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[#] Wed Jul 29 2020 14:41:46 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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They already said that. Van Hitler Jones said that the result of the 2016 presidential election was a "whitelash".

[#] Wed Jul 29 2020 16:59:17 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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By the way ... did Antifa finally get officially designated as a terrorist organization? I remember hearing that was going to happen, but I don't know whether it did.

A hate group called "Snopes" says it's not true, so it must be true.

[#] Wed Jul 29 2020 20:55:22 EDT from zooer

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No, it is an arm of the democrat party so it was not listed as a terrorist organization.

[#] Thu Jul 30 2020 11:19:00 EDT from zooer

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I am convinced Trump does not want to be reelected.  

[#] Thu Jul 30 2020 12:58:14 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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I am equally convinced that the powers that be WANT him to be. 

When you look at the 4 years of witch hunts - Kavanaugh, Russian Collusion, impeachment, accusations of sexual indiscretions and assaults - culminating in months of politicizing a pandemic, denying scientific evidence on effective treatments and going so far as preventing physicians from using those treatments, riots and social unrest - and then they bring a senile old man with worsening dementia and a habit of grouping girls between 8 and 80 years old... 

Here is a Study from the Henry Ford Clinic in Detroit. A recognized healthcare network with actual published physicians. This study is published on a peer reviewed open source repository of healthcare studies that is recognized as legitimate and authoritative:

nterestingly, only far-right fringe outlets have published the findings of this study - which generally amounts to "hydroxychloroquine shows positive results with little of the serious side effects that were a concern in treating Covid-19". 

More interesting, while a rebuttal of the methodology of the study appears in the catalog at the repository, the study is not listed in the main catalog. I was only able to find the actual study by discovering the researchers name, and then finding the researcher's name quoted in the rebuttal, which had a link to the study it was disputing - the study linked above. As if... it is being *hidden*. 

Why would you HIDE a report that shows that an effective treatment for Covid-19 already exists? 

It is a good question, no? 

[#] Thu Jul 30 2020 12:58:39 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Look at that - almost *scholarly* debate! 

[#] Sat Aug 01 2020 18:43:10 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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We find these truths to be self-evident:

1. Hydroxychloroquine, when combined with doses of Zinc (and possibly an antibiotic to fight off secondary infections) is highly effective at fighting ChinaVirus when administered early enough. Big Pharma doesn't want this because HCQ is generic and cheap. But the demo-KKK-rats also don't want it, because...

2. The dangerous phase of the pandemic, if it ever was that dangerous, ended months ago. But the demo-KKK-rats won't allow that truth to be accepted, because...

3. An ongoing "pandemic" stops the Trump Rallies and permits mail-fraud voting, which is pretty much the only way Alexandria Ocasio-Biden gets elected.

[#] Mon Aug 03 2020 16:57:48 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Sat Aug 01 2020 18:43:10 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

We find these truths to be self-evident:

1. Hydroxychloroquine, when combined with doses of Zinc (and possibly an antibiotic to fight off secondary infections) is highly effective at fighting ChinaVirus when administered early enough. Big Pharma doesn't want this because HCQ is generic and cheap. But the demo-KKK-rats also don't want it, because...

2. The dangerous phase of the pandemic, if it ever was that dangerous, ended months ago. But the demo-KKK-rats won't allow that truth to be accepted, because...

3. An ongoing "pandemic" stops the Trump Rallies and permits mail-fraud voting, which is pretty much the only way Alexandria Ocasio-Biden gets elected.

4: Democrats want the body count as high as possible. They have every incentive to maximize the damage, economic, social, and psychological, to the American public caused by Covid-19 and little incentive to solve it. In fact, their ideal scenario is to run Biden as a proxy for their VP choice, win the election, and then ensure that he gets infected with the virus, the VP steps up, and the resolution to the virus is provided by the first female President of the US in history, a Democrat and quite likely a PoC. 

Sounds like a Tom Clancey novel. Only... more plausible. 



