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[#] Fri May 17 2024 00:29:59 UTC from zelgomer

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2024-05-16 21:23 from nonservator <>

I demand and if anyone bitches I'll say "what,
you think fat people don't search?"

For a hot dog, maybe!

[#] Fri May 17 2024 00:30:37 UTC from zelgomer

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2024-05-16 21:57 from Nurb432 <>
speaking of tinder.

Got a 'Ukraine Beauty' spam/scam email this evening.   Been a while
and didnt even notice they were gone.. .  Used to get them all the
time until the media lost interest in the war...

Was she purdy?

[#] Fri May 17 2024 11:17:31 UTC from Nurb432

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Didn't look. Just saw a few in my spam folder.  ( i do a quick glance at subjects before manual deletion, i dont trust filters. I see legit stuff get tagged too often. )

Thu May 16 2024 20:30:37 EDT from zelgomer
Was she purdy?


[#] Sat May 18 2024 18:34:30 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-05-08 15:03 from Nurb432
Anther round today.  They are f-ing with the dates this time. Dates
several years into the future.  I assume to get past people that
sort by date, so its on top no matter what?


And oddly, some were dated 1980... 

Bad dating is a known tactic, and not very old. Spam filters actually use bad dating as a criteria for flagging email as spam.

[#] Sat May 18 2024 18:38:30 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-05-16 17:57 from Nurb432
speaking of tinder.

Got a 'Ukraine Beauty' spam/scam email this evening.   Been a while

and didnt even notice they were gone.. .  Used to get them all the
time until the media lost interest in the war...

Ukraine Beauty scam used to be dished out very intensively well before the Ukrainian war. The war just increased the interest.

Funny enough, I don't remember finding much more Ukraine scamming increasing as a consequence of the war.

[#] Sat May 18 2024 19:31:41 UTC from Nurb432

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Yea couple of girls i know.. oh wait.. wrong date..  



Sat May 18 2024 14:34:30 EDT from darknetuser
Bad dating is a known tactic, 


[#] Tue May 21 2024 18:31:56 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ukraine Beauty scam used to be dished out very intensively well before

the Ukrainian war. The war just increased the interest.

I would have guessed that Ukraine would have become the alleged location of 419 scammers. After all, she's got millions of dollars and she needs your help getting it out of the country before the russkies get it...

Meanwhile, I came to the realization today that when my phone rejects an incoming call from a known spammer (which is handled by the Android software using an API call to Google's spam database, I think) the mobile network seems to be sending the spammer to my busy/noanswer forwarding number. 

Quite a long time ago I changed that number from T-Mobile's voice mail system to my work number, so the cell would roll over to my work phone, and then to my work voicemail, so I'd only have one mailbox to check. Later I disabled my work voicemail completely, because 100% of incoming telephone calls are garbage.

Normally I don't even turn on my work phone anymore for that reason, but I was expecting a call so on it came. And I got a spam forwarded from my cell, because why wouldn't I want to buy an extended warranty for my truck?

So out that goes. Now if I don't answer my cell or if the line is busy, it forwards to Santa's Hotline. After all ... 99% of the people who try to call me are spammers, scammers, and other people on the naughty list.

[#] Tue May 21 2024 18:39:57 UTC from Nurb432

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Should forward them to the White House.  

[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 00:43:22 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Dear Mr. Orazio:

Please be served with this notice that I have forwarded your email to an entire community of readers.

It is 20:42 here in US/Eastern time zone.  Your "trojan" will no doubt discover that I have read your email and shared it.

Do your worst.  We're all waiting with a big bowl of popcorn in hand.


Tue Jun 04 2024 04:54:23 PM EDT from yul orazio <>Subject: Fwd:

Good day.
Your system has been hacked with a Trojan virus.
It has penetrated your device through adult portals which you sometimes visit.
Some spicy videos contain malicious code that activates after being turned on. Your entire information has already been copied to my servers.

I possess complete control over your device which you use to access the Internet.
I can see your screen, I can use a microphone and a camera in a way that you never notice anything.

