its still not an excuse for them to do it. Besides 99% of the population have zero concept of any of that. "i bought a phone.. its mine"
While i disagree with the concept, at the least if you were leasing features, didn't pay, then they vanished i understand. But this is different and if they do it, the flood gates open.
Wed Sep 25 2024 18:20:13 EDT from darknetuserIf you get stuff removed from your phone, you had it comming because you were knowingly using a backdoored system and took no precautions.
2024-09-25 18:25 from Nurb432
its still not an excuse for them to do it. Besides 99% of the
population have zero concept of any of that. "i bought a phone..
its mine"
That is quite the problem right there: that 99% of tech users are using tools they don't know anything about.
I know I sound elitist as fuck and people pans me when I bring this subject, but most consumers have no business using the IT tools they use with zero preparation.
When you are at a job position that requires you tu use a tool, you are usually expected to know how to use that tool. If you are supposed to drive a truck, you are expected to know how to drive a truck. Yes, fixing the truck when it breaks is a tech's job, but using the truck for regular operation is the driver's.
We have got the population used to the idea that they may be required to operate some IT system, but that the responsability of operating that IT system lays on the tech. This is the reason why the hot secretary the boss is fucking won't replenish the printer's ink when it runs out. "I am the secretary, I don't do computer things." Sorry, you actually do secretary things with a fucking computer and a fucking printer and the only reason you don't get kicked is because you have two enormous tits and because we have normalized that people does not need to know how to operate their printers.
Right, knowing the insides and out of the phone that you know how to operate, that is a techs job. its 2024, a phone is a consumer object, not much different in principle than a toaster. Turn it on, it does stuff.
Sure, it would be nice to have people understand more of the 'hows' 'whys' and 'risks' but its not a realistic expectation any more than they know how the screen on their TV works.." i turn it on, cat videos play, it dies, it goes to the shop". Most people don't have the brain power, or interest. "its a black box, it should spit out cat video when i want"
Wed Sep 25 2024 19:13:20 EDT from darknetuserIf you are supposed to drive a truck, you are expected to know how to drive a truck. Yes, fixing the truck when it breaks is a tech's job, but using the truck for regular operation is the driver's.
sort of like what i tell people at work
"Our users are idiots since they dont know how to xyz, it so simple" "Yes, you are right, they dont know as that is our job, its why we exist. And, i bet if you tried to do their job for a week, you would look like an idiot"
( tho that is veering OT of the room a bit.. )
Wed Oct 09 2024 13:04:52 EDT from Nurb432Looks like Musk sold out, is complying with Brazil court orders.
As always, money wins.
You are late to *that* party, man.
I know I sound elitist as fuck and people pans me when I bring this
subject, but most consumers have no business using the IT tools they
use with zero preparation.
Go ahead and be elitist. I agree. Most people don't deserve to have computers.
In other news, Jim's Blog seems to be down right now. Technical difficulties, or did they get him?
In the latest "truth is stranger than fiction" episode, InfoWars has been liquidated to pay for the bullshit judgment against Alex Jones, and the highest bidder at auction was ... The Onion.
I don't know what The Onion thinks it's going to do with the brand. It's worthless without Alex Jones. And they're kind of a has-been anyway. Real satire readers all went to the Babylon Bee anyway.
The inanity of this whole thing, the actions of the evil asshole Sandy Hook parents, none of it makes sense. And therefore, I now believe Alex. The massacre was a hoax. It's the only explanation that makes sense.
Personally i dont think onion is worth anything now either. They used to be funny, but they are trash now ( at least to me ). The Bee stepped up and took their place.
And while i didn't follow the entire story as i wasn't a fan of his either, what bit i did hear, i do agree what they did to Alex was wrong. But when you own the system, including the courts, its how it works.
One more step ... Told ya the farce of 'under 18 porn online laws' was just the beginning. Now, every.. single.. social media outlet has to track every single user and ID them, if they live in Australia. Next the UK. then the US. if you get online, you will have to ID yourself so you can be tracked.
Subject: Re: Australian "know your customer" laws.
Dude quit whining about your lack of pornhub access, you're too old for that trash.
One more step ... Told ya the farce of 'under 18 porn online laws' was just the beginning.
Subject: Re: Australian "know your customer" laws.
Shut the fuck up, you retarded niggerfaggot.
2024-12-13 23:54 from SouthernComputerGeek <>
Subject: Re: Australian "know your customer" laws.
Dude quit whining about your lack of pornhub access, you're too old
for that trash.
"If you don't do anything wrong then you have nothing to hide."
Subject: Re: Australian "know your customer" laws.
I was really making fun of him for opposing the porn laws, not Australia's social media law.
2024-12-13 23:54 from SouthernComputerGeek <>
Subject: Re: Australian "know your customer" laws.
Dude quit whining about your lack of pornhub access, you're too old
for that trash.
"If you don't do anything wrong then you have nothing to hide."
2024-12-15 04:27 from SouthernComputerGeek <>
Subject: Re: Australian "know your customer" laws.
I was really making fun of him for opposing the porn laws, not
Australia's social media law.
But that's the point - they're one in the same.
Subject: Re: Australian "know your customer" laws.
Once the infrastructure is in place to require a government-issued ID to view a porn site ... and keep records of the actual end user who accessed the site ... there is no way that infrastructure doesn't get used for just about everything else.
I want people to have access to porn because I want people to have access to everything -- not because I do or do not approve of any particular thing, but because IT ISN'T THE GOVERNMENT'S JOB to decide.
And the last time ill climb on my soapbox. "adult oriented" content is NOT just contained to the porn false flag to get support by the un-intelligent sheep. It covers a whole cast of totally legal activities and topics:
- Firearms ( last few years, most sales sites already ask if you are 18 )
- Alcohol ( 21 )
- Drugs ( medicinal or otherwise )
- MA books.. Ever read a Steven king book? What about about discussing ammo reloading? A book discussing WWII? Yep. Libraries are next to start carding you at the door and segregating out books.
- A whole host of documentaries and lots of "news".
- "PG" or "MA" shows/movies could easily fall under this as it requires parental approval. So there goes chunk of Disney too.. the entire Marvel series.. gone. Star wars? Gone. Hell one could even track watching of road runner due to the violence and use of explosives.
- All a movie needs is some drinking, or violence or smoking and its adult targeted. So there goes most movies if they want to get technical.
- In theory even that bible thing could be considered at least PG-13, due to the violence.. ( some argue R rated even )
- And of course many many more things we see/do/talk/read on a daily basis that we don't give a second thought.
So back to pretty much everything requiring being 'carded' for tracking purposes on the serfs, as i keep saying.
And yes, its unconstitutional for a variety of reasons. ( tho i realize countries like Australia and the UK operate under different rules )
Oh and those that support taking rights away, deserve none of their own. ( sorry to paraphrase Ben F somewhat, but its true, and i do believe that )
Sigh. Christians live in your head rent-free.
Sun Dec 29 2024 22:40:44 UTC from false flag to get support by the un-intelligent sheep....
In theory even that bible thing could be considered at least PG-13, due to the violence.. ( some argue R rated even )
Seriously, Nurb, why can't you even go a month without complaining about Christians? Christians built this country, yet you can't stand not expressing your hatred for them.
Mon Dec 30 2024 16:26:06 UTC from SouthernComputerGeekSigh. Christians live in your head rent-free.
Sun Dec 29 2024 22:40:44 UTC from false flag to get support by the un-intelligent sheep....
In theory even that bible thing could be considered at least PG-13, due to the violence.. ( some argue R rated even )