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[#] Tue Aug 20 2024 19:18:41 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Remote IP creating users?

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Sounds to me more nefarious than just spam. Why not just delete them, recreate them with a huge random password?  Then they cant get in and create/use them.

[#] Tue Aug 20 2024 19:19:54 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Remote IP creating users?

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wow sorry about that.. your last bit of manually creating somehow didn't show up until after i submitted. 

Tue Aug 20 2024 15:18:41 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: Remote IP creating users?

Sounds to me more nefarious than just spam. Why not just delete them, recreate them with a huge random password?  Then they cant get in and create/use them.


[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 02:29:34 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Remote IP creating users?

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The accounts being created are backup, mail, news, and blog, which
strike me as useful usernames for sending spam from. If I delete the
accounts, they are recreated shortly afterwards.

Folks like that don't quite understand, do they. :)

So, you've basically got a few options.

1. If your system is intended to be private, simply turn off self-service user account creation.

2. If your system is intended to be public, make sure you configure it so that accounts cannot send outbound Internet email by default.

Both options are found in your system configuration screen.

[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 13:33:41 UTC from 007Ray

Subject: AWS - r8 image type support

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Hello All,

I hope I am posting this question in the right place.

We are using the latest "Citadel Hardened-ol8arm-5.0.0-prod" and we would like to launch the instance as r8g.xlarge however it gives the following error "The instance configuration for this AWS Marketplace product is not supported"

is it possible to allow r8g.xlarge ?





[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 20:17:30 UTC from OBeardly

Subject: Citadel On Non-SystemD Systems

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I just wanted to share, I've attempted to install Citadel on non-systemd systems a number of times now and I just cannot get it to function properly without systemd. This may not be important to the Citadel community, but I wanted share my findings. I have a handful of clients that have taken a stance against systemd and am looking for a groupware solution for them. Outside of this specific issue, Citadel seems fantastic. I've had no issue building and/or installing on Debian or Ubuntu systems as long as they have systemd. 

[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 20:53:39 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Citadel On Non-SystemD Systems

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Kudos to them.

While LG or one of the others can chime in, and will, i suspect you will have to create your own start up script, using the systemD service definition as a guideline.

Wed Aug 21 2024 16:17:30 EDT from OBeardly Subject: Citadel On Non-SystemD Systems

 I have a handful of clients that have taken a stance against systemd 


[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 21:31:34 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: AWS - r8 image type support

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

We are using the latest "Citadel Hardened-ol8arm-5.0.0-prod" and
we would like to launch the instance as r8g.xlarge however it
gives the following error "The instance configuration for this
AWS Marketplace product is not supported"

I didn't even know there was an AWS image for Citadel. If there is, it isn't maintained by us. Would love to hear more, though. In any case that would be a question for the image maintainer.

[#] Wed Aug 21 2024 21:40:03 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel On Non-SystemD Systems

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I've had no issue building and/or installing on Debian or Ubuntu
systems as long as they have systemd. 

Well, you've got a couple of options. Citadel itself doesn't require systemd, but the build script delivered by Easy Install assumes that systemd is in place. So if you're attempting to run Citadel under sysvinit, you can do one of two things:

1. Before running Easy Install, do this command:

This will make it install (or upgrade) the software, but no attempt will be made to create or modify the startup scripts. Then you can put your own startup scripts in place. If you need the commands to execute we can supply those.

2. Or you could just run the container (Docker) version of Citadel, which doesn't care what init system you're using. When you start it with a policy such as "restart=always" or "restart=unless-stopped" then the system takes care of that for you.

There are a number of people running Citadel on FreeBSD so it's definitely not a hard and fast requirement to have systemd.

[#] Thu Aug 22 2024 22:11:19 UTC from Juan hernandez <> to <>

Subject: RE: [Citadel Support] Re: Citadel On Non-SystemD Systems

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I had unsubscribed from this mail list, but now I'm getting emails again,
how do I unsubscribe?

-----Original Message-----
From: IGnatius T Foobar <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 2:40 PM
To: Citadel Support <>
Subject: [Citadel Support] Re: Citadel On Non-SystemD Systems

I've had no issue building and/or installing on Debian or Ubuntu >systems
as long as they have systemd. 

Well, you've got a couple of options. Citadel itself doesn't require
systemd, but the build script delivered by Easy Install assumes that systemd
is in place. So if you're attempting to run Citadel under sysvinit, you can
do one of two things:

1. Before running Easy Install, do this command:

This will make it install (or upgrade) the software, but no attempt will
be made to create or modify the startup scripts. Then you can put your own
startup scripts in place. If you need the commands to execute we can supply

2. Or you could just run the container (Docker) version of Citadel, which
doesn't care what init system you're using. When you start it with a
policy such as "restart=always" or "restart=unless-stopped"
then the system takes care of that for you.

There are a number of people running Citadel on FreeBSD so it's definitely
not a hard and fast requirement to have systemd.

[#] Sat Aug 24 2024 15:59:19 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: RE: [Citadel Support] Re: Citadel On Non-SystemD Systems

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I had unsubscribed from this mail list, but now I'm getting emails again,

how do I unsubscribe?

But I'll take you off manually.

[#] Sat Aug 31 2024 18:31:23 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Automatic forward from my server to an gmail address.

