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[#] Mon May 17 2021 22:24:45 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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The trains stop and have conversations with the drivers, too. 


[#] Tue May 18 2021 08:54:49 EDT from Nurb432

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Before or after they run them down? 

Mon May 17 2021 10:24:45 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

The trains stop and have conversations with the drivers, too. 



[#] Tue May 18 2021 10:21:34 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Before. They stop, the engineer gets out, he walks over and has a chat with the driver... 

"You know, you are blocking the track, and I would have killed you if I didn't stop in time, you shouldn't do that, no?" 

"I know, I'm terribly sorry. The barrier didn't come down until I was half way across the tracks and broke, and my Yugo doesn't have enough horsepower to back off the track over the broken barrier, nor enough to go forward through the remaining one..." 

"This is a problem. Here - this nice fellow driver is offering to help push your car back off the tracks. No hurry, my passengers all say to take your time..." 

I swear, this is how the conversations are going. 

Tue May 18 2021 08:54:49 EDT from Nurb432

Before or after they run them down? 

Mon May 17 2021 10:24:45 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

The trains stop and have conversations with the drivers, too. 




[#] Tue May 18 2021 10:55:44 EDT from zooer

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I was driving a company vehicle, as soon as it hit the bumps of the tracks the truck came to a dead stop.  I wasn't going very fast but the truck was on the tracks and was not moving.

I had a prick of a boss at the time and he really didn't want to do much to help me, he didn't want to call the fleet supervisor.  Two tow trucks arrived but they couldn't handle a vehicle with that much weight.  Eventually the truck was towed and no train.  The person in the truck and I had a long, long day, and I shouldn't have been driving the truck as it was.  Part of us wanted to see it get hit.


[#] Sun May 23 2021 09:12:47 EDT from zooer

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More Poland rail crossings

[#] Thu Jun 10 2021 10:58:50 EDT from Nurb432

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So my town has online bill pay for local utils ( like trash and sewer ).  Via a 3rd party.

This month cant login.  "Account not found, please register" ok, it happens, i might have missed a notice of an upgrade bla bla.  Try to register "invalid service account"  really? Its on my invoices that i get paper copies of, since i dont trust online billing ( go figure ).. oh well lets email support, which goes to the town instead, odd but not totally unexpected.

"we are sorry, you are not our customer" wtf..  i have been here 20 years.. we didnt just get annexed by another town or something. ( that is a thing around here tho.. gotta get them taxes  they love to annex farm land then rezone . screwing the people living there for generations )

Turns out it gave me the wrong town's email address. and i didnt notice as its almost the same ( ours is 'new' 'xxx', the other is just 'xxx' )

Seems both tows use the same payment service, and they suck. lol. 

[#] Mon Jun 14 2021 05:47:45 EDT from darknetuser

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2021-06-10 10:58 from Nurb432
So my town has online bill pay for local utils ( like trash and sewer

).  Via a 3rd party.

This month cant login.  "Account not found, please register" ok, it

happens, i might have missed a notice of an upgrade bla bla.  Try to

register "invalid service account"  really? Its on my invoices that

i get paper copies of, since i dont trust online billing ( go figure

).. oh well lets email support, which goes to the town instead, odd

but not totally unexpected.

"we are sorry, you are not our customer" wtf..  i have been here 20

years.. we didnt just get annexed by another town or something. (

that is a thing around here tho.. gotta get them taxes  they love to

annex farm land then rezone . screwing the people living
there for
generations )

Turns out it gave me the wrong town's email address. and i didnt

notice as its almost the same ( ours is 'new' 'xxx', the other is

just 'xxx' )

Seems both tows use the same payment service, and they suck. lol. 

And it always seems to go to worse.

My bank's web sertfice used to be great. Then they were forced to make some changes due to legal threats and the web service started being ok only. Then the bank was absorved by a bigger bank and the web service sucks cocks.

Then you have to do something on a deadline, and the banking application tells you there is an issue with the authentication backend.


