Seems that here in Indiana, they have dogs in many of the warehouse hubs for stuff like FedEx. "Eh, ok.." until you find out that the dogs are not sniffing for drugs, but instead cash.. and if they find some, your cash is seized and you have to file suit to prove its legit. Millions every year.
And i guess if you travel thru here with any amount of cash, you are liable to lose it in the same manner.
Most of the time when i buy a car, its in cash... "hi, here is 6 grand in the envelope, hand me the title and im out of your hair"
One time i did that, "wow, i expected a check or something" Umm like i would trust some random stranger to write me a check like that.
Sat Aug 24 2024 11:56:59 EDT from IGnatius T FoobarI've heard about that. There is an assumption that if you have a large amount of cash on hand you are obviously buying or selling drugs. There's no way that is constitutional but I guess no one has challenged it in any meaningful way.
"researchgate" A repository for research papers, requires an account. Rather appropriate name to have added 'gate' .
"Agile = making the easy complex. Making it so hard for customers they will never ask for anything ever again."
( and ya, i know i posted in bottom feeders.. as the people who had that idea are scumbags )
2024-09-01 19:30 from Nurb432
Spam seems down this weekend, almost zero. I wonder if they are
taking a holiday too.
Meanwhile, email servers at two of my jobs are receiving lots of email attempts from some "funteensex" domain. I kind of felt bad blocking the related domains and IPs because the teens seemed to be having a lot of fun and the emails weren't reaching any inbox anyway LOL