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[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 09:52:56 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-04-14 14:50 from Nurb432
Are those types ever really against it? They love them that money
that capitalism gives them.   But love the attention they get by

yelling at it too...
Wed Apr 14 2021 14:47:42 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Yet, they don't seem SO angry at the machine, in reality. 

This issue is old as politics.

I canc ertainly think of some (local) bands that are Against the Machine but realize the problem with the Machine is not capitalism. In fact, one of my favourite songs for one of this bands goes like "if the government contacts you, it is time to scream, because you are gonna have to pay more tax! [...] tomorrow you are paying extra for parking [...] then you want to use public transport and the fucking bus never arrives"

It sounds way better in the original.

[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 16:08:18 UTC from test2

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boy, you guys are old farts.  im surprised you haven't waxed eloquent on blazing saddles yet.  maybe you have and I was too lazy to search.

[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 17:23:23 UTC from Nurb432

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Is that even still legal to watch? 

Thu Apr 15 2021 12:08:18 EDT from test2

boy, you guys are old farts.  im surprised you haven't waxed eloquent on blazing saddles yet.  maybe you have and I was too lazy to search.


[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 17:48:29 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-04-15 13:23 from Nurb432
Is that even still legal to watch? 
Thu Apr 15 2021 12:08:18 EDT from test2

boy, you guys are old farts.  im surprised you haven't waxed
eloquent on blazing saddles yet.  maybe you have and I was too lazy
to search.


I don't even know what that is. What is it, and what is wrong with it?

[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 18:11:05 UTC from zooer

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It is a Mel Brooks film.

It was written by Mel Brooks and Richard Pryor.  There is a lot of politically incorrect humor in it. The N word was used at least once.  It is based in the old west and is a story of a newly hired black sheriff in a white old west town.

Very funny film, watch it.


Trivia:  Richard Pryor wanted to desensitize the "N" word.  He wanted it to be as normal as the label "African-American". Pryor felt people shouldn't be offended by the word.  When people are offended by a word the word has power.  By removing the offensive status the word, the word loses its power.  Unfortunately Pryor's goal didn't work.  

[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 18:13:30 UTC from Nurb432

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its an old Mel Brooks movie, mid 70s. Full of stuff the modern PC crowd's heads would explode over now.

Legal was a joke, but the PC crowd would like to make humor like that legal. 

[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 18:49:26 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Rage Against the Machine are old farts. 

Tom's chops are epic - politically, the entire band has always had their head up their asses and were targeting the demographic of idiot potheads who drop out of JC and wear Che shirts and those dumbass necklace pouches in the colors of the South African flag. 

And their lyrics are banal. The inarticulate anger of someone with white noise for a brain wave.

Which -

is a deeper lyric and better prose on ACCIDENT than any words RATM ever put to music. 


[#] Mon Apr 26 2021 14:44:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'm glad I have a copy of Blazing Saddles on DVD. I'm sure it won't be available on streaming platforms for much longer, if it is even available in its original format at all.

Richard Pryor was right. I've said the same thing. Words only have power if you allow them to. Unfortunately, this works well for the get-offended industry.

[#] Mon Apr 26 2021 18:37:02 UTC from Nurb432

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I should try to get a used copy, to show the grand kids "this is what we used to call humor back in the old days" ( tho some are already in college.... )

Mon Apr 26 2021 10:44:28 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I'm glad I have a copy of Blazing Saddles on DVD. I'm sure it won't be available on streaming platforms for much longer, if it is even available in its original format at all.

Richard Pryor was right. I've said the same thing. Words only have power if you allow them to. Unfortunately, this works well for the get-offended industry.


[#] Mon Apr 26 2021 19:42:42 UTC from zooer

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There is a millenniumist reaction youtube channel, she reviews "classics" and she has really enjoyed Mel Brooks movies.


[#] Mon Apr 26 2021 22:19:19 UTC from Nurb432

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I bet even a lot of music ( back OT :) ) would be banned now.

Doubt you would find a lot of Frank Zappa "acceptable" when he was in 'political mode'.  And dont even try the album Thing Fish.. The PC crowd would eat you alive.  Never could be done today.

[#] Tue Apr 27 2021 03:25:53 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Pretty sure I have a copy of Blazing Saddles that could be made into a rip that could find itself in a private room on The Sanitarium. 

It would just take a PM. 

Because I think hurting Hollywood studios is social protest. 

Shiver Me Timbers! It's Talk Like A Pirate Day (PICTURES) | HuffPost UK

[#] Tue Apr 27 2021 13:09:38 UTC from Nurb432

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not sure if they are making much money off a 45 year old show now ... 

Mon Apr 26 2021 11:25:53 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Because I think hurting Hollywood studios is social protest. 


[#] Tue Apr 27 2021 16:34:31 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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It is more the principle of the thing to me, at this point. 

