And the latest from the new-and-improved "Yes, be evil" Google...
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The world's biggest web advertising company is putting an ad blocker directly into its own popular web browser. Ironic, don't you think? What are the chances that Google will block Google ads?
I'm sure they're hoping that with an ad blocker built into Chrome, people will be less eager to install AdBlockPlus because the built in one is "good enough" and then conveniently it won't block Google's own ads.
I'll keep using AdBlockPlus, thank you very much ... but then again, I've already switched back to Firefox.
In other news [ ] , Oracle has managed to revive its zillion-dollar lawsuit against EvilGoogle, regarding the use of Java in the Android platform. An appeals court has allowed them to reopen the case under the premise that although the Java API's are freely available to application developers, they're not freely available to those building competing platforms.
It sounds a bit outrageous, but the free world no longer cares, since Google (or more precisely, Alphabet) is no longer part of the free world, but is now just one more Evil Tech Titan.
As is usually the case with these things, in the words of Henry Kissinger, "it's a pity they can't both lose."
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So you'll finally be able to run Linux on ChromeOS, which runs on Linux.
Now you won't have any of that pesky privacy on your Linux anymore! (Well at least we won't have Richard H. Stallman running around screaming at everyone that you have to call it "GNU/ChromeOS")
I guess it was bound to happen:
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Google has now removed the famous "Don't Be Evil" motto from its code of conduct.
The phrase has been with them since 2000 or so. In the context of that era, "evil" was what Microsoft was doing at the time, and Google wanted to paint themselves as anything other than the monopolist behemoth Microsoft was then.
Today, with control of large swaths of the Internet (and with it, the eyes and minds of anyone who isn't red-pilled to what they're doing), doing and being evil isn't just acceptable to Google -- it's mandatory.
The people who run Google have probably always had the seeds of evil within them, but they didn't express it *as a company*. Today they absolutely do.
Restore Privacy collects alternatives to Google products, it's not just Firefox, DuckDuckGo and Tutanota; privacy-oriented options include NextCloud for storage, Matomo for web anaytics, Etar for calendars, and HookTube for relaying YouTube videos.
This article was in my Google news feed, on my Pixel 2. However when saved the link saved it as a link to Google solitary.
I have successfully boycotted all things Google for four and a half years. (And Amazon for almost a year.)
Damore you know about El Goog, Damore you know they're evil.
From "Leaked Video: Google Leadership's Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election":
'Stating “we all need a hug,” she then instructs the audience of Google employees to hug the person closest to them.'
Mandatory physical contact!
The official response to requests for comment: "Nothing was said at that meeting, or any other meeting, to suggest that any political bias ever influences the way we build or operate our products."
Who you gonna believe: El Goog, or your lyin' eyes?
I'd like to boycott Amazon but it would make my life too hard. I'm living in the country now (since April) and Amazon is an essential I can't afford to be without. That may be a stretch. I won't die if Amazon goes away, but it would definitely make things more difficult. There aren't many nearby stores.
I wonder if one could build a viable alternative to either of the services provided by those two companies and promote it enough to gain any traction with those who despise the larger companies.
I've found to be a great replacement for almost all supplements I was getting through Amazon. For books, has free worldwide shipping.
A company that In my understanding has never made a profit but it the first Trillion Dollar company in the world.. Only in A MARICA I guess..........
Fri Sep 14 2018 04:37:51 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Jeff Bezos is just a facial scar and a persian cat away from being a villain in a James Bond movie.
Realist - Everybody in America is soft, and hates conflict. The cure for this, both in politics and social life, is the same -- hardihood. Give them raw truth.
"We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just put our hand in the next guy's pocket."
I'm pretty sure APPLE was the first trillion dollar company. A few weeks later, Amazon became the second.
I've found to be a great replacement for almost all
supplements I was getting through Amazon.
If you *really* want to stick it to the man, get your supplements from
I just didn't know YouTube had any such thing as friend requests. Is that new?
I guess they've figured out that nobody is going to use Google+ and they have to add social features to a platform that someone actually uses.
Too bad. I had high hopes for G+ simply because it isn't F*c*book. But now that Google are douchebags too, it doesn't matter.