I am still looking for those. The problem is I have soooo many toys I'd rather die than leave behind.
I have a location id like to go to. It was where i was shopping for land 30 years ago. Its 'safe' for the time being. At least for a couple more generations, if ever. And due to some changes in that area, its made it even more remote and less appealing to build out someday. But its not so far out you cant get to "town" if you need to.
However, $ is an issue. Not that i'm broke, but i'm old and not 'wealthy', and work for a living. Starting over is costly. Trying to figure out how to do it. Before its too late and property values here crash.
Tue Feb 06 2024 09:38:10 EST from darknetuserI would recommend you to pack your toys and leave, but I don t have recommendations for places to leave to.
I am still looking for those. The problem is I have soooo many toys I'd rather die than leave behind.
News report today on this, more images, ( cant really listen im working.. ) and it shows the exit gates looking outwards, then a picture of the outside of our garage. yep, it was us. I was pretty sure, but seeing a image of the 3rd floor with some cars i wasn't 100%... some garages do look similar inside .
and still no announcement from HR or the grounds management people...
But then again, couple of years ago we had a homeless person die in the stairwells.. no announcement then either.
Tue Feb 06 2024 08:48:26 EST from Nurb432
- At least 50 cars spray panted in a downtown garage Friday afternoon. We are debating at the office if it was OUR garage.. and we were never told. ( sure seems like it )
LoL, just as i posted, we did get a 'mention' of the incident in our weekly news letter from HR. Almost a week later, as a foot note.
And since i rarely post good news... They caught the **** that was spray painting cars. Seems she also had in possession an ID and wallet from a person that was just mugged earlier that day. Soooo additional charges.
Seems she was found just walking around the area and spotted by local police.. not even enough sense to get the hell out of town, even after her face was all over the news.
However, $ is an issue. Not that i'm broke, but i'm old and not
'wealthy', and work for a living. Starting over is costly. Trying to
figure out how to do it. Before its too late and property values here
Most people in that position move when they retire. Then you can go somewhere that living is cheap but there's no work. Unless of course you're planning to have a less demanding retirement job to keep you busy.
I dont want to move off far far away, even if i do stop working in a couple of years. Family.
But, far enough to get out of this hell bent destruction..
Sat Feb 10 2024 11:55:20 EST from IGnatius T FoobarMost people in that position move when they retire. Then you can go somewhere that living is cheap but there's no work. Unless of course you're planning to have a less demanding retirement job to keep you busy.
2024-02-10 12:24 from Nurb432
I dont want to move off far far away, even if i do stop working in a
couple of years. Family.
I would go and leave family, but leaving *family* is not an option.
If you get what I mean.
How odd. No email at home for 3 hours now, other than a test i sent from work..( I was wondering if my domain got blacklisted or something.)
Did something blow up over in the far east where all the spam comes from?
I've given up on spam. My home inbox is useless and always has been. Cablevision doesn't really filter anything effectively.
2024-02-12 11:00 from LoanShark
I've given up on spam. My home inbox is useless and always has been.
Cablevision doesn't really filter anything effectively.
I just operate my own email service and have the spam filter set to kill. I rarely get any crap.
My family gets a whole lot of crap because they don't bother training the bayesian filters, and I am not going to train them for them.
Our governor just lifted most protections for 'wet lands' around here. I can hear the bulldozers and cement trucks revving their engines now.
Grrrrrrr *()*)&^#$_(#*&_$#
and email picked back up late that night. But not normal volume, just a few stragglers.
Rest of weekend and Monday, still light.. Today its more normal, but oddly no actual spam. Lots from things like GitHub, but that is my fault.. but it as strange how it all just stopped.. for hours.. and still strange no spam/scam mail today..
It ain't gonna happen. I hope China eats his lunch.
My family gets a whole lot of crap because they don't bother training
the bayesian filters, and I am not going to train them for them.
I've tried the one that was built into Thunderbird. Way more work than it's worth, in my case. Seemed like no amount of training would get to accuracy.
They may, but it will be restricted 'export'
Fri Feb 16 2024 12:37:06 EST from IGnatius T Foobar. I hope China eats his lunch.