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[#] Sat Oct 26 2024 20:54:42 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: San Francisco billboards call out tech firms for not paying for OSS

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Ya, if you profit or reduce overhead, give back. Dont be a *****. 


 ( from lxer's feed )

The issue of paying FOSS developers is neatly illustrated by Randall Munroe's classic xkcd 2347 comic titled Dependency that highlights how key software can often be maintained by a single individual – who is worthy of support, given the extent of reliance on their work.

[#] Mon Oct 28 2024 12:29:28 UTC from Nurb432

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Friend of mine just climbed on board the 'climate change' train. Too bad, i liked her, wont be talking to her much anymore. Tried to explain its a scam, has been proven to be by *real*, and independent, scientists. Only met with typical rants "we are all gonna die". Just cant understand its a money making/control scam. ( and ya, she is voting D... )

Aside from it not being a 'major sudden event' and instead a 'slow normal natural change' Earth does this all the time, its not us, we cant influence anything at a global scale. Sure, i guess locally, a town or something could be effected for a short term due to all the crop/tree destruction, water diversion, or a toxic leak or something, but logic isn't what drives the gravy train.

Even if we set off every nuclear bomb we have, even then, it would not even wipe out all life. and besides, earth would recover in time. We are an insignificant blip in the bigger picture. 

[#] Mon Oct 28 2024 18:15:32 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Satellites exploding

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Now, i do understand 'space is hard' and satellite failures do
happen, and even de-orbit in severe cases,  but an explosion?

They will blame it on Putin. Maybe they would be right, for a change.

[#] Mon Oct 28 2024 18:18:48 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Bones gone crap

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2024-10-24 10:23 from Nurb432
hit send too fast.

Im sure that if its caused due to a 'medical condition' it may
not be as easy reverted, if at all.  But with spaceflight, its
environmental, so it makes sense ( to me anyway ) it can be

I actually asked a doctor. His TL;DR answer is that recovery is possible but not up to 100%.

[#] Mon Oct 28 2024 22:21:32 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Bones gone crap

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Ill buy that. 

Mon Oct 28 2024 14:18:48 EDT from darknetuser Subject: Bones gone crap
I actually asked a doctor. His TL;DR answer is that recovery is possible but not up to 100%.


[#] Tue Oct 29 2024 02:37:10 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: San Francisco billboards call out tech firms for not paying for OSS

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The issue of paying FOSS developers is neatly illustrated by
Randall Munroe's classic xkcd 2347 comic titled Dependency that

XKCD jumped the shark a long time ago and Randall is kind of a dick, but let's talk about funding open source developers instead.

The idea of "you have to pay me for this free shit if you make money" is 540 degrees wrong. The big players *are* contributing by hiring developers to maintain and improve the open source ecosystem. Look at any of the major projects and you're going to find a lot of the developers employed by Google or Canonical or IBM Hat or even Micro$oft or Amazon.

If you want to make money writing open source software, hire on with a company that sponsors it. Otherwise, be like me and do it for the sheer love of the craft. Or ... do both!

[#] Tue Oct 29 2024 15:37:14 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: San Francisco billboards call out tech firms for not paying for OSS

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Clearly i dont agree. :)   Now, should it be *mandated*, of course not. ( then it would not be open... ) But if you are making money off it ( direct or indirect ), its just the right thing to do.  Riding on the backs of others and not giving back, i have an issue with.   Do you have to give them a % or millions or something silly like that? No of course not. But pitch in.

Mon Oct 28 2024 22:37:10 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: San Francisco billboards call out tech firms for not paying for OSS

The idea of "you have to pay me for this free shit if you make money" is 540 degrees wrong. 


[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 04:23:37 UTC from pepz

Subject: really

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releasing this much c02 is bound to have some effect. Why would you think it wouldn't?

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 10:31:25 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: really

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it makes plants happy. Its a major component of their diet.


Now, off to make some flavored fizz water

Fri Nov 01 2024 00:23:37 EDT from pepz Subject: really

releasing this much c02 is bound to have some effect. Why would you think it wouldn't?


[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 14:45:37 UTC from Nurb432

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Well good for them.  Bit too late tho. Doubt they ever dig out of that hole they dug.


"Top airline manufacturer Boeing dissolved its global diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) division amid significant financial losses, union strikes, and scrutiny over safety and production issues, Bloomberg reported Thursday."

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 17:06:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: If it's a Boeing, I ain't going

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Good for them, now go through every single engineer that was hired under that program and re-evaluate them for merit. There are life safety issues at stake here.

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 17:11:03 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Possible maintenance window this weekend

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Hey everyone ... if I manage to find the time and energy this weekend, I may take the system down for an hour or so to do some maintenance. So if you try to log in to Uncensored later tonight (Friday) or maybe on Saturday, and it isn't answering, just go have a cup of coffee or go for a nice walk, and come back in a bit.

I've been putting off this maintenance for years. I have to convert the database to 64-bit so I can finally get rid of this old 32-bit VM. Now that I have hardware fast enough to do it in under an hour, it's about time.

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 17:19:09 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Possible maintenance window this weekend

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ill just start a rumor the 'system' finally got ya.




[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 23:10:01 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Possible maintenance window this weekend

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Well here we are on the other side the migration.  Looks ok so far, but if anything appears out of place let me know.

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 23:25:43 UTC from LoanShark

Subject: Re: Possible maintenance window this weekend

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Getting a connection refused on port 22. Webcit (if you still call it that) is functional though.

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 23:34:35 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Possible maintenance window this weekend

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Ok, working on that now. Text client will be back shortly. I'm finally running Uncensored on the containerized version of Citadel and there's not (yet) a provision for that so I have to string that up manually. I also see that the landing page is wrong (it goes to the Lobby instead of the welcome wiki).

So I'll be working on those things over the next hour or so. Right now I'm more concerned about making sure there's nothing wrong with the data itself.
Missing or misplaced messages, rooms, user accounts, pointers in the wrong place, things like that. So far it looks like everything is in place except for the UI issues noted above.

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 23:53:29 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Possible maintenance window this weekend

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Text client via both telnet and SSH should be working now.

[#] Sat Nov 02 2024 00:51:32 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Possible maintenance window this weekend

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[#] Sat Nov 02 2024 01:38:06 UTC from Nurb432

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Bleh. .almost 945 pm. Fireworks going off since 830.. wtf..

[#] Sat Nov 02 2024 16:35:19 UTC from Nurb432

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Seems it was some sort of "Hindu holiday" and the cops finally broke it up near midnight.  Should have beat them to a pulp, then tossed them all in jail. No excuse.  And i they are green card holders, expel them. We don't act like that here, so they have no business being here.

And sure, if its early evening blow your horn for a few mins if you like, whatever, but you don't bother the entire area in the middle of the night for hours on end.

Sat Nov 02 2024 01:38:06 UTC from Nurb432

Bleh. .almost 945 pm. Fireworks going off since 830.. wtf..


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