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[#] Sat Jun 10 2017 15:20:52 EDT from LoanShark

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Only if it's pointer forest in The Java Interpreter...

[#] Thu Sep 07 2017 22:24:28 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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"Hey, let's go to EuroDisney!"

[#] Sat May 05 2018 09:23:14 EDT from lol <>

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[#] Sun Oct 11 2020 12:13:10 EDT from Fardy Barquart

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During my next colonoscopy, please doctor, don't administer a sedative.

[#] Sat Oct 31 2020 08:56:38 EDT from zooer

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Ohahahhaaaa!  Those best Halloween costumes showing the parents dress their kids up as the presidential candidates sure is clever and funny AND original!

[#] Sun Dec 13 2020 18:32:59 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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"Hey, that's a cool Prius!"

[#] Sun Dec 13 2020 20:14:49 EST from zooer

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Sun Dec 13 2020 06:32:59 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar

"Hey, that's a cool Prius!"


You are six years late:

Sun Feb 02 2014 10:51:43 AM EST from zooer


[#] Mon Dec 14 2020 15:25:16 EST from nonservator

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"I'm so happy I had no children. Now I can die alone, unmourned and unloved, a genetic dead end."

[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 02:39:04 EST from arabella

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Mon Dec 14 2020 03:25:16 PM EST from nonservator

"I'm so happy I had no children. Now I can die alone, unmourned and unloved, a genetic dead end."

This does not belong here.

[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 06:35:15 EST from nonservator

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Do tell.

[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 07:08:49 EST from arabella

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I've said it, and more than once.

Of course it was a long time ago, and these days things are a little different. But it has been said, so it doesn't belong here. 

[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 07:09:05 EST from arabella

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[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 07:46:09 EST from nonservator

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Oh, so I  have to verify that literally no human being throughout all of history has uttered the words. Gotcha.

[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 10:45:54 EST from zooer

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I have heard people say they are glad they have no children.  There are people who feel the earth is over populated and don't want kids.

[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 12:52:47 EST from nonservator

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[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 15:32:37 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Have you heard someone say this, on their deathbed and certain of their imminent passing from this world? 

And did they live full and fulfilling lives of accomplishment without any empty spaces, if so? 

I think there is a more abstract point to the post. I think you would be hard pressed to find a pleasant-to-be-around person with an agreeable nature who was generally a net benefit to Earth and mankind who leaves this mortal coil without any ongoing genetic contribution to the future of humanity. 

Being happy that you never had children is admission of several possible things, all of them negative and/or narcissistic. 

Either you think that you had no value to human legacy, and that your gene pool is best a genetic dead end. 

Or you think it could only get WORSE from where you are. 

Or you don't want to put your genetic legacy into the future they would inherit. 

At worst it is a misanthrope statement - "The universe would be better without humanity, and I'd like to do my part to move us in that direction, by doing nothing." 

It isn't a selfless act of altruism. "I won't have children so that the world will be a better place for all the people who DO have children."  That might be the wrapper people try and disguise it in - but it is almost always the expression of selfish, narcissistic expressions. 

Which is why people who embrace this philosophy seem to get so hostile when they're called out on it. I'm not saying you're a terrible person if you don't have kids. It is your life, spend it how you want to.  But - don't try and sell me that it is because you're concerned about overpopulation. I'm not buying that. I think it is more likely you don't want to share your stuff or to be responsible for another tiny little human and how they turn out. It is about you. 

Mon Dec 21 2020 10:45:54 EST from zooer

I have heard people say they are glad they have no children.  There are people who feel the earth is over populated and don't want kids.


[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 17:07:25 EST from arabella

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Mon Dec 21 2020 07:46:09 AM EST from nonservator

Oh, so I  have to verify that literally no human being throughout all of history has uttered the words. Gotcha.

That's not what I said.

[#] Wed Dec 23 2020 14:33:28 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeah, well ... give bella a break, it's been a tough year and some things hit home more than others.

[#] Wed Dec 23 2020 15:48:58 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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One break, comin' up! 

Wed Dec 23 2020 14:33:28 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Yeah, well ... give bella a break, it's been a tough year and some things hit home more than others.


[#] Thu Dec 24 2020 15:50:00 EST from LoanShark

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why yes, please do rape my nostrils with that cotton swab

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