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[#] Wed Mar 20 2024 23:43:05 UTC from darknetuser

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Disagree. Every free person on Earth has a right to carry. Voting is

not a right.

This reminds me of Good Kill, a movie about drone pilots who blast real people to pieces with a keyboard, thousands of miles away from the combat zone.

The drone team is assigned to some shady CIA operations guy and at one point they are told if they see a brown with a gun on the screen, he is an enemy.
team member then asks "What about their right to bear arms?"

It is a bad movie, I told you, but in this context a lot of people forgets the right to bear arms as a symbol or tool of freedom is not american only.

[#] Thu Mar 21 2024 13:44:01 UTC from Nurb432

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Was just trying to say that in this country it does not apply to criminals here illegally.  It applies to our citizens, even ones that came here legally. But these people, no it does not apply to them. Nor do most other rights.

Other countries, YMMV. 

Wed Mar 20 2024 19:43:05 EDT from darknetuser
 is not american only.


[#] Thu Mar 21 2024 19:16:16 UTC from zelgomer

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2024-03-21 13:44 from Nurb432 <>
Was just trying to say that in this country it does not apply to
criminals here illegally.  It applies to our citizens, even ones
that came here legally. But these people, no it does not apply to
them. Nor do most other rights.

Other countries, YMMV. 
Wed Mar 20 2024 19:43:05 EDT from darknetuser

 is not american only.

"Shall not be infrindged" leaves no wiggle room here. The second amendment does not specify citizenship or legal residence or criminal record.

And legalese aside, philisophically the right to bear arms belongs to every free human on Earth. Any government infringement is a crime against humanity.

[#] Tue Mar 26 2024 02:25:20 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Once again: a RIGHT cannot be given, it can only be taken away.

In the natural state of things, we have the right to protect and defend ourselves using weapons.  We do not have a right to be given a weapon, any more than we have the right to be given a loaf of bread or a car or a house or medical care.

As for safes, there are basically three things against which you would protect your belongings by storing them in one:

1. Fire
2. Theft
3. Tampering

Guns are stored in safes primarily to protect them from tampering.  Responsible gun owners do not want stray hands touching their firearms while unattended.  (Insert your favorite anti-2A corollary here.)  A strong metallic closet with a halfway decent lock is fine here unless you have an unusually valuable collection.

"Gun safes" are, obviously, no longer considered trustworthy now that we know that the manufacturer will give a working combination to the gestapo simply for the asking.

In my home, documents that are valuable to us (and no one else) are kept in a fireproof, but unlocked, metal box.  We keep less than USD$200 cash in the house and we don't really have any super-valuable items in the house, for example neither my wife nor my daughter have a lot of expensive jewelry.  You wanna take my laptop?  Fine, it's 12 years old and the size and weight of a paver stone.  Take what you want and get out.

[#] Tue Mar 26 2024 11:32:24 UTC from Nurb432

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I have a small fire proof box too. However, its locked.  Not out of 'theft' concern as they can carry it away and cut it open, but if we get hit with a tornado or something, or having to grab it in a bug-out situation, i dont want it to fly open by accident.    But, since keys can be lost in the heat of the moment making it a pain to get open later, the key is IN the thing.  Just turned to locked position.  ( really miss having a safety box at the bank... )


I have heard there are fixes for the recent gun safe issue. However, you have to trust your locksmith  ( or learn how to do it yourself )

[#] Sat Mar 30 2024 13:29:04 UTC from Nurb432

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Town up north or me, which is collapsing due to a Democrat mayor that refuses to deal with crime: "City officials have decided not to invest in planned gunshot detection system and instead invest 1 million in smart tasers" ( yes, 1 million )

Now i do think the sound detection stuff is silly, but 'smart taser'?  Turns out they have a 'built in escalation reduction system' and i guess it beeps and flashes a light before it goes off. WTF? Shoot the damned thing, now...  Don't wave a flag "hey perp, here is your target, shoot here before it goes off"

And really, in this day and age, tasers are stupid too. Just "off" the criminal. Its just going to get more cops dead.



