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[#] Wed Jan 27 2021 14:18:29 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I am always surprised by how violently people react to the suggestion that piracy can be social protest. 

"You're stealing from families, with children, who depend on their income from movies, music, art, to feed and shelter themselves. They may not care about the political or social agendas being pushed by the studio or Hollywood or the music industry!" 

Yup. If I knew your work was being funneled into human trafficking, or the illegal drug trade no one would protest if I hurt your business, even if some of the people working in the industry weren't directly guilty.

If America or the UK had intercepted and stolen raw materials and other resources going to German during WWII, even if that meant innocent people in German would go hungry - nobody would have complained. 

So it goes with the Leftist agenda in Media. The more you can hurt their bottom line, the better. Because the agenda they use their profits for in those industries are terrible - and hurting their economic position is a good thing. 

You shouldn't just steal from them - you should distribute widely and erode the market demand for what they produce at every opportunity - and ruthlessly. Kim Dot Com was a martyr for liberty, even if unintentionally. :) 

Burn the media to the ground. 


Wed Jan 27 2021 13:04:22 EST from zooer




Roger Water's father was a card-carrying communist. Roger is a far-left socialist. 
He gets upset that is music is passed around for free.  I thought that was the idea. 


[#] Wed Jan 27 2021 14:21:10 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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"You wouldn't steal a car!" 

Yes I would, if the profits would go to people trying to destroy my liberty. In fact, I'd steal as many cars as I could, and I'd give them away, so that other people wouldn't need to buy cars - to make it harder for the people making cars to sell them, and to make them sell for less, when it was costing them more to produce. I'd try and put the car dealers out of business - and it would be a great strategy. 

Wed Jan 27 2021 14:18:29 EST from ParanoidDelusions

Burn the media to the ground. 


[#] Wed Jan 27 2021 14:44:21 EST from zooer

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Wed Jan 27 2021 02:18:29 PM EST from ParanoidDelusions

Burn the media to the ground. 

I saw a "Defund the media" shirt the other day.

[#] Thu Jan 28 2021 10:03:02 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Defund the Government. 


Wed Jan 27 2021 14:44:21 EST from zooer


Wed Jan 27 2021 02:18:29 PM EST from ParanoidDelusions

Burn the media to the ground. 

I saw a "Defund the media" shirt the other day.


[#] Fri Feb 05 2021 08:56:30 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I don't stop liking the art but I surely stop funding it.

It's tough ... it really is. Usually it's a turn off and I stop liking it.
But some works are good enough to transcend that. Usually they're older works, though, before the artist decided to make their soapbox more important than their soap.

Certainly, if Rob Reiner and Cary Elwes had been the kind of ultra-assholes they are now back when I bought my DVD copy of The Princess Bride, I probably would have chosen to download it. If they had been ultra-assholes back when they were making the movie, the movie would have been unwatchable. But their hatred and contempt for me was quiet then.

[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 09:29:16 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Not only that, the Princess would have been played by some Latina actress, and Wesley would have been black. 

Which - I'm sorry... some parts are ethnically typecast. When you drop a token black handmaiden into a Victorian or Middle Ages lady's court and claim, "this is historically accurate... the black moors!" 

It is something you've got to do sparingly. 

Also - I think the best person for the role should get the film. If you can *convincingly* make a white guy into Prince - and it isn't disruptive to the show - if every time he comes on screen you don't go, "Wait... who is that white guy?!?" then do it. 

But unless he has pale skin - I think a black man is ALWAYS going to have a hard time pulling off Queen Elizabeth as a role - no matter how much makeup and prosthetics you throw at him. 

At a certain point - you're doing it just to do it - because it would have been way easier to hire a white broad to pull it off. 

Fri Feb 05 2021 08:56:30 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
I don't stop liking the art but I surely stop funding it.

It's tough ... it really is. Usually it's a turn off and I stop liking it.
But some works are good enough to transcend that. Usually they're older works, though, before the artist decided to make their soapbox more important than their soap.

Certainly, if Rob Reiner and Cary Elwes had been the kind of ultra-assholes they are now back when I bought my DVD copy of The Princess Bride, I probably would have chosen to download it. If they had been ultra-assholes back when they were making the movie, the movie would have been unwatchable. But their hatred and contempt for me was quiet then.


