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[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 11:15:35 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Most of my tools are in milk crates.  Real ones.  :)

[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 11:23:36 EDT from Nurb432

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I did that as a kid, but got tired of them falling thru the holes.

Yes cardboard boxes inside them, but those get oily and dissolve. And messy when you toss it in the trunk of the car. ( never leave home without a toolkit )

Sun Aug 08 2021 11:15:35 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Most of my tools are in milk crates.  Real ones.  :)


[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 19:36:28 EDT from darknetuser

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2021-08-07 12:01 from Nurb432
Next time i decide to install a new stove, remind me to get help
dragging it in and the old one out.  I'm getting too old to do
everything on my own. 

You remind me of a time in which I had to get a fucking safe in. A "small" one, of those AAA models which have many inches of steel and concrete for walls. With the door removed, the thing weighted around 90 kg.

No wheels, no chart, no anything, I was tasked to put it in a pre-arranged socket on a wall. Alone.

I am still wondering how in hell I could do it.

[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 20:17:39 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: BT enabled power-tools.

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[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 23:59:55 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: BT enabled power-tools.

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Somewhere there is a tweaker who is good with technology just itching to hack this. 

Pretty much, you just have to steal the activation technology. 


Sun Aug 08 2021 20:17:39 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: BT enabled power-tools.


[#] Fri Oct 01 2021 18:11:53 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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"Never add pool chemicals directly into the skimmer."

Sorry safety freaks, but I *always* do that. Nothing distributes chemicals into the water better than being dissolved inside the pipes and then shot through the return jets.

[#] Fri Oct 01 2021 19:21:23 EDT from Nurb432

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we would too. back when we had a pool.  Its gone now

[#] Sat Oct 02 2021 09:53:00 EDT from LoanShark

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"Never add pool chemicals directly into the skimmer."

Just don't add your bleach and your muriatic acid right at the same time that way, and you'll be fine.

[#] Sat Oct 02 2021 13:02:12 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Heh. Adding those at the same time would be a bad idea no matter how they were introduced.

I get it. Sometimes things flare up or release gases. And I suppose pool owners who are Darwin Award candidates would have their face directly over the skimmer looking straight down into it. That isn't me. In it goes, slowly dissovling, without my face pointing straight down into the basket. Works great.

[#] Mon Oct 04 2021 10:28:15 EDT from LoanShark

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Things are safer if you don't have an automated chemical feed system.

Nice thing about the automated feed systems is guess what happens if they don't have a properly-designed electricial safety interlock with the circulation pump: pump stops, chlorine and acid feeders keep running...

[#] Tue Oct 05 2021 10:05:46 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Things are safer if you don't have an automated chemical feed system.

Nice thing about the automated feed systems is guess what happens if they don't have a properly-designed electricial safety interlock with the circulation pump: pump stops, chlorine and acid feeders keep running...                                   

That sounds like it would be ... misfortunate. 

Aside from shocking at the beginning and end of the season, my pool doesn't need ongoing chemical feed because I run a salt water system.  Once the water is balanced, it generally stays balanced the whole season (which is now five months long because I now have a permanent AGP and don't have to disassemble and store it anymore).

Salt water chlorine generators *really* don't like to run without flow.  Mine will stop and throw a code if it doesn't see the water moving fast enough.



[#] Tue Oct 05 2021 10:14:10 EDT from Nurb432

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For us, a pool became too costly and troublesome for the limited amount of use.   So down it went 2 summers ago. 

[#] Tue Oct 05 2021 11:27:44 EDT from Nurb432

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Well damn. 

Had a evergreen bush out front.  Another one grew right beside it and basically took over. Been lazy a few years to deal with it, but this morning cut down the big one ( 7' or so ).  Went looking in the mess left to see how i can safely cut out the rest of the trunk and not hurt the bush.


Um its the same plant..  it seems to have grown a 2nd trunk off the side, turned into a tree, with different kinds of branches, even a different color of green..

[#] Tue Oct 05 2021 12:48:45 EDT from LoanShark

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That sounds like it would be ... misfortunate. 

It's happened a few times at public indoor pools and the only people who win are the lawyers.

[#] Tue Oct 12 2021 17:49:29 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Oof. No thanks. I have my pool set up to require the absolute lowest chemical levels possible. The salt water chlorinator runs for four hours each night, which for a 15" round pool is enough time that the pump has circulated all of the water several times. The water in the *pool* is not highly chlorinated, but the water going through the plumbing is exposed to very high chlorine levels as it goes through.

Obviously there's *some* chlorine in the pool during the day, but it doesn't need a lot, and you have to try really hard to perceive that it's even there.
It works great ... I have run this method for a decade and I've never had anything other than crystal clear, germ-free water. I've adjusted the pH once in a while but it's never been a constant battle.

[#] Wed Oct 13 2021 13:52:39 EDT from LoanShark

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last time I maintained a pool it was actually a hot tub at a ski house we were renting shares in.

the owner had it set up for chlorine, rather than bromine, which is annoying and needs more maintainance in a hot tub. he did it so save money.

he had a floater with those trichlor tablets. they suck. they're designed for pools, not hot tubs, so you have to crank the floater down to its tightest possible opening or you may end up overchlorinating. but they also release chlorine quite slowly, so I was constantly using plain old bleach as an alternate method to get the levels correct quickly without having to wait hours or days.

so with the trichlor, in a 500-gal hot tub, you're constantly either overshooting or undershooting. We weren't in the house much on weekdays, it was a weekend retreat, so I would put a few tabs in the floater on Sunday night before we left. If you put too many tabs in, you'd have too much chlorine next weekend. The alternative was you put 1-3 tabs in and they would entirely dissolve during the week and you'd have zero chlorine the following weekend when you come back.

Bleach is highly alkaline so it has to be pH balanaced almost every time you add any.

[#] Sat Oct 30 2021 14:36:17 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yup, I've heard a lot of stories like that, and I've seen plenty of pools that are balanced but foggy. SWCG makes it so ridiculously easy, I couldn't imagine doing it any other way at this point. That would go double if the pool/tub was at a property other than my primary residence.

[#] Thu Nov 04 2021 20:28:02 EDT from Nurb432

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Any of you know what plant this seed is from? My dogs are covered in them every time they go outside.  Literally 100s of them as they are so small... all up in the fur.. takes forever to dig them all out and i know i miss some.   Never had this problem before and i want to burn this plant to the ground. 




[#] Fri Nov 05 2021 10:26:01 EDT from Nurb432

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Great.  Draining problems last 2 days. Today its almost not draining.  Plumber, ( that i used when i had the lines break in the wall last year so he seems trustworthy ), this morning:  " i bet its roots, instead of me coming out, you will want to call a clean out service and have them do the main drain line to the street. I normally have 'so and so' do it".

Waiting on them to arrive.  

There goes 500-1k, assuming they dont want to rip the pipe out of the front yard..  then several k$

[#] Fri Nov 05 2021 17:57:55 EDT from Nurb432

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Ok.  150..  man i got lucky. Was all 'root shoots' and nothing huge, so no real damage to the pipes to worry about.  BUT ill be treating it every quarter or so now. I'd like to avoid ripping my yard open to replace the line. 

One of those things you just dont really think about until it bites you in the ass.

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