[#] Thu Aug 06 2020 10:00:10 EDT from zooer

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The historian who has correctly predicted every presidential election since 1984 – including President Donald Trump’s win in 2016 – has announced his pick for 2020: (SPOILER ALERT: It's Biden)

[#] Sat Aug 08 2020 17:27:11 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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There is no outcome to this year's election that would surprise me. The communist socialist America-hating demoKKKrats have been laser focused on lying, cheating, and stealing the election for four years now. In a fair election, Mr. Trump would win a 50-state landslide. But it isn't a fair election.

[#] Tue Aug 11 2020 16:43:32 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Let me be the first to say that KKK Amala Harris is LITERALLY HITLER. She is a racist sexist communist socialist America-hating piece of garbage and I hope that she shares Joe Biden's demise before November.

[#] Tue Aug 11 2020 18:57:55 EDT from zooer

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"Well she is clean and articulate and her hair smells great!"

- (not really) Joe Biden

[#] Tue Aug 11 2020 22:06:45 EDT from zooer

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Tue Aug 11 2020 04:43:32 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Let me be the first to say that KKKAmala Harris is LITERALLY HITLER. She is a racist sexist communist socialist America-hating piece of garbage and I hope that she shares Joe Biden's demise before November.

You had predicted that Hillary was going to be his choice.  If Bill was the first black president certainly Hillary could be the first black vice-president. 

Kamala should be no surprise, as the select began Wikipedia cleaned up her Wikipedia page and the negative stories about her were removed from websites.   

[#] Wed Aug 12 2020 06:44:40 EDT from darknetuser

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2020-08-11 16:43 from IGnatius T Foobar

Let me be the first to say that KKK Amala Harris is LITERALLY HITLER.

She is a racist sexist communist socialist America-hating piece of
garbage and I hope that she shares Joe Biden's demise before November.

I am out of the loop. What did she do?

[#] Wed Aug 12 2020 07:48:40 EDT from zooer

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Wed Aug 12 2020 06:44:40 AM EDT from darknetuser
I am out of the loop. What did she do? 

She is Biden's Vice Presidential pick.


The rich wealthy Wall Street executives reacted favorably to the announcement as well as everyone who hates wealthy Wall Street executives.
Biden and Harris are known for some of their tough crime laws that target the poor and minorities.  The poor and minorities reacted positively to the announcement of Joe's pick.



[#] Wed Aug 12 2020 09:27:25 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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You had predicted that Hillary was going to be his choice. 

I had predicted that Hillary was going to be the candidate, not necessarily Biden's choice. There's still time.

And also, KKK Amala Harris is not black.

[#] Wed Aug 12 2020 10:29:02 EDT from zooer

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Wed Aug 12 2020 09:27:25 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
And also, KKK Amala Harris is not black. 

Does it matter?  Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 

[#] Wed Aug 12 2020 20:24:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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KKKunt Hitler is part of Hillary's political machine, so it really doesn't matter. The whole lot of them are KKKorrupt KKKommunists and should be summarily executed for treason.

The demoKKKrat media is now busily scrambling to erase all the bad things that were said about her (even by Biden) during primary season. She is one of the most radical far-left members of congress, probably second only to Bernie in the senate, but the demoKKKrat media is painting her as a Betty Crocker Moderate.

I hope she dies *before* Biden.

[#] Sat Aug 15 2020 19:42:12 EDT from zooer

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Before the election in 2016 I drove to my sister's place, I counted the number of Trump signs vs the number of Hillary signs.  It was close to 48 Trump signs to 2 Hillary signs.  

I drove to my sister's place again today, I don't know if the signs are being re-used for the 2020 election but there were several Trump signs up.  I have noticed a lot of Trump signs around. 

[#] Sun Aug 16 2020 09:03:44 EDT from nonservator

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The false equivalence continues. The moderate centrists persist in their enlightened bubbles. Both sides are just as bad, and we can't allow ourselves to become as evil as the enemy.




Which fucking side is willing to let the other exist, and which is not?



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