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[#] Fri Jun 12 2020 20:38:23 EDT from zooer

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Wait until they need food, supplies or repairs.

[#] Sat Jun 13 2020 10:25:51 EDT from nonservator

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My favorite so far:


"to the person setting up an autonomous zone inside the autonomous zone: do not do this"

[#] Sat Jun 13 2020 13:52:58 EDT from zooer

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I really thought the use of the word "racist" was so overused that its use was meaningless, and the use was going to stop.  It is meaningless but it is use is only going to increase.

In an unrelated story:

That song "Penny Lane" by the Beatles? [On June 12th 2020] in Liverpool, England, it was reported that several street signs were vandalized as word began to spread that Penny Lane may have been named after a slave trader named James Penny.

Social Media has become the new police force, judge, jury and executioner. 

[#] Sat Jun 13 2020 17:07:31 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Barack Obama is descended from slave traders. All monuments to him should be desecrated.

[#] Sun Jun 14 2020 10:49:05 EDT from zooer

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In the progressive mind, the people don’t choose their government, the state chooses its people.

If you have not read it recently it is worth reading again.  Nineteen Eighty-Four, it is available public domain in Canada.

Available in EPUB format as well.

[#] Mon Jun 15 2020 14:05:56 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Quote of the day:

"The American people are stupid and will support anything that sounds good."
-- Joe Biden (1982)

[#] Mon Jun 15 2020 15:23:29 EDT from darknetuser

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Are the Seattle rebels dead yet? I have heard there are problems in Atlanta too. Any news? Information is getting a bit scarce here.

[#] Mon Jun 15 2020 16:28:16 EDT from zooer

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Mon Jun 15 2020 02:05:56 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Quote of the day:

"The American people are stupid and will support anything that sounds good."
-- Joe Biden (1982)


"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,"
--Joe Biden (2007)

[#] Mon Jun 15 2020 16:30:58 EDT from zooer

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Mon Jun 15 2020 03:23:29 PM EDT from darknetuser
Are the Seattle rebels dead yet? I have heard there are problems in Atlanta too. Any news? Information is getting a bit scarce here.

There was a police related shooting in Atlanta, the police body cam showed there was a struggle.  The autopsy report says the victim was shot in the back, the officer was fired and might be charged with murder. 
The incident happened outside a Wendy's so the Wendy's was burned to the ground.

[#] Tue Jun 16 2020 07:20:57 EDT from darknetuser

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The incident happened outside a Wendy's so the Wendy's was burned to
the ground.

I am so disappointed at the US at this point.

[#] Tue Jun 16 2020 09:39:33 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Are the Seattle rebels dead yet?

They renamed their tantrum from CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) to CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized Protest), meaning they are no longer claiming to have seceded from the United States. Someone decided that they require too many public services (fire protection, utilities, etc) to be an autonomous nation, plus they don't want to give up their rights as citizens when some are inevitably arrested.

So they're basically Occupy at this point.

[#] Tue Jun 16 2020 09:40:58 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The incident happened outside a Wendy's so the Wendy's was burned to
the ground.

I had lunch at Wendy's yesterday to show support for a company that has been victimized by the rage mob.

Anecdotal evidence about the incident is sketchy, as is always the case with these things.

[#] Tue Jun 16 2020 14:31:10 EDT from darknetuser

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2020-06-16 09:40 from IGnatius T Foobar
The incident happened outside a Wendy's so the Wendy's was burned to

the ground.

I had lunch at Wendy's yesterday to show support for a company that
has been victimized by the rage mob.

Anecdotal evidence about the incident is sketchy, as is always the
case with these things.

I am sure the gesture is appreciated by somebody, but most of these franchises are just small business that rent the brand. So the Wendy's that was burnt probably belonged to Gramma Stephany, and the one you had lunch in has a different owner.

[#] Wed Jun 17 2020 00:32:23 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yes I do know that, but I can't go to the one in Atlanta because
1. It burned down
2. It's in Atlanta and I am not

I wonder when Chick-Fil-A will get around to firing the woketard who they put in charge of their charity program and immediately cut ties with Christian charities in favor of giving money to the domestic terrorist group called the Southern Poverty Law Center. I no longer get excited about eating there.

[#] Thu Jun 18 2020 06:25:04 EDT from darknetuser

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It looks like polls are giving an advantage to Biden as of late.

Admittedly, my sampling methodology is bogus at best, but what I am finding among my Americal friends is the following:

* People who supported Trump at the begining still suport him.
* People who hated Trump at the begining still hate him.
* Moderates who had no strong ideas are turning anti-democrats (specially since some antifas were found spreading "burn it all" style messages).

So I really wonder how can it be that my experience can be SO disociated from the poll results.

[#] Thu Jun 18 2020 13:55:33 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's easy. The polls are set up to say what they want to say.

* Communists (democrats) are oversampled.
* Patriots (republicans) are undersampled.
* Trump supporters tend to either hang up on the pollster (because he's a left-wing asshole) or lie to him (because they don't want to be doxxed/canceled) but in the privacy of the voting booth, they will vote for Trump.
* The pollsters are communist socialist America-hating demoKKKrats and therefore simply LIE.

Remember, these are the same polls that gave Hitlery Cunton a 98% chance of winning in 2016, and she lost in a landslide.

[#] Thu Jun 18 2020 19:10:26 EDT from zooer

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Another thing polls like to do is question 150-800 people and report it as "Most Americans".  Eight-hundred out of 320 million is about 0.00025% of the U.S. population, combined with the details IGnet mentioned and you can see how off the actual numbers are. 

[#] Sat Jun 20 2020 20:18:22 EDT from zooer

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Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter

[#] Sun Jun 21 2020 07:25:59 EDT from darknetuser

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2020-06-20 20:18 from zooer
Muhammad Ali’s son says dad would have hated ‘racist’ Black
Lives Matter


That would mean Muhammad Ali had more sense than a lot of people today.

Are things cooling down already?

[#] Sun Jun 21 2020 19:27:10 EDT from zooer

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There is no more looting, vandalizing and rioting all in the name of justice.  You can lose your job for making anything other than the pre-approved statements.

Great-grandson of Syracuse’s Aunt Jemima angry at her removal: ‘This is an injustice’

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