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[#] Tue Sep 03 2024 13:33:23 UTC from Nurb432

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While being a 'bell baby' i know we don't agree on the breakup and such, but i do agree 100% that its not "your father's at&t", so to speak.

Tue Sep 03 2024 09:07:52 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

. It's owned by AT&T (another company that has little to do with its namesake, the name having been acquired). 


[#] Tue Sep 03 2024 22:15:03 UTC from Nurb432

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So Saturday a Walmart package was dropped off. not mine. No address to where i could run it over to them.  Never came back to collect it.   So I returned it to Walmart today when i was out and about. They looked at me funny "why didn't you just keep it" "um, its not mine.."

[#] Thu Sep 05 2024 04:35:36 UTC from TheInnkeeper

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It says a lot about where we are today when honest people are judged .. for being honest.

Tue Sep 03 2024 18:15:03 EDT from Nurb432

So Saturday a Walmart package was dropped off. not mine. No address to where i could run it over to them.  Never came back to collect it.   So I returned it to Walmart today when i was out and about. They looked at me funny "why didn't you just keep it" "um, its not mine.."


[#] Thu Sep 05 2024 14:57:47 UTC from Nurb432

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Just noticed today that Disney also owns ABC..   The ones hosting the debate.  So that is blacked out too if no deal is reached in time.



Sure, there will be alternative sources, but it would effect a lot of people that are not smart enough. "my TV is blank, i guess i cant watch it"

Tue Sep 03 2024 09:07:52 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I do believe that Walt would be horrified to see the disgusting company that still bears his name. Zombie Walt needs to come around and dispatch them.

DirecTV is another giant, though. It's owned by AT&T (another company that has little to do with its namesake, the name having been acquired). Carriage disputes happen all the time, though.


[#] Sat Sep 07 2024 19:41:19 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Most of the big retailers have the cost of mistakes built in to their pricing models. I've had incidents where I received the wrong thing, or something I didn't order, or even too many of what I ordered ... only to have the retailer tell me to keep it when I asked for return instructions. Unless it's a very high value item, the cost of dealing with the return is often too high for it to be worth it for them.

This is especially true for ebay retailers ... they'll do anything to avoid the dreaded negative feedback.

[#] Sat Sep 07 2024 19:45:37 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Just noticed today that Disney also owns ABC..   The ones

Disney has owned ABC for almost 30 years. Even before that, they had a bit of a relationship. I remember watching "The Wonderful World of Walt Disney" (back when it was wonderful, because Walt) on ABC when I was just a little IG.

[#] Sat Sep 07 2024 19:49:14 UTC from Nurb432

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Ya, just never noticed. Not big into that TV/Movie stuff so don't pay attention.

Sat Sep 07 2024 15:45:37 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Just noticed today that Disney also owns ABC..   The ones

Disney has owned ABC for almost 30 years. Even before that, they had a bit of a relationship. I remember watching "The Wonderful World of Walt Disney" (back when it was wonderful, because Walt) on ABC when I was just a little IG.


[#] Thu Sep 12 2024 12:49:04 UTC from Nurb432

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oooo possible major IT outages again today.  I know at the office we are struggling .. lots of stuff not working, but some is... ( and things across VPN wont work, but from web it will... )



[#] Thu Sep 19 2024 21:28:11 UTC from Nurb432

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That was fun.

Went to grocery. Pull up to the light, person beside me looks at me funny, rolls up their window.. Light turns green, they pull away, roll it back down. I guess they don't like Band-maid like that jerk from a week or so ( was also acoustic but song was 'manners' this time, not that anyone would care, but its on YouTube. From their Christmas special ). No taste around these parts apparently. 

In the store, woman walks up, "smile" .. looked at her blankly, "why" and waked off.  Same thing happened at work a decade ago.. weirdo people. leave me alone.  

On way out of the lot, song came on, same one from above as it wasn't done yet.. An older Asian woman loading her car with food, thumbs up as i drove past.    

[#] Mon Sep 30 2024 16:20:50 UTC from Nurb432

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No real details but "A server went down and is causing access issues in the Midwest region" For both Verizon and T-mobile


"A" server? I really hope they dont mean that. 

[#] Tue Oct 01 2024 15:28:17 UTC from Nurb432

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lol, piss off your users, they retaliate within the confines of your rules, then you try to prevent them from retaliating in the future.  Then you lose users..

People never learn.


"Moderators now need Reddit's permission to turn subreddits private, NSFW"

[#] Fri Oct 04 2024 00:10:12 UTC from Nurb432

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So if you are with out power, or a home, and want FEMA assistance, you have to magically get online and fill out a form.

what the hell.


( oh, and they are offering a one time payment of about 750 bucks.   What a freaking joke. government is giving out thousands to illegals.. )

[#] Fri Oct 04 2024 14:12:56 UTC from Nurb432

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I dont know how some people can find their way out bed in the morning they are so stupid.  Darwin was right, but we changed the rules by protecting, even encouraging, the non-fit to survive.

[#] Fri Oct 04 2024 14:14:49 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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[[ mandatory reference to Idiocracy being ture ]]

[#] Sun Oct 06 2024 15:25:41 UTC from Nurb432

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New (rental) neighbors set out an old tube TV for big trash day.  I bet they are too stupid to understand why it was left and now sits in the front yard 4 days later, 'trashing up' the area.

Needs to be picked up, and tossed thru their front window.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2024 19:32:03 UTC from Nurb432

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Ok i guess ill give them a slight amount of credit.  They moved it up near their storage shed, so its at least not sitting out at the street.

There is a place in the next town south that will accept stuff like this, at no charge. 

[#] Mon Oct 07 2024 21:21:37 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Reddit sucks

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"Moderators now need Reddit's permission to turn subreddits
private, NSFW"

Well, Reddit has been in decline so long it is no longer funny.

The sad part is that Reddit is the main source for general questions/answers that remains semi-searchable. By this I mean lots of people uses Google to fish for answers in Reddit, because answers fished from anywhere else in the Internet are quite degraded in quality. This is a shame because Reddit itself is not good, it is only "less worse."

[#] Tue Oct 08 2024 02:04:25 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Reddit sucks

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And at the same time, search results turning up Reddit threads are skyrocketing, because Reddit has given the search engines (or at least Goolag, I guess) direct access to their message base. I think this has something to do with a shared objective of training large language models on such a large corpus of (ostensibly) human conversation.

Might be useful, but at the end of the day, reddit is really just a very large BBS.

[#] Tue Oct 08 2024 02:24:07 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

Subject: Re: Reddit sucks

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Mon Oct 07 2024 22:04:25 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Reddit sucks

but at the end of the day, reddit is really just a very large BBS.

That is an insult to every BBS in existence ;)

[#] Tue Oct 08 2024 17:11:35 UTC from Nurb432

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Its not worthy of being in support as the days of old web-cit are numbered, and its NOT important in the least. But i have always wondered, why does this happen? It cuts off the end of the room name every so often. 

Yesterday it had T at the end and the day before that both T and Y..


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