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[#] Mon Oct 14 2013 16:35:09 EDT from Sig

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I have a renewed appreciation for my non-crazy spouse.

A coworker and good friend is at the beginning of an ugly divorce.
While I am only hearing one side, it's consistent with what we have seen
and known of them. There's a wonderful almost-3-year-old little girl
involved. Sucks.

[#] Fri Oct 18 2013 08:37:32 EDT from fleeb

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Children are almost always the victims in a divorce.

Although in the US, it has become a rite of passage.

[#] Mon Nov 11 2013 18:16:09 EST from anonymous

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*grumpy hat ON* just when you thought you'd safely compartmentalized any remaining feelings toward an old flame of 15 years ago, her mother shows up on facebook frothing mad at someone she's presumably dating, which sounds like it might be abusive, speaking in religious overtones and using words like "the devil."

what a piece of work those two (mother and daughter both) always were.

i don't need this. got enough problems of my own.

[#] Wed Nov 20 2013 13:48:13 EST from Shazam

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Old flames will always be old flames, most everyone has tender spots in their hearts for old flames. Even if they WERE crazy. :)
Wow, has it been 15 years already? Where has the time gone?

[#] Thu Nov 21 2013 11:47:22 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Nope. No tender spots here. Glad she's gone. Gadzooks, what a freaking psychopath she was.

[#] Thu Nov 21 2013 12:15:57 EST from Shazam

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You know why it was so important for you to have met and dated her? So you can appreicate Boo-boo all the more in life. if/when you ever disagree or even G-d forbid, fight, you can always look back and remember and realize how lucky you are.

[#] Thu Nov 21 2013 18:02:52 EST from anonymous

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Old flames will always be old flames, most everyone has tender spots in

their hearts for old flames. Even if they WERE crazy. :)
Wow, has it been 15 years already? Where has the time gone?

It has. We're all getting old.

Anyway, the dust has all settled. I gave the old friend a lecture, to which her response was.. silence. :-P

And then I went and got my rocks off elsewhere.

[#] Thu Nov 21 2013 22:40:09 EST from Shazam

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We ARE getting older, thank G-d. But I recall the phrase was "older and wiser".
Does anyone here feel any wiser? I see the older bit, when does "wise" kick in? I wouldn't mind a bit of that.

[#] Fri Nov 22 2013 18:02:33 EST from LoanShark

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When? Patience. To a true student, a year is as a day.

[#] Fri Nov 22 2013 21:54:22 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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A YEAR? I want to beat people up NOW.

[#] Sat Nov 23 2013 09:59:08 EST from anonymous

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Find your inner bully.

[#] Sat Nov 23 2013 11:27:43 EST from fleeb

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(On the subject of old flames)

[#] Sat Nov 23 2013 15:59:09 EST from triLcat

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not finding the wisdom.... just finding myself getting older and more decrepit.


[#] Sat Nov 23 2013 21:39:51 EST from Shazam

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Nov 22 2013 6:02pm from LoanShark @uncnsrd

When? Patience. To a true student, a year is as a day.

LS, I never knew how wise you were!
I hope with long patience and hard study I too can learn to be a wise guy

[#] Sat Nov 23 2013 21:40:53 EST from Shazam

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fleeb- can't stop laughing..

[#] Sun Nov 24 2013 11:10:15 EST from fleeb

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Spike Jones is awesome!

[#] Sat Dec 07 2013 12:28:53 EST from Sig

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I have the great fortune that I have no old flames; I met my wife in 2nd grade and concluded that I would probably have to marry her by 3rd grade. Took a while to convince her, though.

[#] Sat Dec 07 2013 16:40:43 EST from fleeb

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Pretty early for decisions like that, but I assume it somehow worked out well for you.

[#] Sun Dec 08 2013 19:58:34 EST from Sig

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13 years and counting. Complaints, but none worth mentioning most of the time, and I wouldn't trade her in for anything.

[#] Tue Dec 10 2013 16:57:02 EST from triLcat

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wow. Can't imagine how my twenties would've been without the angst of dumping and being dumped repeatedly...

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