My paper airplane money flew out the window, can I get a beer anyway?
Puts a gold soveriegn on the bar. Thats will keep us going for a while! :)
*quietly pulls dart out of ceiling* (i think my arm needs re-calibration)
- shambles to the beer spigot -
- pours beer into a mug -
- overfills the mug, but continues to pour -
People from the shady corner tables start whooping and throwing their hats in the ear, **what was it they are shouting?**:
"Beer Rush!!!!!!"
*loses hat, and joins the jostling crowd at the bar before all the beers gone.* (quietly slips gold sovereign back into pocket ;) )
This room has some holes in it, when viewed as a blog (?) .
What kinda bar is this anyhow? Say! You got awfully big bug eyes there fella!? Hey: and you! You got a nice, green, tan there- been on holiday* recently?
Bong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Translation app loading::>... *= "vacation"
Orders coffee!
Pulls out a pack of cards. Turns to gentleman at bar, who seems to be actually sober, with holy baseball cap in his hands:
"Wanna see a trick? "
"pick a card! Any card!"