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[#] Mon Dec 30 2024 17:48:49 UTC from Nurb432

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Really are not all that smart are you? 

( ok, i broke a rule, i responded but geesh get a grip dude and climb out of your echo chamber )

Mon Dec 30 2024 16:26:06 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

Sigh. Christians live in your head rent-free.

Sun Dec 29 2024 22:40:44 UTC from Nurb432 false flag to get support by the un-intelligent sheep....

In theory even that bible thing could be considered at least PG-13, due to the violence..  ( some argue R rated even )



[#] Tue Dec 31 2024 17:12:36 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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My favorite action movie scene in the Bible ... second book of Kings, chapter 9: Jezebel is sitting by herself upstairs, and three guys show up and throw her out the window. Her blood spatters everywhere and a bunch of horses trample over what's left of her.

So yeah, if that were to be shot as a movie in an accurate way it would probably be R rated.

[#] Wed Jan 01 2025 12:16:53 UTC from Nurb432

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I figured you would understand my angle, with a more reasonable head.   It wasn't at all a 'bash' as some thought, it was just in the same theme, 'famous books/movie/TV' that would technically fall under the draconian restrictions.  And its one of the more famous books out there with violence embedded in that would raise it to at least the level PG.

Killing a few billion people ( and trillions of innocent animals ) in a flood is pretty violent too. 


Tue Dec 31 2024 17:12:36 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar
My favorite action movie scene in the Bible ... second book of Kings, chapter 9: Jezebel is sitting by herself upstairs, and three guys show up and throw her out the window. Her blood spatters everywhere and a bunch of horses trample over what's left of her.

So yeah, if that were to be shot as a movie in an accurate way it would probably be R rated.


[#] Fri Jan 03 2025 01:00:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well, occasionally you get those smartasses who go to a bookstore and start moving all of the Bibles into the "fiction" section. We call those people "those who deserve to be stabbed with a depleted uranium bookmark"

[#] Sun Jan 26 2025 12:39:18 UTC from Nurb432

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Seems one of Meta's biggest attorneys ( involved in their ludicrous AI suit ) has quit.  He feels that Zukerbug is now a Neo-Nazi.  Why? Because FB is going to again let people say "bad things", specifically about a particular small segment of our society, as that is the example they all seem to be using.    

So lets see, an attorney that does not believe in free speech is calling someone that is ( currently ) supporting it a Nazi. 



( disclaimer: i do happen to also disagree with the concept behind the 'example' they are using as 'bad things', but its still someones right to say it if that is what they feel. This is America last time i checked, not China )




[#] Thu Jan 30 2025 19:06:53 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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People in the reflexively offended idpol camp tend to think of anyone who doesn't bow to their ideology to be "nazi".  It's such an overused metaphor that even Mike Godwin would tell them to knock it off.

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