning you not to fry chips while drunk. I thought it was hilarious, but now, I give pause to that humor.
Yeeehaaw! yeah mins's a guinness!! Got any veggie burgers? :P hey great idea - get the griddle on
------------------------------------------->Slides over a shot of Polish vodka for IG !!
You next AX!! ;)