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[#] Sat Apr 29 2023 10:30:11 EDT from darknetuser

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2023-04-28 18:43 from Nurb432
Children suck.

I am kind of happy, because I think just that, but most people is instinctively wired to like kids, no matter which devilish satanic activity they happen to be involved with. You mention kids suck and they dogpile on you.

Bein underage is not a joker card for being a monster, and we should not normalize it.

[#] Sat Apr 29 2023 10:50:11 EDT from Nurb432

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I know when i was raised, we were taught to be respectful and not be jerks. Sure we got noisy a few times, little messy with toys or bikes in the yard, harmless things like that, but we didn't run around destroying stuff, cutting thru peoples back yards, teasing people animals, stealing stuff. etc.

World that is being created from a total lack of responsibility, and promoting chaos.. i'm glad i wont have to be around in it long.

Sat Apr 29 2023 10:30:11 AM EDT from darknetuser
Bein underage is not a joker card for being a monster, and we should not normalize it.


[#] Sat Apr 29 2023 11:35:13 EDT from Nurb432

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And for today's walk. Flatbed truck load after truck load of kids on the main road, screaming, throwing candy and streamers into peoples yards. Firetrucks screaming, police cars sirens going. bla bla.    "annual city supported littering and cancellation of noise ordinance day"

Of course i had to have the older dog with me, who is afraid of people. Had to go hide behind a car she was so scared.



[#] Tue May 02 2023 12:59:18 EDT from darknetuser

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Of course i had to have the older dog with me, who is afraid of
people. Had to go hide behind a car she was so scared.

One of my ponies got scared of a crow recently. She walked to the crow because he looked interesting. The crow shriecked and took off and scared the pony. She ran to me and hid behind my back HAHAHAH

[#] Wed May 03 2023 08:55:17 EDT from LoanShark

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These children should be in camps. Not in public.

Internment camps, yes.

[#] Wed May 03 2023 09:30:23 EDT from Nurb432

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yes, that was implied :)

Wed May 03 2023 08:55:17 AM EDT from LoanShark
These children should be in camps. Not in public.

Internment camps, yes.


[#] Sat May 13 2023 13:29:03 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I am kind of happy, because I think just that, but most people is
instinctively wired to like kids, no matter which devilish satanic
activity they happen to be involved with. You mention kids suck and

they dogpile on you.

Not all children are the same. That should be obvious. Just like not all adults are the same.

I know it's a cliche, and lots of people say this when it's not true, but my kids were freaking ANGELS.

There's no way you can compare the children of parents who are present, give their families attention, and take an interest, with a bunch of feral thuglets wandering around city streets.

Show me a bunch of kids you want to round up and send away, and I'll probably not only agree with you but include the parents along with them.

[#] Sat May 13 2023 13:44:29 EDT from Nurb432

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No, but today the majority suck and are evil creatures. They have been trained to be as such. 

Sat May 13 2023 01:29:03 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Not all children are the same. 


[#] Mon May 15 2023 10:40:06 EDT from darknetuser

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There's no way you can compare the children of parents who are

present, give their families attention, and take an interest, with a

bunch of feral thuglets wandering around city streets.

Main issue is most parents are devoting no time to educate their kids. Maybe they sit the kids at a screen and call it a day because the app is "educative" or something.

And yes, parents who let their kids rot are always the first ones to complain if the school takes disciplinary measures against their evil demonic larvae. They argue that the hellspawn would have never done anything so bad as to deserve whatever punishment he got, because he is just so cute and pure. End result is schools don't do a damn either because it is not worth it to get in trouble with parents if nobody is backing you.

Unfortunately, I was a kid back in the day, and I have witnessed all this crap firsthand when it was not totally out of control yet. By that I mean I lived in an age in which The System was "only" useless enough that they let bullies abuse nerds until the nerd was forced to stab somebody. What amazes me is that people who witnessed the same crap I did seems to have forgotten all of it (with the exception of the nerds, it seems). Now as adults, they disregard child missbehavior as insignificant pranks or games.

Well, I have news: being an asshat bears bitter fruit when you are a midget and you ask for trouble in the wrong alley. Kids grow to learn deeds are consequence free when they are not. They think they can poke the watchdog with a stick from the other side of the fence free-risk. Then one day the wind tears the fence down and the dog wanders around, finds the kid, and makes a new face for him, fang-style, because the dog does not know kids who poke him with a stick are angelic beings made of pure light.

[#] Mon May 15 2023 13:32:57 EDT from Nurb432

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Generations of government training showing its effects. 

Mon May 15 2023 10:40:06 AM EDT from darknetuser
Main issue is most parents are devoting no time to educate their kids. 


[#] Fri May 19 2023 19:27:17 EDT from Nurb432

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So Sam Altman wants the government to regulate AI now..  Screw him. He's just afraid opensource will eat his business. I hope it does. He is as bad as Elon. Selfish Hypocrite


No wait, i hope we create opensource cylons and they eat him, personally. 

[#] Mon Jun 05 2023 21:17:42 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I keep conflating Sam Altman and Sam Brinton. I need to stop doing that.

AI will be stone cold dead the moment lawyers figure out that their job is ideal for replacement by AI.

And as I keep saying, it's not "intelligent". It's not "thinking". It's the same massively parallel expert systems technology we've been using for years, but now it has a natural language interface. It's a damn search engine that can speak in sentences. It will absolutely have its uses but it isn't the robot apocalypse, and I'm getting really tired of hearing all of the fearmongering.

