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[#] Wed Oct 25 2023 16:33:09 UTC from Nurb432

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not a fan of collars.  they seem not to work unless the flea is on their head or something. 



Wed Oct 25 2023 08:37:45 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Our pussies have now brought fleas into the house. :(

I think one may have had a flea collar that was a little older than it should have been. The last two weeks have been a hellscape of treatment and cleaning.


[#] Thu Oct 26 2023 20:01:08 UTC from LoanShark

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Our pussies have now brought fleas into the house. :(

We have good results with selamectin.

[#] Thu Oct 26 2023 21:59:06 UTC from zelgomer

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2023-10-25 12:37 from IGnatius T Foobar <>

Our pussies have now brought fleas into the house. :(

I think one may have had a flea collar that was a little older than it

should have been. The last two weeks have been a hellscape of
treatment and cleaning.

Those aren't fleas. That's just congress back in action with a new speaker.

[#] Fri Oct 27 2023 00:11:55 UTC from Nurb432

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Thu Oct 26 2023 17:59:06 EDT from zelgomer
Those aren't fleas. That's just congress back in action with a new speaker.


[#] Mon Oct 30 2023 21:31:13 UTC from Nurb432

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Well my cat with the 'over grooming' issue is back at it again. Was good for over a year. Started back up a few weeks ago.  Took him in, gave him 3 days of steroids ( on top what he takes now. and giving a cat drugs 2x a day SUCKS.. ) and it helped.  But not for long.  Put a shirt on him. So he just pulls fur out of his legs instead of his back.  But at least it let his back heal, it was getting infected from all the chewing. ( and of course giving him even more cause to chew at it )

Back to vet in 2 weeks. Talking another steroid trial.

so frustrating. I hate to see him like this. hes miserable. 

I have had 3 big long hared black cats over the years. Each had severe medical issues. 


[#] Thu Nov 16 2023 16:22:38 UTC from Nurb432

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Back to the vet again. a new steroid to try. They think he 'adjusted' to the other, so its not effective anymore.

Poor thing was so scared today he was shaking.  Sigh. 

[#] Fri Nov 17 2023 13:08:51 UTC from Nurb432

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So one of the cats i feed.  Took me almost a year for him to trust me.  This summer he took the risk, and ever since he would run down the street and get petted and such. Even was able to carry him around. 

About a month ago he vanished.  I pretty much gave up hope and wanted to go beat his owners into the ground with a bat for casting him outside 24/7 and leaving for days on end as well.. I remember one time being outside and saw them come home. He ran across the street to greet them. Sat in the drive and waited. They got out. Gave him one pat and went into the house, leaving him sitting there.   Not that any pet deserves to be treated like that, but hes a really sweet cat once he trusts you which makes it even worse.

We have a camera on the outside food "shed" thing.  This morning at 5am his face was there.. yay!     Refill the bowl at 630ish.  Around 7 take a peek out side. and hes there in the drive. in the pouring rain.  But i run out and get to pet him even tho we are soaked.   



[#] Sun Nov 19 2023 12:58:08 UTC from Nurb432

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Put the dogs away this morning ( well were asleep anyway, after breakfast nap ).  Cats were in the back bedroom sleeping..  Went out to feed/water and pet the cat.  ( his name is jack. Neighbor kids 2 houses down also feed him, they learned his name on one of the rare occasions his owners were home i guess )

After petting ( well holding too, he likes being held ), put him down beside the front door. Opened it up to go in, slowly, he stretched as far as he could to peek inside and look around.  Didn't come in, but didnt run off either. House smells of cat and dog so i'm sure he was wondering 'who is in here that is going to eat me'.

Its another step...  goal now is to get him inside before it gets cold in January. ( on his own, i dont want to just grab him and toss him thru the door like a sack of potatoes ).  I give up playing by the rules, his owners dont deserve him.  F-them..

[#] Sat Dec 02 2023 22:29:23 UTC from Nurb432

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We have both chain link and a 6" privacy fence so its safe from predators, other than hawks. We have one cat we let out as he wont leave. The cat came in today after sitting outside for a couple of hours, with a slug on the end of his tail.   ..  wierdo i am, i took it out side to let it free.   a slug.