I've already made a screen recording.
A video was edited with a pornographic movie that you were watching at that time and masturbating.
Your face is perfectly visible and I don’t think that this kind of content will have a positive impact on your reputation.

I have an overall access to your list of contacts and the social media profiles. I can send this video from your E-mail or the messengers.

If you don't want to let this happen, then you only need to take one simple step.
Just transfer 1200 USD (US dollars) to Bitcoin wallet: bc1qdayrfykzrjv8w3ynjf49ugf8063kl5sk03g9w5

(In a Bitcoin equivalent at the exchange rate for the time of transfer)
You can find the detailed instructions in Google.

After the payment I will remove the video and the virus from your device and no one will bother you anymore.
If I won’t receive the payment in due time, all of your data and the videos will become publicly available.

I give you 2 business days.

I shall receive a notification that you have read the letter.
The timer starts immediately.
Any complain somewhere, including the police, is useless. My wallet and an E-mail cannot be tracked.

If I find out that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will become publicly available at once.
I will destroy your reputation forever and all your data will go public.

Everyone will learn about your passion for the porn sites and more. Changing the passwords will be useless either as all the data is already on my servers.

Don't forget that reputation is very important and be prudent!

[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 11:31:55 UTC from Nurb432

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At least he was not a scary 'elite professional hacker' like some of my say.   :) 

Every so often i do take a peek at spam like that as i delete them, just curious how badly written they are. 

Tue Jun 04 2024 20:43:22 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Dear Mr. Orazio:

Please be served with this notice that I have forwarded your email to an entire community of readers.


[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 11:47:14 UTC from darknetuser

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Dear Mr. Orazio:

Please be served with this notice that I have forwarded your email to
an entire community of readers.

I also received that one. I just paid. I want nobody to know I jerk off to pictures I download from

[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 12:15:06 UTC from Nurb432

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[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 14:15:51 UTC from fandarel

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I wonder if people actually fall for that nonsense. I suppose someone did, at some point, otherwise they would move on to some other tactic.
Last time I got one, I was having a bad day and figured what the heck, maybe after seeing the video some hot chick will turn up and want to pay me cash for more. I'm not opposed to be imfamous, as long as imfamy includes a nice chunk of cash. If I grow a moustache I might look a little like Ron Jeremy anyway.
It could happen. With about the same odds as these jerks actually getting any cash.

[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 14:22:28 UTC from Nurb432

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Only takes one to make it worthwhile.  Its mostly automated scripts anyway. 


Years ago a friend of mine was talking about her ( older ) aunt " she started giving thing away, buying stuff, but would not us what is up"  concerned for her health ( 'checking out, give it away' ) she finally got her to confess. " No, I'm ok, i am getting this check for helping out this prince.....  *ack*   Ran her to the bank right then to shut things down ..  too late....  Empty. 

[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 18:34:28 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-06-05 10:15 from fandarel
I wonder if people actually fall for that nonsense. I suppose someone

did, at some point, otherwise they would move on to some other tactic.

These bastards reuse their Bitcoin addresses. If you monitor them you will find some of them actually get transfers done to them.

[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 18:56:41 UTC from Nurb432

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Hmm didn't even think of that. Ya, you would see incoming money. 


Wed Jun 05 2024 14:34:28 EDT from darknetuser
 If you monitor them you will find some of them actually get transfers done to them.


[#] Thu Jun 06 2024 22:58:29 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I wonder if people actually fall for that nonsense. I suppose someone

did, at some point, otherwise they would move on to some other tactic.

The reason spam keeps coming is because it works.

The rate of return is miniscule, but since it costs basically nothing to send quadrillions of emails, even at a miniscule return rate it is profitable.

[#] Fri Jun 07 2024 02:25:11 UTC from msgrhys

Subject: I am a criminal mastermind

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*SCG = me

[#] Fri Jun 07 2024 12:22:14 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: I am a criminal mastermind

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Image toasted... 

[#] Fri Jun 07 2024 13:05:04 UTC from msgrhys

Subject: I am a criminal mastermind

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SCG = me

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