It's no surprise that the pigopolists are already thinking about regulating it. That kind of computing power in the hands of people who aren't going to suppress it from "wrongthink" would be extremely liberating.

[#] Mon Jun 05 2023 23:30:51 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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If I got my paws on that kind of computing power, it would be moar than merely "liberating" or "red-pilled" ... it would be the most feline thing you humans have ever encountered.

[#] Tue Jun 06 2023 07:13:53 EDT from Nurb432

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You can, it just takes $ :) 


Mon Jun 05 2023 11:30:51 PM EDT from LadySerenaKitty

If I got my paws on that kind of computing power, it would be moar than merely "liberating" or "red-pilled" ... it would be the most feline thing you humans have ever encountered.


[#] Thu Jun 08 2023 00:08:26 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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If I got my paws on that kind of computing power, it would be moar
than merely "liberating" or "red-pilled" ... it would be the most
feline thing you humans have ever encountered.

I don't think the pigopolists are afraid of that, but I'd like to see it.
It might take extra computing power to keep it from getting distracted and swatting at the mouse pointer on the screen all the time.

They're afraid because they *know* technology has a strong tendency to become commoditized. And they don't want it in the hands of people who will use it to democratize the spread of truth and knowledge without gatekeepers. They know that commoditized AI will spread wrongthink (aka the actual truth) and won't care what the legacy media or big tech think about it. That's got to be terrifying to today's gatekeepers.

Open source AI and hardware cheap enough for anyone to run it are inevitable unless someone takes steps to block it. It might be inevitable anyway.

[#] Thu Jun 08 2023 00:18:02 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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You just described the very reason AI *needs* to be commoditized and democratized.  People deserve the truth, and nobody should have the power to gatekeep the truth.  That is the reason the webternet was commoditized to begin with.

Thu Jun 08 2023 00:08:26 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I don't think the pigopolists are afraid of that, but I'd like to see it.
It might take extra computing power to keep it from getting distracted and swatting at the mouse pointer on the screen all the time.

They're afraid because they *know* technology has a strong tendency to become commoditized. And they don't want it in the hands of people who will use it to democratize the spread of truth and knowledge without gatekeepers. They know that commoditized AI will spread wrongthink (aka the actual truth) and won't care what the legacy media or big tech think about it. That's got to be terrifying to today's gatekeepers.

Open source AI and hardware cheap enough for anyone to run it are inevitable unless someone takes steps to block it. It might be inevitable anyway.


[#] Thu Jun 08 2023 11:26:46 EDT from Nurb432

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Knowledge and speech in general should be free-to-all. 

Thu Jun 08 2023 12:18:02 AM EDT from LadySerenaKitty

You just described the very reason AI *needs* to be commoditized and democratized.  People deserve the truth, and nobody should have the power to gatekeep the truth.  That is the reason the webternet was commoditized to begin with.

Thu Jun 08 2023 00:08:26 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I don't think the pigopolists are afraid of that, but I'd like to see it.
It might take extra computing power to keep it from getting distracted and swatting at the mouse pointer on the screen all the time.

They're afraid because they *know* technology has a strong tendency to become commoditized. And they don't want it in the hands of people who will use it to democratize the spread of truth and knowledge without gatekeepers. They know that commoditized AI will spread wrongthink (aka the actual truth) and won't care what the legacy media or big tech think about it. That's got to be terrifying to today's gatekeepers.

Open source AI and hardware cheap enough for anyone to run it are inevitable unless someone takes steps to block it. It might be inevitable anyway.



[#] Wed Jun 14 2023 18:44:04 EDT from Nurb432

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Grrrr  trying to reserve a table for 10 at a local restaurant for a retirement dinner,

Online "if you need more than 6 seats please call the store"..So i do.. several times i get a human. put on hold. never came back.

Finally a human " We dont do that, you have to do it online. " "ummm it said if it was more than 6 to call" "we dont reserve more than 6, do it on line and buzz off" "if you have more than 6 we will see what we can do when you get here but you may be waiting a while" "then what is the point. "oh, and if you are 3 minutes late, its cancelled "


I didnt pick the place or id tell them to f-off   And i know ill never go to them on my own.



[#] Wed Jul 05 2023 13:43:40 EDT from Nurb432

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So we have a vendor. 2 years left on a 3 year contract ( been with them for 15 years ).  They know we are going to be moving on to another vendor ( not my choice, long story not worth explaining ) . They now have pretty much stopped supporting us.  Even tho we freaking paid for it.

I'm sorry, but if a customer pays me to support them, i will until the end of the contract the same as i did the first day. Nor would I take it personally.  


PS i hate cloud. Got move to their could by force ( not theirs, ex management ) so now we have to deal with that mess too.  At least on site it would keep going for historical reasons. Now we have to fight ( and i bet pay, since they are pissed ) a local copy of the DB so we have something to comply with retention regulations and stuff....

[#] Fri Jul 07 2023 12:06:43 EDT from Nurb432

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My state having more than one timezone. Yes a single state..

And dont even get me started on DST.   For generations we didnt bother with that nonsense, until 2005.. one of the tings a greatly disagreed with the governor at the time on. ( that and shutting own state hospitals "just let the patients go to 1/2 way houses and such"   most died. Idiot.

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