True story:
I know someone who lives in Chappaqua, NY -- yes, that Chappaqua, the home of the domestic terrorist organization known as The Clinton Family. It is a very wealthy, very elite, and very communist suburb. Most of the people who live there commute to New York City where they have jobs that involve not knowing how the real world works.
This person isn't one of "them". He's blue collar and has made a nice living for himself through real work. Chappaqua has not been kind to him. He and his family are persecuted and looked down upon by their neighbors and townsfolk because they are a mixed-race family. Yet, these "tolerant progressives" who live among them are huge supporters of "black lives matter". In other words, they hate black people, but they love to virtue signal by presenting themselves as anti-racists.
This is leftism laid bare. Democrats are hypocrites.
Every last one of them.
Chappaqua deserves to be absolutely blitzkrieged with Section 8 housing.
Let's get that seat filled! Can you believe the violent threats
coming from the left over this? It's gotten to the point where not
just the hollywood wackos, not just the KKK/BLM/Antifa rioters, but the
DEMOCRAT PARTY ITSELF, have become a violent insurrection against the
elected government.
The Democrats had already joined the insurrection when they sponsored and supported things like the CHAZ. Supporting rebels is just a way of becoming a rebel yourself without having to declare yourself as a rebel.
This people is showing they care less for peace and order than they do for grabbing the power.
Mitt Romney (D-UT) has announced that he will "support" President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court.
In a prepared statement to the press, Romney said: "Mr. Soros, when I vote against the Bad Orange Man's nominee, it will obviously be the end of my career as a RINO. Therefore you must pay me an unprecedentedly large amount of money this time, because it will be the last time we can do this."
Quote of the day:
"It's Ridiculous To Say I Use A Teleprompter And Your PC Ran Into A Problem And Needs To Restart"
-- Joe Biden
Thu Sep 24 2020 06:03:32 PM EDT from IGnatius T FoobarQuote of the day:
"It's Ridiculous To Say I Use A Teleprompter And Your PC Ran Into A Problem And Needs To Restart"
-- Joe Biden
Quote taken from a satire news website.
2020-09-24 18:03 from IGnatius T Foobar
Quote of the day:
"It's Ridiculous To Say I Use A Teleprompter And Your PC Ran Into A
Problem And Needs To Restart"
-- Joe Biden
You have just made my day.
Quote taken from a satire news website.
I read the Bee every day. It's more credible than just about every other news outlet.
Do you like The Red Green show? Watch this for the first 50 seconds. Video created last October.
No matter who gets elected in November, things will continue to be crazy and so goddamn polarized that it will not be safe for me to express an opinion on anything more controversial than the weather. FUCK THIS STATE OF AFFAIRS, and FUCK THE MEDIA AND THE LEFT (but I repeat myself) FOR CAUSING IT.
How many times will Trump roll his eyes tonight?
How many times will Joe say something that isn't factually possible?
My 180° rule:
Apparently Johnny "Rotten" Lydon was wearing a "Make America Great Again" shirt and the tolerant, open-minded left lost their collective minds.
Seems like only a few years ago when Lydon praised Obama and Obamacare and the right lost their minds.
I can understand why Lydon likes Trump, Lydon is very unapologetic, opinionated, and says exactly what is on his mind, which is how Trump acts.
And now I know more about a group that supports the core values of minimal government, maximum freedom, anti political correctness, anti drug war, and closed borders. This sounds *awesome* and extremely wholesome and full of love for our nation. Yes that's right, I would welcome an opportunity to join the Proud Boys.
Far-left democrat party apparatchik Chris Wallace called them a white supremacist group, but he is obviously mistaken. 10 to 15 percent of their membership are black, and the director of the group is Cuban.