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[#] Fri Aug 16 2024 10:10:10 UTC from nonservator

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Fuck that retarded wanna-be nigger.

[#] Sun Aug 18 2024 18:35:04 UTC from Nurb432

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I guess the new law here about registering for 'adult oriented content', while it had an injunction for a while, that was struck down while it makes its way thru court. The rationale "well, Texas has a law just like it"  Um. no, that is not a valid reason to allow an unconstitutional law to be enforced while its being tied up in the courts

S i guess that means any site that 'might have adult oriented content' that is accessible here in this state must either block access outright , or start collecting ID and track every access, and report it back to the state.    Which is nearly everything, if you want to 'go there' with how intentionally vague that rule is.

[#] Sun Aug 18 2024 19:36:23 UTC from SouthernComputerGeek

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Bro really wants his pornhub access back.

[#] Mon Aug 19 2024 16:02:04 UTC from nonservator

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Reason magazine (honk honk honk) ran a debate in 2005, I think, between the CEO of Cypress Semiconductor and the CEO of Whole Foods regarding the role of business in shaping social policy. Cypress CEO took the old-school "I don't give a shit about social policy; I just want to make money for shareholders" position, and the Whole Foods CEO took the position that it was desirable (and profitable) to use one's market position to "nudge" people toward desired social outcomes.

Knowing the general makeup of that magazine's readers, which side would you think "won the debate" according to the readers?

If you said Cypress, you're wrong.

Fuck those clowns at "Reason" (honk honk honk).

[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 21:41:18 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Fuck those clowns at "Reason" (honk honk honk).

+1000 amplify that!

Their idea of "reason" is "atheism" which I prefer to call "stupid".

[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 23:05:07 UTC from Nurb432

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Wont say exactly where other than dark web.. but a book site, the 2 top books for the week is Uncle Fester's meth book and some Japanese porn magazine.

I used to have most of Uncle Fester's books back in the old days.  Got rid of them all as PDFs became available since the were sort of 'neat to have, but not take up shelf space'.  Paladin Press. Such a loss to the freedom community when they folded.

[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 23:07:14 UTC from Nurb432

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Ok i know im slow with humor, and not up on a lot of things...  but i dont get the 'honk' reference.

Mon Aug 19 2024 12:02:04 EDT from nonservator

Reason magazine (honk honk honk) .



[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 23:13:29 UTC from Nurb432

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Loompanics books too.. I had forgot about them. Another loss when they went away. ( tho i think their writers were eventually published by Paladin, but i could be remembering that wrong its been decades )

[#] Thu Aug 22 2024 00:49:37 UTC from nonservator

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Clown World in general, but also a podcast I listened to liked to insert a clown horn sound effect every time he said "Reason magazine".

[#] Thu Aug 22 2024 00:53:49 UTC from Nurb432

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Ah ok.

i was thinking perhaps a clown nose..  but same idea at least, so i was close :)

[#] Sat Aug 24 2024 16:03:14 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Some folks also like to say the words "honk honk" in deadpan when they're talking their way around a banned topic on a non free speech platform like youtube.

[#] Sun Aug 25 2024 19:16:15 UTC from Nurb432

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Ouch. Not verified this however.



"On Saturday, authorities in France arrested Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the encrypted messaging app Telegram whose platform has gained in popularity as authoritarian regimes have flexed their censorship powers in a sweeping crackdown on dissent, especially across the pond.

The 39-year-old billionaire was taken into custody by police after he landed at Le Bourget airport at around 8 p.m. after he flew in from Azerbaijan, according to French media outlet TF1 Info.

The country’s authorities reportedly claim that Telegram’s encryption tools make it complicit in such criminal activity as drug trafficking, conspiracy, and pedophilia although the warrant was only subject to enforcement if Durov was on French soil, which he was when his private plane landed."

[#] Sun Aug 25 2024 21:00:22 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-08-25 15:16 from Nurb432
Ouch. Not verified this however.



