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[#] Thu Mar 24 2016 14:29:52 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I clicked on a note and Google popped up on my screen and told me that note was censored for social consciousness reasons.

[#] Tue Apr 19 2016 08:33:19 UTC from the_mgt

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Why are you fighting about which of the two Adblocks is the right one to use, if there was AdblockEdge and now uBlock?

I found Adblock form Eyeoyoeoy and the other one to be shady from the beginning. The only thing Eyeo gets right is the installer on windows. How I hate the fucking mozilla approach of installing an adblocker on a per user base. On some computers, I want to instal it once so that every user automatically uses it. But no, that is not how we do it. Even if you manage to do that, it would fucking ask every user if it was ok to load the plugin. Most of them click "no" because I trained them not to click on yes for plugins.

[#] Thu Apr 21 2016 17:09:44 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Some have similar names. The "good" one is AdBlock Plus. AdBlock (not plus) is the one with that little weener and his wife begging you for money every time you fire it up on a different browser.

[#] Thu Jun 09 2016 12:55:26 UTC from zooer

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This guy claims he is being sued for using the Google Play store. Not by Google or another company but by patent-trolls.  ( seven min video)

[#] Sat Jun 11 2016 14:59:54 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Unfinished joke:

Siri, Alexa, and Cortana walk into a bar...

...???? Trying to figure out a good punch line for this. I'm thinking Google is probably the bartender and needs to say something witty and clever.

[#] Thu Jul 07 2016 23:59:17 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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As everyone knows, Google Doodles aren't cool anymore because they now use them as yet-another vehicle for political correctness.

I have a text-only (less than 1 KB) Google search page that I use, and I figured I'd share it with anyone else who wants to use it:

[ ]

There's also a Chrome extension [ ] called "New Tab Redirect" that will allow Chrome to open new tabs on the page of your choice instead of its built-in new tab page (which always displays the annoying doodles).

[#] Fri Jul 08 2016 02:57:58 UTC from zooer

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Tue Mar 22 2016 11:20:03 PM EDT from -1'
Click on any note to edit it.

I love messages from -1......


Well, how did it get here?

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

[#] Fri Jul 08 2016 02:58:32 UTC from zooer

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Tue Mar 22 2016 11:20:03 PM EDT from -1'
Click on any note to edit it.


[#] Fri Jul 08 2016 03:00:52 UTC from zooer

Subject: Re: Goo Tube

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Can you enter a message in the room after "-1"'s message?  If you reply quoted it doesn't work.

[#] Fri Jul 08 2016 03:01:17 UTC from zooer

Subject: Re: Goo Tube

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The answer is yes.  However you can't quote that message.

[#] Tue Jul 12 2016 14:45:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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-1 is the opcode for "same as it ever was"

[#] Tue Jul 12 2016 15:12:16 UTC from zooer

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Hey, how did I get here?

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 19:44:11 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Google brought you here, silly.

[#] Mon Jul 25 2016 15:42:45 UTC from zooer

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I had to get Google hangouts.... had to.  I use Google Voice, but I had to have Google hangouts because voice was being phased out.  It never was.  Now they say they are going to phase out, hangouts.... which I don't really like.  I just want to receive text messages on my Google voice number, that is all.

[#] Mon Jul 25 2016 15:48:13 UTC from zooer

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What the hell?  My message disappeared and that replaced it?

[#] Mon Jul 25 2016 15:48:40 UTC from zooer

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[#] Mon Jul 25 2016 23:50:39 UTC from zooer

Subject: Re: Goo Tube

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What happened to my messages?  Always the possibility the sysop is purposely and deliberately deleting the messages.  (or not)

[#] Wed Jul 27 2016 18:10:27 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I started using Google Photos as a tertiary backup for my pictures. I kind of like it, even though it's so limited.

Apparently there used to be integration with Picasa for certain features (like de-dupe)... But guess what? Picasa is dead.

Sadly, many of the products Google is buying (and then killing) are then replaced with lesser versions.

What the hell?

[#] Fri Jul 29 2016 01:04:21 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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never was.  Now they say they are going to phase out, hangouts....

What what? Is it being replaced by something else? Hangouts works much better than Skype for me.

[#] Fri Jul 29 2016 03:44:53 UTC from zooer

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I have heard it was going away, then I heard it isn't going away... at least not for a while.


On the Android there are new in testing apps called "allo" and "Duo". Allo is the messaging app and Duo is allows one on one video chatting, not multiple people video chatting. 


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