Showed a guy my new trick at the office Friday, he about jumped out of his chair :)
Im sure this should hurt.. but its not. At least not any more than the normal constant pain i have in that arm. ( and the other arm, due to surgery i should never had had. if i had only known the long term side effects of surgery would be far worse than just letting the injury go.. )
Thu May 12 2022 07:46:58 PM EDT from zelgomerew! that gave me the willies
Having all the nerve endings dead and unable to process pain sounds better than having joints full of arthritis that are going to give you a dull pain response around the clock.
As for me and my family, I think we all finally got the coof. For me it was like a flu, and not the worst flu I've had either. After clearing the days-without-symptoms thing I went out of town for a week, and most of the time I was just really really tired. Then I came home and pretty much slept the entire weekend.
For what it's worth ... the two members of my family who were vaccinated had more severe symptoms than the two of us who weren't vaccinated.
I do have the dull pain all the time. sometimes worse if i move wrong ( especially in mornings, i cant use that arm to get out of bed, it takes a bit before i can use it ), but i suspect it would be a LOT worse if it wasn't for the nerve damage down there.
Same here.
We had it end of Jan, beginning Feb in 2020, before anyone knew what it was. We were "functionally sick" about 2 weeks, 'its sort of like flu, but its not, its mostly just annoying, but wtf is this as its not a cold'.
I was also dealing with a kidney stone ( longest running one i have had to date ) and i know all the tests i was getting, i caught it at the hospital..
Thu May 19 2022 10:45:54 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
For me it was like a flu, and not the worst flu I've had either.
So ... Bill Gates is trying to give everyone smallpox now?
What the actual fuck? Can we *please* shred him in a wood chipper before he kills another million people?
Not seen that one yet.
But fluvid release didnt kill everyone off like they hoped so gotta try again.
2022-05-20 16:34 from IGnatius T Foobar <>
So ... Bill Gates is trying to give everyone smallpox now?
What the actual fuck? Can we *please* shred him in a wood chipper
before he kills another million people?
Fear porn. Don't fuck strangers in the ass and you'll be fine.
Or any place else, until you know them well enough.
Sun May 22 2022 10:44:55 AM EDT from zelgomerFear porn. Don't fuck strangers in the ass and you'll be fine.
the proper pronunciation- the "k" is silent
Like everything these days, it's suspicious. But so far it's all just noise from the people who are in charge of keeping everyone in a constant state of crisis all the time. I'm not gonna worry about it until they tell us to -- and then I'll do the opposite of what they say.
Last month I was sick ... didn't get a positive Coof test but I had some of the symptoms. If it was, then it really has gotten mild enough that every remaining rule other than "wash your damn hands" needs to be rescinded.
I got COVID while on the cruise. Luckily, I only got it the day before our cruise ended in Vancouver, Canadia. Home now. The 'Rona sucks, but I feel better meow.
Woodpusher: interesting, tell us more about the Paxlovid.
Well that was fun.
Yesterday after work, had a bit of a drive to head to a 'viewing' for a co-worker's child. Straight shot out of town, ~ 40 minute drive. Got time to turn into the parking lot and my left elbow went out of socket and stuck. I have 2 arms so not dangerous but man it hurt and was unexpected.
( for those that dont know, my radius bone was replaced with Adamantium ( ok, ok, titanium :) ) a few years back to an accident with one of my dogs. During the accident, pushed what was left into my wrist so its hosed too. But normally it stays where its supposed to.. )
Should we talk about kidney stones or torn tendons next? :)
Fri Jul 22 2022 07:57:01 PM EDT from zelgomerI should zap this room. I've broken a few bones and dislocated a joint before, and now thinking about that stuff gives me goosebumps every time Nurb432 posts about his weird wrist.
And all I can say is ... damn, arthritis is teh suq. Pain every day, limping follows any day when I'm on my feet. I have a friend who is about 20 years older than me and she swears by this stuff [ ] but damn that looks like your typical bottom-dwelling supplement shysters.
When I was in the Navy, a bar of zinc was dropped by someone working directly above me. That 30lbs bar of zinc hit my right arm, nearly breaking it. No broken bones, tho. I got seriously lucky. I was sent back to the barracks for the rest of the day. After that pain wore off, never had any issues.
This past week, I've been having pains in exactly the spot where that bar of zinc hit me 20 years ago. Unfortunately, personal injury laws have a statute of limitations. In Georgia, this statute of limitations is 2 years. That's important because any claim against the Navy for this would be in Georgia, as that's where I was when the zinc hit me. Why the hell is it bothering me after 20 years? Grrrr!
I think id prefer a broken bone to what i got. Those can heal. When there is no bone left, they dont heal well :) But ya, hearing about others injuries, dont effect me like that either.
And im sure you can imagine the long term arthritis effects of having what is left of your radius shoved into your wrist. ( pretty sure my shoulder is hosed with it too, same reason and all the torn tendons and ligaments, it still hurts abd pops actually )
When i had my car wreck 3 years or so ago where i broke my neck, had xrays of my arm done too, just in case. ( i had my hands on the steering wheel, since i was still moving ). Rather scary looking down in the wrist and its no wonder it hurts ( no good days, just not always bad days.. im sure you understand ) strangely enough my arm IS trying to rebuild itself, you can see new bone slowly forming around the metal implant and working toward the elbow. I learned a new word that day: "osseointegration"
May have mentioned too and on a more comedic momemt; But when i first went in with my arm in pieces, after he forced the ulna back into place "why are you not crying.." "eh, it hurts, just do it" was showing me the xray "This is bad, the worst i have ever seen and there is nothing left to heal. We will have to insert a 7" piece of titanium here, and... bla bla " "cool, do i get retractable claws too?" Doc just stared at me. Nurse about fell out of her chair. She understood. It was around the time the first wolverine came out with Jackman. I tried to explain, he had no clue what the hell i was talking about.. failed.
Sat Jul 23 2022 08:15:08 PM EDT from IGnatius T FoobarThat's funny, I've had broken bones and I don't get goosebumps when I hear about others having them.