"On Saturday, authorities in France arrested Pavel Durov, the
founder and CEO of the encrypted messaging app Telegram whose
platform has gained in popularity as authoritarian regimes have
flexed their censorship powers in a sweeping crackdown on
dissent, especially across the pond.

European Democracy is a joke in bad taste.

I will grant something to the Russians. They have principles. The Russian government has issued an inane no-statement, but some important Russian figures have popped up and pretty much declared they don't care if Durov has French or Arab papers, because he was a Russian dissident, and that meant it was "their" dissident.

[#] Tue Aug 27 2024 14:51:04 UTC from Nurb432

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"Mark Zuckerberg admits Facebook censorship, vows to push back on pressure by WH for censorship and curb election donations"


Ya, only because its not going his way now. If it is, hes 100% all-in.   Scumbag.

[#] Sat Aug 31 2024 13:49:54 UTC from Nurb432

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Im afraid we will see this sort of thing here on January 7th. When Harris puts out 1000s of executive orders, that have already been drafted. FreeSpeech, gone. 2A, gone.. Personal income, gone.....and many others.  I bet they allow extradition for Musk, since regardless of the things i don't like him for, he does get credit for not playing ball with the government.


"Last week, Musk closed X’s offices in Brazil as the battle with de Moraes intensified after the judge threatened to arrest employees for not complying with his orders to remove certain accounts.

The judge, who has been dubbed “Darth Vader” by Musk, took the war to an entirely new level with his ban and the threat of financial ruin to anyone who uses a VPN to skirt the unelected judicial tyrant’s diktat, with violators to face fines of up to $9,000 a day in what The New York Times described as “a highly unusual move.”

De Moraes called Musk an “outlaw” in his order, accusing him of intending to “allow the massive spread of disinformation, hate speech and attacks on the democratic rule of law, violating the free choice of the electorate, by keeping voters away from real and accurate information.”

[#] Sat Sep 07 2024 20:06:21 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Im afraid we will see this sort of thing here on January 7th.

Even if the election is stolen successfully, Kommie Kunt Kamala won't take power until January 20 :)

[#] Sat Sep 07 2024 20:15:44 UTC from Nurb432

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Ya, true. Wasn't thinking about that.  But, still.. before Feb. 

Sat Sep 07 2024 16:06:21 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Even if the election is stolen successfully, Kommie Kunt Kamala won't take power until January 20 :)


[#] Wed Sep 11 2024 17:17:32 UTC from Nurb432

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Free-walls are really getting annoying.

Its not going to stop the bots, which is just an excuse to let them better track what WE say and read.

[#] Mon Sep 23 2024 12:24:57 UTC from Nurb432

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Due to a court order in Argentina, they are demanding that google immediately remove apps from android devices. its one thing to remove things from their store ( this was side loaded however ), its their house, their rules, but if they comply and touch devices, this will be the beginning of the end.  ( i still remember when Amazon accidentally removed 1984 from kindle devices.. Went over like a lead balloon.)

( all related to stupid IP and media industry attacking everyone that breathes, but that's for another day )

[#] Wed Sep 25 2024 22:20:13 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-09-23 08:24 from Nurb432
Due to a court order in Argentina, they are demanding that
google immediately remove apps from android devices. its one
thing to remove things from their store ( this was side loaded
however ), its their house, their rules, but if they comply and
touch devices, this will be the beginning of the end.  ( i
still remember when Amazon accidentally removed 1984 from kindle
devices.. Went over like a lead balloon.)

( all related to stupid IP and media industry attacking everyone
that breathes, but that's for another day )

If you get stuff removed from your phone, you had it comming because you were knowingly using a backdoored system and took no precautions.

I might come across as callous as fuck, but seriously, what did people expect? You use a machine you have no root powers on, and somebody else does. It has to go bad.

I think Google actually wants to move on from Android into the next new thing anyway, so I expect stock Android to become crappier and crappier as Google stops caring.

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