I think i had 2 layers when they redid mine after a hail storm a few years after i moved in here. Replaced about 1/2 the decking.
( still kick myself for not running wire.. )
I know we are all to smart to fall for it but today i got a phish email here telling me i need to validate my account or it lose it.
Watch your backs folks..
Here's a fun new word.
Someone who has a self-image as a social media "influencer" but is actually just full of shit.
isn't that 99% of them anyway?
Mon Jan 15 2024 17:40:23 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Here's a fun new word.
Someone who has a self-image as a social media "influencer" but is actually just full of shit.
didnt do anything for me..
Wed Jan 17 2024 06:37:25 EST from darknetuserI know some of you need to have a good day, so watch this video and have a good day: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=rokxoxFsWPU
2024-01-18 17:49 from Nurb432
didnt do anything for me..
A soul is required for the video to work.
If what you mean is the instance is down, you can get the video from:
or from any of the links at https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=rokxoxFsWPU
Sorry i meant the video never loaded.. at all.. no timeouts or anything.
that first option there brought up something, so ill look at it later.
Fri Jan 19 2024 13:26:32 EST from darknetuser2024-01-18 17:49 from Nurb432
didnt do anything for me..
A soul is required for the video to work.
If what you mean is the instance is down, you can get the video from:
or from any of the links at https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=rokxoxFsWPU
2024-01-19 13:31 from IGnatius T Foobar
That's adorable. I have a cat named Teddy so it's even more fun.
"Everybody loves Teddy."
The problem with horse videos is they make me miss my own horses when I am away from home.
So it was that darknetuser was trying to figure out how to use that money for best effect when $boss[2] called him because he needed help moving some boxes.
So it was that darknetuser helped $boss[2] move the boxes, which were loaded up with so much fucking silver that $boss[2] could have bought all of darknetuser's dreams and projects ten times over.
And darknetuser felt poor and insignificant again.
Had a boss once, owned a barn. Not full of horses. Collector cars. Several M$ worth.
Tue Jan 23 2024 12:00:44 EST from darknetuser
And darknetuser felt poor and insignificant again.
Better that than corrupted file systems..
Tue Jan 23 2024 12:02:01 EST from darknetuserAlso a power outage at $job[1] overlasted my power supplies and caused my servers to invoke emergency shutdown, ruining my uptime good records.
Not real sure where this would fit since he crossed over many industries over the decades but seems Niklaus Wirth recently died.
lol some YT video ( guy i often watch ).
Lives in Texas.
"bitter cold coming" ( low 30s.. no, that isn't bitter cold )
and "can i survive without power" then proceeds to show off his batteries and solar cells. Um, you are not really going without power dude.. I know im being technical here, but its the sort of channel where technicality count..