[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 10:25:31 EST from LoanShark

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Our New Vaccine Distribution Plan is Based on Your Relationship With Pink Floyd

[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 11:05:32 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I just moved from phase 2C to phase 2A! 


Sun Feb 07 2021 10:25:31 EST from LoanShark

Our New Vaccine Distribution Plan is Based on Your Relationship With Pink Floyd


[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 11:06:02 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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No, wait... now I'm 2D. 


Sun Feb 07 2021 11:05:32 EST from ParanoidDelusions

I just moved from phase 2C to phase 2A! 


Sun Feb 07 2021 10:25:31 EST from LoanShark

Our New Vaccine Distribution Plan is Based on Your Relationship With Pink Floyd



[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 11:07:44 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I could be phase 8, actually. But I also qualify for 2E. 


Sun Feb 07 2021 11:06:02 EST from ParanoidDelusions

No, wait... now I'm 2D. 



[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 12:22:57 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Not only that, the Princess would have been played by some Latina

Robin Wright didn't exactly bring anything unique to the film. Buttercup could have been played by any vapid bimbo.

I like to believe that the screenplay was so well written, and the film was so well cast (Cary Hitler Elwes, Wallace Shawn, Andre the Giant, Billy Crystal) that it could have been filmed with any producer and it would have been as-good or better.

[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 12:26:52 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Our New Vaccine Distribution Plan is Based on Your Relationship With

Pink Floyd

Wow ... I've been listening to Floyd for decades but I don
t appear anywhere on the list.

[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 13:15:50 EST from zooer

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Sun Feb 07 2021 12:22:57 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
the film was so well cast (Cary Hitler Elwes, Wallace Shawn, Andre the Giant, Billy Crystal)


Fred Savage MADE that film.



Sun Feb 07 2021 12:26:52 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Our New Vaccine Distribution Plan is Based on Your Relationship With

Pink Floyd

Wow ... I've been listening to Floyd for decades but I don
t appear anywhere on the list.

 Have you ever seen them in concert?

[#] Mon Feb 08 2021 08:48:25 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Nope. I own a few CD's but have never been to a concert.

[#] Mon Feb 08 2021 11:13:00 EST from zooer

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Then you can't get a vaccine yet.  You would have needed to see them in concert to get fast tracked.


[#] Mon Feb 08 2021 16:42:46 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Fine with me, I don't want it.

[#] Fri Feb 12 2021 08:26:55 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Casting the Princess as Queen Latifah, would have made it a completely different movie. It might have still been funny. 

And if they tried to cast a PoC in the title role and then play it *straight* - it would have been the kind of transparent, ham-fisted virtue signaling that makes the movie all about the social justice message, and not the movie itself, and that ruins movies. 

"We did this and if you NOTICE or take offense, it proves YOU are the problem! Now we dare you not to notice what we did!"

"You cast a PoC in a role that disrupts the suspension of disbelief in this movie?" 

"See! We knew you were a racist." 

Sun Feb 07 2021 12:22:57 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Not only that, the Princess would have been played by some Latina

Robin Wright didn't exactly bring anything unique to the film. Buttercup could have been played by any vapid bimbo.

I like to believe that the screenplay was so well written, and the film was so well cast (Cary Hitler Elwes, Wallace Shawn, Andre the Giant, Billy Crystal) that it could have been filmed with any producer and it would have been as-good or better.


[#] Sat Feb 13 2021 00:19:10 EST from arabella

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Sun Feb 07 2021 10:25:31 AM EST from LoanShark

Our New Vaccine Distribution Plan is Based on Your Relationship With Pink Floyd

The band I was in started playing different tunes,

I'll get my jab on the dark side of the moon.

[#] Sat Feb 13 2021 03:06:34 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Here is your vaccine. 

Sat Feb 13 2021 00:19:10 EST from arabella


The band I was in started playing different tunes,

I'll get my jab on the dark side of the moon.


[#] Sat Feb 13 2021 03:07:08 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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And then you wake to find

10 years have got behind you

No one told you when to run

You missed the starting gun. 


Sat Feb 13 2021 03:06:34 EST from ParanoidDelusions

Here is your vaccine. 

Sat Feb 13 2021 00:19:10 EST from arabella


The band I was in started playing different tunes,

I'll get my jab on the dark side of the moon.



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