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[#] Mon Jun 03 2024 08:39:36 EDT from Nurb432

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"Democrats raising concerns about Supreme Court ethics"

Well of course they are.  That is the train of destruction's next stop.  

[#] Mon Jun 03 2024 15:55:07 EDT from Nurb432

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Another sham trial began today.  Of course with a totally different outcome when its over.  And i guess old Joe stopped in as a show of force, a reminder " dont cross me or my family "

[#] Tue Jun 04 2024 14:40:38 EDT from darknetuser

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welcome.  Today, after the verdict they have been over run with
leftists.  I guess now that America is dead, they have no reason to

hide anymore.  And there are more out there than people realize.

I am not so sure. My own observation is that when an Internet place is left without political interference by the moderators, it turns kiwifarmesque. When there is an avalanche of lefties you can bet they are paid actors.

There are lots of lefties, but most of them are not on board with what lefty representatives do past a certain point. I think people loses focus because the propaganda machine is so powerful. There are lots of lefties who embraze the crazy leftie shit but they are not the most by miles. They just support them with their votes XD

[#] Tue Jun 04 2024 14:48:36 EDT from Nurb432

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I guess we will find out soon, when the shooting starts.  

[#] Tue Jun 04 2024 21:25:38 EDT from zelgomer

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2024-06-02 11:33 from Nurb432 <>
Senate Republicans vow to 'freeze' the government and no longer
cooperate with Democrats on anything other than basic citizen safety.

LOL only about, what? 30 years too late? Probably more.

[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 07:38:27 EDT from Nurb432

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Just like Biden's new "we are going to secure the border tour", a few decades late  ( of course, not that he will, its all election season political noise, just like the 'freeze' is )

Tue Jun 04 2024 21:25:38 EDT from zelgomer
LOL only about, what? 30 years too late? Probably more.


[#] Wed Jun 05 2024 10:03:48 EDT from Nurb432

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"Wisconsin’s Democrat attorney general has charged two lawyers and an ex aide for former President Donald Trump with forgery over paperwork they filed to contest the results of the 2020 election."

Well, that didnt take long to start. I sort of lumped my thoughts about people like this into #1, but i guess these folks are not political leaders and deserve their own section" "His business and political associates"  is now #1, and move the rest down a number.. 

Sun Jun 02 2024 16:03:44 EDT from Nurb432

My main concern is now they have went after him and 'won', who is next?

  • Political leaders who support him?
  • Citizen donors ( like happened to the trucker fund stuff in Canada )?
  • Run-of-the-mill Trump supporters?   
  • Generic registered Republicans?
  • Everyone? ( spawn the coming 'mass event' i have been predicting, enact martial law and total crack down of everyone and everything )



Now that they proved they can and will take down the top and dont give a flying F about the law to everyone, the rest of us have no chance to fight back.  ( the still ongoing Jan 6 fiasco was just testing the waters )


[#] Thu Jun 06 2024 17:59:05 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Senate Republicans vow to 'freeze' the government and no longer
cooperate with Democrats on anything other than basic citizen

Send everyone named Bush to gitmo, then we'll start to believe they're serious.

[#] Thu Jun 06 2024 18:03:07 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hey, did anyone catch Biden's D-Day performance today? All observers agree that he did a big stinky Obama in his pants.

[#] Thu Jun 06 2024 18:37:04 EDT from Nurb432

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I didnt. I dont care what that scumbag has to say as its all lies and gas light... And i cant stand hearing him talk anyway.  ( Like AOC, just the voice. No thinks, ill read a transcript if i think its important ) 

Was the same for O. Just his voice was offensive and grating. 

Thu Jun 06 2024 18:03:07 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Hey, did anyone catch Biden's D-Day performance today? All observers agree that he did a big stinky Obama in his pants.


[#] Thu Jun 06 2024 21:24:39 EDT from msgrhys

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Example of SCG making productive use of his time:




*SCG = me


[#] Fri Jun 07 2024 09:08:33 EDT from msgrhys

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Example of SCG making productive use of his time:



*SCG = me

[#] Sat Jun 08 2024 17:54:33 EDT from Nurb432

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California is collapsing with crime. So Newsom wants to cut 200 million from police budget.   

Makes sense to me. . lol  

[#] Sun Jun 09 2024 17:35:04 EDT from darknetuser

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2024-06-08 17:54 from Nurb432
California is collapsing with crime. So Newsom wants to cut 200
million from police budget.   

Makes sense to me. . lol  

Actually, it makes a lot of sense, if you connect the dots in reverse.

I have noticed people around my area is starting to act as if law is not gonna bring justice and switching to the Charles Bronson system. It used to be the case that if somebody talked shit about you, you sued for libel. Now you just pick some friends and beat him up. It seems to work better if you ask me.

[#] Sun Jun 09 2024 18:20:23 EDT from Nurb432

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To an extent i agree, but over the last couple of decades they have disarmed a lot of their citizens. ( or programmed them not to want anything )

Sun Jun 09 2024 17:35:04 EDT from darknetuser
2024-06-08 17:54 from Nurb432
California is collapsing with crime. So Newsom wants to cut 200
million from police budget.   

Makes sense to me. . lol  

Actually, it makes a lot of sense, if you connect the dots in reverse.

I have noticed people around my area is starting to act as if law is not gonna bring justice and switching to the Charles Bronson system. It used to be the case that if somebody talked shit about you, you sued for libel. Now you just pick some friends and beat him up. It seems to work better if you ask me.


[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 12:16:45 EDT from Nurb432

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"Hunter Biden found guilty on all counts in federal gun trial"  That is nice at lest the attempt to influence the jury didnt work. Too bad nothing will come of it, other than perhaps a trivial fine and some probation. ( the rest of us, would never see the light of day )

Now, one can debate all day long if 4473 or its questions are constitutional. ( its not ) But if you lie on a federal form, that is a crime that you willingly committed. If you disagree with the form, great, you go to court to ask for it to be eradicated, not lie on it.

[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 16:11:53 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

Subject: Best Case Scenario 2024

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[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 16:14:06 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Best Case Scenario 2024

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At the last minute they will swap out candidates and upset the balance. Biden wont be on the ticket in November.

[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 16:58:00 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

Subject: Re: Best Case Scenario 2024

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And just who could they possibly replace him with? The only person they could nominate who might be able to beat Trump is RFK Jr, and I just don't see them nominating him.

Tue Jun 11 2024 16:14:06 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: Best Case Scenario 2024

At the last minute they will swap out candidates and upset the balance. Biden wont be on the ticket in November.


[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 16:59:49 EDT from SouthernComputerGeek

Subject: Re: Best Case Scenario 2024

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Stop swallowing those blackpills, they aren't good for you.

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