Cat seemed pleased i got it off him. 

[#] Sun Dec 03 2023 17:10:12 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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Not weird to me.  Slug deserves to live, just not in the house.  I'm like that with most critters.

Sat Dec 02 2023 17:29:23 EST from Nurb432

We have both chain link and a 6" privacy fence so its safe from predators, other than hawks. We have one cat we let out as he wont leave. The cat came in today after sitting outside for a couple of hours, with a slug on the end of his tail.   ..  wierdo i am, i took it out side to let it free.   a slug.

Cat seemed pleased i got it off him. 


[#] Tue Dec 12 2023 00:06:29 UTC from Nurb432

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So not seen him for about 1.5 week.

Saturday his 'owners' were home for a couple of hours. Walked past, noticed a litter box and pet carrier tossed in the junk pile they have in their carport.  Today they were there for a few hours. Went over and beat on the door several times. They refused to answer. They now have dogs.  I put money down that they got dogs and got rid of him. I'm going to the pound and humane society tomorow hoping i find him.

I failed him. ill never forgive myself.

Sun Nov 19 2023 07:58:08 EST from Nurb432

Put the dogs away this morning ( well were asleep anyway, after breakfast nap ).  Cats were in the back bedroom sleeping..  Went out to feed/water and pet the cat.  ( his name is jack. Neighbor kids 2 houses down also feed him, they learned his name on one of the rare occasions his owners were home i guess )

After petting ( well holding too, he likes being held ), put him down beside the front door. Opened it up to go in, slowly, he stretched as far as he could to peek inside and look around.  Didn't come in, but didnt run off either. House smells of cat and dog so i'm sure he was wondering 'who is in here that is going to eat me'.

Its another step...  goal now is to get him inside before it gets cold in January. ( on his own, i dont want to just grab him and toss him thru the door like a sack of potatoes ).  I give up playing by the rules, his owners dont deserve him.  F-them..


[#] Tue Dec 12 2023 14:09:30 UTC from Nurb432

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Last time i saw him. ( went outside after he set the camera off, to go pet him before he ran off on his 'route' )

Still plan on going to the pound today and shelter. I dont have much hope, but its all i have left i can try.


[#] Wed Dec 13 2023 12:13:04 UTC from Nurb432

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Wasn't there. hes gone.


[#] Wed Dec 13 2023 20:42:18 UTC from msgrhys

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Aw man.

Wed Dec 13 2023 07:13:04 EST from Nurb432

Wasn't there. hes gone.



[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 23:46:10 UTC from Nurb432

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Pound called me today.  let a message to call back..    i thought perhaps.. just perhaps.  but no, they just want to ask  "did you recover your pet".



[#] Tue Jan 23 2024 15:03:21 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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One of ours hasn't been seen in three weeks. She doesn't go out much but she has access to the outside via the chip reader cat door. It's probably safe to say at this point that she is safely tucked away in the digestive system of some other outdoor critter.

[#] Tue Jan 23 2024 16:14:21 UTC from Nurb432

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i dont let mine out if they wont stay in the fenced in back yard.  ( both chain link and 6" wood )   Some of mine have, some have not, so the ones that dont, lose out on being outside. 

[#] Fri Mar 29 2024 21:42:45 UTC from Nurb432

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HES BACK!!!!!!!  


[#] Fri Mar 29 2024 22:40:32 UTC from msgrhys

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Really? After all this time?

Fri Mar 29 2024 17:42:45 EDT from Nurb432

HES BACK!!!!!!!  



[#] Fri Mar 29 2024 22:58:36 UTC from Nurb432

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Yep. i saw him under one of my cars when i got back from walking one of the dogs this afternoon. Put the dog away and he was gone.. but later saw him walking up the driveway of another house he would visit and get fed.  Talked to the guy there, he got to see him up close, its him


Later this evening i saw him at the house that he 'lives' at ( if you want to call i that )  Sat at the end of my driveway, he saw me. but hes scared. Normally he'd mew and run over to be held.  Who knows where he has been or been thru.   It will take awhile for him to warm up again.

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