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[#] Sun May 05 2024 18:18:44 EDT from Nurb432

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USB charge-only cables.  Especially when you get them mixed up with your real cables and think something is broke and start to panic.


Ya, i should just toss the damned things.

[#] Fri May 17 2024 13:26:09 EDT from Nurb432

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Grrrrr  "here is a bunch of more overhead for your daily life that does not mean crap in the real world" "oh, and here is a bunch of new overhead you get today, without warning, and no explanation of what it means, and ill use a bunch of PM terms and act like you are an idiot when you ask what/why" 


That exit door is getting closer...

[#] Tue Jun 04 2024 14:13:43 EDT from Nurb432

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"innovation management" 

So sick of service now people.  Really i am. 

[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 07:29:55 EDT from Nurb432

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Weather men and regular reporters. Either they are borderline illiterate or get paid by the word.


"Chance of rain between 10 and 2, then from 2 to 5 a chance of rain, then after 5 rain chances."   Or the "mostly cloudy" bla bla bla hours "then party sunny" 


"X Road will be closed Sunday. The road will also be closed Monday thru Thursday"

[#] Wed Jun 26 2024 11:01:21 EDT from Nurb432

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The creator of 'agile' should be taken out back, and stoned. 

[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 07:53:21 EDT from Nurb432

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</rant ON>

Hey, when is 'long hair freaky people' celebration week? I chose to grow mine back out this summer. I want an award too.

Just getting tired of all this 'rewarding people for who they are' instead of 'what they accomplish'. Last night on TV a commercial : "celebrating Elton John just because hes gay".  Who freaking cares what his choice in his personal life is? Unless you are his partner, it does not have any effect on your life. He was a good musician which does ( can ) effect your life. Reward him for that, acknowledge him for all the hard work and talent, don't marginalize what he accomplished and minimize him as an individual.  ( now, to be honest, i was never really a fan of his music, but i can still appreciate his talent )

</rant OFF>


Look. i don't care what you choose to be in your life. Great, be whatever, more power to you. But, if you are a piss poor human, or great human, it does not matter what your personal private life choices are. Your actions and accomplishments are what matters.

All this radicalism overload does is create a bigger rift, and pushes people away from the good people that just happen to be different than you.


[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 17:15:21 EDT from zelgomer

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Just getting tired of all this 'rewarding people for who they are'
instead of 'what they accomplish'. Last night on TV a commercial :
"celebrating Elton John just because hes gay".  Who freaking cares
what his choice in his personal life is? Unless you are his partner,

I care. I didn't used to until they crossed the line and revealed the entire thing to very obviously be a grooming/recruitment/brainwashing movement. You said it yourself: it's a personal choice, and it's a bad choice. It should be stigmatized.

[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 18:51:52 EDT from darknetuser

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All this radicalism overload does is create a bigger rift, and pushes
people away from the good people that just happen to be different
than you.


I have noticed all this gay month nonsense is barely gaining any traction when compared to other years. In fact there is a backslash from a number of political institutions. I don't say it is unraveling by any means, but gay is no longer holy.

[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 18:54:54 EDT from darknetuser

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I care. I didn't used to until they crossed the line and revealed the

entire thing to very obviously be a grooming/recruitment/brainwashing

movement. You said it yourself: it's a personal choice, and it's a bad

choice. It should be stigmatized.

I don't think your proclivities are your choice. What is your choice is what you make from them.

See, I didn't chose to like farmgirls who make muffins and apple pie but I can choose to run away from them instead of letting them trap me.

[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 19:44:53 EDT from Nurb432

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mmm apple pie.


And just to clarify above.. i really don't have any issue with a person who wants to be different than me. Just don't ask for or expect an award, or shove it down my throat.  Just be you, ill be me..  and lets both go do something productive.

[#] Sun Jun 30 2024 18:12:15 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Respect is not in their vocabulary. The entire concept is beyond

The most vile, hateful people in the world are the ones who preach "tolerance".

[#] Sun Jun 30 2024 18:22:47 EDT from darknetuser

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The most vile, hateful people in the world are the ones who preach


When visiting a temple during my vacation, we visitors took our hats off as we entered. A father told his son:

"You must take your cap off, as a sign of respect to these people's beliefs. We must be tolerant and respect people's beliefs, unlike those shitty muslim goatfuckers."

[#] Sun Jun 30 2024 18:36:41 EDT from Nurb432

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The last church i went into. burnt to the ground the next day.  The one before that, lost power as i entered...  ( sort of like the last 2 times i went to this 'dental specialist' about that tooth that died on its own one day, and needed a pin installed. i walked in, all the computers instantly went down.   But i like the place, it was Gothic themed..   )

[#] Thu Jul 04 2024 09:31:51 EDT from Nurb432

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Local trash company:

Observed Holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Fourth of July
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas

Um no. Why cant they call it what it is: *Independence day*


Surprised they don't honor that ''Juneteenth" nonsense. And if the honor Christmas, why not Halloween? Or Saturnalia? 

[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 22:24:32 EDT from zelgomer

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Fuck Yocto with the widest rustiest ladle ever conceived by mankind and never stop.

[#] Wed Aug 07 2024 08:07:33 EDT from Nurb432

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There is now a company i hate as much as MS and Oracle:  ServiceNow.  They can burn in a dumper along side the other 2. And i want to hear the screams as they die.


I suspect this ****** will force me to retire early and get the F- out of this industry.  I am over this.

[#] Tue Aug 27 2024 12:15:15 EDT from Nurb432

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I have said it before and i will say it again.   but i freaking HATE agile. it needs to die. in fire. I am not a dev guy, i am the damned customer and they can take their freaking stories and shove it. 

[#] Tue Aug 27 2024 13:07:47 EDT from Nurb432

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Ya, that project does seem like a cluster-F

Fri Jul 05 2024 22:24:32 EDT from zelgomer
Fuck Yocto with the widest rustiest ladle ever conceived by mankind and never stop.


[#] Mon Sep 02 2024 15:37:02 EDT from Nurb432

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Idiot pulls up beside my dog and i at a stop light, playing that damned rap noise ( i refuse to call it music, its not music ). turns it down, yells " chink lover " ( I was playing some acoustic band-maid )

"First of all, its Japanese, second of all you are a racist *****", flipped him off as well. He ran the light ( no turn on red there ) and left. 

[#] Mon Sep 02 2024 16:33:21 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

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What a civilized society we live in.

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