[#] Thu Apr 11 2024 22:49:27 UTC from Nurb432

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Not read the rule yet, but the expected rule about basically banning private sales has dropped.

Forcing everyone to file for, pay for and follow the invasive rules, and become an FFL.

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 14:15:28 UTC from msgrhys

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Not a peep from Armslist about this. And I just noticed this at the bottom of --> "Always comply with local, state, federal, and international law"

International law? And you call yourselves Americans. The acceptance of "international law" is a threat to America. Seriously, some European country's court stopped its government from sending aid to Israel because 'it might violate international law'. To accept international law is to forsake your own country's laws.

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 14:17:05 UTC from msgrhys

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The day I fear is the day we have federal courts placing "international law" above American laws.

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 14:37:21 UTC from Nurb432

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In some ways, that has already happened.



Fri Apr 12 2024 10:17:05 EDT from msgrhys

The day I fear is the day we have federal courts placing "international law" above American laws.


[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 17:03:01 UTC from darknetuser

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And really, in this day and age, tasers are stupid too. Just "off"
the criminal. Its just going to get more cops dead.

I suspect Tasers (but not stun guns, mind you) are probably safer. If you hit a motherfucker with a Taser he is gonna go down, period. If you hit a perp with the sort of ammo thug-cops pack here, the bullet might hit the grannie who stood behind the perp and the perp might already kill somebody before he bleeds out.

There is also the fact that I don't trust cops that much. They are the ones who make iresponsible gun modifications on their weapons that eventually get them killed. Then I remember this case in which cops were sent to stop a psycho, and one cop startd shooting at the psycho, and managed to hit evey other one of the cops before he managed to hit the psycho. I think I'd rather them go the UK route and carry sticks instead if they are gonna be so stupid.

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 17:27:47 UTC from Nurb432

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I have personally seemed tazed people just get pissed off. Rip them out of their chest and attack.

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 18:18:55 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-04-12 13:27 from Nurb432
I have personally seemed tazed people just get pissed off. Rip them
out of their chest and attack.

Lol, well, then so long for the cops. \o/

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 18:25:43 UTC from Nurb432

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I have a unique situation where i work with a police unit at times so i get to know them a little better than 'out on the street'. 

Now, i wont pretend or lie and say all cops are good, as of course not, there is bad in every group. However, other than being a bit of a self-righteous jerk, which goes with the territory, most of them are actually good people.  Most want to do what is right AND go home in one piece..

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 18:36:39 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-04-12 14:25 from Nurb432
I have a unique situation where i work with a police unit at times so
i get to know them a little better than 'out on the street'. 

I also work with cops at times and the good ones have a tendency to pack their toys and move abroad.

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 18:43:38 UTC from Nurb432

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reading/hearing more about the new rule:

I guess even if you just causally talk about buying or selling with a friend or relative without a FFL, and not even acting on the discussion, its still a felony.  


WTF has happened to this country. 

[#] Fri Apr 12 2024 23:41:28 UTC from zelgomer

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WTF has happened to this country. 

Commies. I thought you knew that? :)

[#] Fri Apr 19 2024 03:31:51 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The day I fear is the day we have federal courts placing
"international law" above American laws.

There are parts of Michiganistan where sharia law is placed above American laws.

[#] Thu Apr 25 2024 22:00:55 UTC from Nurb432

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"ban all the social media"   Straight from the ATF:  


Along with other social media apps, such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, around 3.7% of guns from 2017 to 2021 were trafficked using that method. That is a larger percentage than what was found at gun shows, flea markets or auctions. Only 1.6% were sold by licensed gun dealer

[#] Mon Apr 29 2024 00:31:39 UTC from zelgomer

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What exactly does "trafficked" mean here? Knowing the ATF, probably "privately sold completely within the law."

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