[#] Mon Jun 14 2021 07:20:05 EDT from Nurb432

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I dont think mine even can be absorbed.  Its a credit union.  However, they did expand their charter, so not real sure how that effects the rules.   ( too lazy to go look )

[#] Tue Jul 06 2021 17:00:08 EDT from Nurb432

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"we have emailed your code to reset your password, you have 35 seconds to enter it before it expires"


[#] Wed Jul 07 2021 13:06:19 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Tue Jul 06 2021 17:00:08 EDT from Nurb432

"we have emailed your code to reset your password, you have 35 seconds to enter it before it expires"



[#] Sat Sep 11 2021 10:42:08 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I dont think mine even can be absorbed.  Its a credit union. 

The credit union itself cannot be absorbed, but its operations can be fully taken over by a third party.

[#] Sun Oct 17 2021 11:43:48 EDT from zelgomer

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"something that anyone can do with two clicks on any modern browser."
Or any antequated browser, for that matter. Or even without a browser! It is honestly baffling to me how this sort of embarassment happens. I understand the governer is an old fogey who doesn't know how the web works, and that's okay. But if he doesn't know, he didn't think to ask someone who does? None of his lackeys thought to ask someone?? I don't care what party he represents, this moron should be recalled immediately.

[#] Sun Oct 17 2021 12:03:02 EDT from Nurb432

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his "IT lackeys" most likely wrote the thing, so cant trust them.

[#] Sun Oct 17 2021 18:07:21 EDT from Nurb432

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Apache + SSL = headache. 


At least for me today.. i dont normally care about SSL, but wanted to do it on something im building.  I *think* i have SSL right ( used certbot ), but getting issues with redirects now. Time to turn it off for the day before i get too frustrated.

[#] Mon Oct 18 2021 00:01:34 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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SSL is a headache. It is overly complicated.


Sun Oct 17 2021 18:07:21 EDT from Nurb432

Apache + SSL = headache. 


At least for me today.. i dont normally care about SSL, but wanted to do it on something im building.  I *think* i have SSL right ( used certbot ), but getting issues with redirects now. Time to turn it off for the day before i get too frustrated.


[#] Mon Oct 18 2021 07:17:50 EDT from Nurb432

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Yes it is.

However, im putting together a 'real' netxcloud server for some friends of mine to use and some stuff refuses to work now without SSL.   And if i put it on the outside, and not just via VPN, its a good idea anyway of course.


Donno if the DoS kids will kill me tho. Last time i tried something like this, they did. At least with only VPN exposed, they dont seem to try, beyond the normal random attempts but not a huge volume that kills my bandwidth.

[#] Mon Oct 18 2021 15:45:50 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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That may be a benefit of these guys Ig turned me onto. Your VPN pipe is limited to 5mb of your total - so... kill that 5mb... I suppose. Evidently, they get bored with it. 

But I do use SSL... I just... struggle with it. 


Mon Oct 18 2021 07:17:50 EDT from Nurb432

Yes it is.

However, im putting together a 'real' netxcloud server for some friends of mine to use and some stuff refuses to work now without SSL.   And if i put it on the outside, and not just via VPN, its a good idea anyway of course.


Donno if the DoS kids will kill me tho. Last time i tried something like this, they did. At least with only VPN exposed, they dont seem to try, beyond the normal random attempts but not a huge volume that kills my bandwidth.


[#] Mon Oct 18 2021 17:10:22 EDT from Nurb432

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Right, the 5MB is attractive. And may become an option if i need it. 

Of course first i have to get Apache to cooperate :) 

[#] Fri Oct 22 2021 14:40:22 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Apache ... how antiquated. All the cool kids are using Nginx now.

And yeah, the Ace VPN is totally rad, and you should use it. For $15/month you can't go wrong, and I'll be happy to send you a copy of my router VM (or just the instructions on how to build one yourself) so you don't have to use their router if you don't want to.

(There's nothing wrong with their router; it does the job perfectly. But there is something quite nice about having both the hosting workload and the virtual router all together in a nice little bundle that you can run anywhere.)

And of course there's the darknet.

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