I wouldn't piss on a Hollywood executive or celebrity that was on fire to put the flames out. 

Tue Apr 27 2021 09:09:38 EDT from Nurb432


not sure if they are making much money off a 45 year old show now ... 

Mon Apr 26 2021 11:25:53 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Because I think hurting Hollywood studios is social protest. 



[#] Tue Apr 27 2021 17:14:33 UTC from Nurb432

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I donno, not all of the acting staff is bad.  Sure not many but there left that have not be absorbed by the machine, are few still out there. ( and to find them, they are in the process of being cancelled )

Tue Apr 27 2021 12:34:31 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

It is more the principle of the thing to me, at this point. 

I wouldn't piss on a Hollywood executive or celebrity that was on fire to put the flames out. 

[#] Tue Apr 27 2021 17:35:45 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Yeah. There are a couple of actors I can think of I might lend a hand - but not many - and as you noted, they're already on the Hollywood shitlist. 

Norm McDonald and that other comedian he hangs with, Chris Pratt... a couple of others. 

But, I'd also let them go down with the ship if it were a ship full of their peers. It would be a fair trade. 



Tue Apr 27 2021 13:14:33 EDT from Nurb432

I donno, not all of the acting staff is bad.  Sure not many but there left that have not be absorbed by the machine, are few still out there. ( and to find them, they are in the process of being cancelled )

Tue Apr 27 2021 12:34:31 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

It is more the principle of the thing to me, at this point. 

I wouldn't piss on a Hollywood executive or celebrity that was on fire to put the flames out. 


[#] Wed Apr 28 2021 03:44:16 UTC from test2

Subject: burn on hollywood

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lately, this is my favorite BURN on hollywood.  the evil bastards...  Gervais pisses on them with gasoline!





Tue Apr 27 2021 01:35:45 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Yeah. There are a couple of actors I can think of I might lend a hand - but not many - and as you noted, they're already on the Hollywood shitlist. 

Norm McDonald and that other comedian he hangs with, Chris Pratt... a couple of others. 

But, I'd also let them go down with the ship if it were a ship full of their peers. It would be a fair trade. 



Tue Apr 27 2021 13:14:33 EDT from Nurb432

I donno, not all of the acting staff is bad.  Sure not many but there left that have not be absorbed by the machine, are few still out there. ( and to find them, they are in the process of being cancelled )

Tue Apr 27 2021 12:34:31 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

It is more the principle of the thing to me, at this point. 

I wouldn't piss on a Hollywood executive or celebrity that was on fire to put the flames out. 





[#] Wed Apr 28 2021 04:51:04 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: burn on hollywood

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I had not seen anything but his initial monolog. This was excellent. I don't think Gervais is on OUR side - but he certainly isn't on THEIR side - and I love *that* about him. 

His contempt is palpable and genuine. The audience is getting up and walking away before he is done - and he DGAF. 


Tue Apr 27 2021 23:44:16 EDT from test2 Subject: burn on hollywood

lately, this is my favorite BURN on hollywood.  the evil bastards...  Gervais pisses on them with gasoline!



[#] Wed Apr 28 2021 05:20:20 UTC from test2

Subject: Re: burn on hollywood

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The harvey weinstein rip at the end is priceless. friggin pedophiles and rapists.  greta thunberg was a nice touch too.


Wed Apr 28 2021 12:51:04 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions Subject: Re: burn on hollywood

I had not seen anything but his initial monolog. This was excellent. I don't think Gervais is on OUR side - but he certainly isn't on THEIR side - and I love *that* about him. 

His contempt is palpable and genuine. The audience is getting up and walking away before he is done - and he DGAF. 


Tue Apr 27 2021 23:44:16 EDT from test2 Subject: burn on hollywood

lately, this is my favorite BURN on hollywood.  the evil bastards...  Gervais pisses on them with gasoline!




[#] Wed Apr 28 2021 13:42:32 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: burn on hollywood

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"you worked for him. I didn't. You did. C'mon" 

Dismissive hand wave.

Wed Apr 28 2021 01:20:20 EDT from test2 Subject: Re: burn on hollywood

The harvey weinstein rip at the end is priceless. friggin pedophiles and rapists.  greta thunberg was a nice touch too.


Wed Apr 28 2021 12:51:04 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions Subject: Re: burn on hollywood

I had not seen anything but his initial monolog. This was excellent. I don't think Gervais is on OUR side - but he certainly isn't on THEIR side - and I love *that* about him. 

His contempt is palpable and genuine. The audience is getting up and walking away before he is done - and he DGAF. 


Tue Apr 27 2021 23:44:16 EDT from test2 Subject: burn on hollywood

lately, this is my favorite BURN on hollywood.  the evil bastards...  Gervais pisses on them with gasoline!





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