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Dear All,

I am getting problems giving the following message: 550 (550-5.7.26 Your email has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. )

I have an automatic forward (through a rule) from my server (from an email address) to an gmail address.

Here explains the problem:

I did not read completely these sites.

With present Citadel features, can it solve the problem? Or will the features be included in a future release?

I suppose that the Citadel maintainers are more aware of this than me. That is why I am looking help.


Luís Gonçalves.


[#] Sat Aug 31 2024 18:32:56 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Automatic forward from my server to an gmail address.

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Notice that I have DKIM, SPD, DMARC.

Sat Aug 31 2024 14:31:23 EDT from luisgo Subject: Automatic forward from my server to an gmail address.

Dear All,

I am getting problems giving the following message: 550 (550-5.7.26 Your email has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. )

I have an automatic forward (through a rule) from my server (from an email address) to an gmail address.

Here explains the problem:

I did not read completely these sites.

With present Citadel features, can it solve the problem? Or will the features be included in a future release?

I suppose that the Citadel maintainers are more aware of this than me. That is why I am looking help.


Luís Gonçalves.



[#] Mon Sep 02 2024 11:38:08 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Automatic forward from my server to an gmail address.

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Dear All,

Before I had Citadel I had Communigate (sorry to talk of foes). I leaved Communigate because they ended the Community Version and perhaps because they are Russians. (sorry if I damage someone feelings).

In Communigate they have 3 types of automated (with rules) forwards. Each one changes the header of the forward email differently. I can provide to the Citadel maintainers a version of Communigate that supports Community for testing. Or you can obtain an old version in Communigate western site. I have a version for Centos.

You can contact me though the email in the rules of


Luís Gonçalves.





Sat Aug 31 2024 14:31:23 EDT from luisgo Subject: Automatic forward from my server to an gmail address.

Dear All,

I am getting problems giving the following message: 550 (550-5.7.26 Your email has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. )

I have an automatic forward (through a rule) from my server (from an email address) to an gmail address.

Here explains the problem:

I did not read completely these sites.

With present Citadel features, can it solve the problem? Or will the features be included in a future release?

I suppose that the Citadel maintainers are more aware of this than me. That is why I am looking help.


Luís Gonçalves.



[#] Mon Sep 02 2024 11:54:18 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Automatic forward from my server to an gmail address.

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Sorry my bad English. Not foes but competitors. Not leaved but left. Not though but through.

Mon Sep 02 2024 07:38:08 EDT from luisgo Subject: Re: Automatic forward from my server to an gmail address.

Dear All,

Before I had Citadel I had Communigate (sorry to talk of foes). I leaved Communigate because they ended the Community Version and perhaps because they are Russians. (sorry if I damage someone feelings).

In Communigate they have 3 types of automated (with rules) forwards. Each one changes the header of the forward email differently. I can provide to the Citadel maintainers a version of Communigate that supports Community for testing. Or you can obtain an old version in Communigate western site. I have a version for Centos.

You can contact me though the email in the rules of


Luís Gonçalves.





Sat Aug 31 2024 14:31:23 EDT from luisgo Subject: Automatic forward from my server to an gmail address.

Dear All,

I am getting problems giving the following message: 550 (550-5.7.26 Your email has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. )

I have an automatic forward (through a rule) from my server (from an email address) to an gmail address.

Here explains the problem:

I did not read completely these sites.

With present Citadel features, can it solve the problem? Or will the features be included in a future release?

I suppose that the Citadel maintainers are more aware of this than me. That is why I am looking help.


Luís Gonçalves.




[#] Mon Sep 02 2024 22:49:23 UTC from BrotherPhil

Subject: Re: Remote IP creating users?

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]


Tue Aug 20 2024 22:29:34 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Remote IP creating users?
The accounts being created are backup, mail, news, and blog, which
strike me as useful usernames for sending spam from. If I delete the
accounts, they are recreated shortly afterwards.

Folks like that don't quite understand, do they. :)

So, you've basically got a few options.

1. If your system is intended to be private, simply turn off self-service user account creation.

2. If your system is intended to be public, make sure you configure it so that accounts cannot send outbound Internet email by default.

Both options are found in your system configuration screen.

Agreed - switching off self-service user account creation was the first thing that I did, even before they started appearing, along with setting new accounts as Problem User and disabling email - this latter being, I suspect the reason for the new users.

However, another new account has been created since then.

Is there a setting somewhere to block IP numbers or ranges? Not a complete solution, but it might at least slow repeat offenders down.

[#] Wed Sep 04 2024 16:14:14 UTC from msajdak

Subject: language version

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Hi there I installed Citadel today. My group is weak in English. Requires installing the native language, in my case Polish. Is this possible? if so, how to do it?

[#] Thu Sep 05 2024 07:32:24 UTC from msajdak

Subject: Re: language version

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if there is no such option, maybe there is a language file in this system that I can manually edit

[#] Thu Sep 05 2024 07:45:08 UTC from msajdak

Subject: visual issue

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How can I fix this issue

left upper corner of images

first is correct the second is from my installed system (smothing is wrong with it)

222.png (image/png, 74039 bytes) [ View | Download ]
111.png (image/png, 82367 bytes) [ View | Download ]
[#] Fri Sep 06 2024 00:34:57 UTC from nickb

Subject: Re: missing SERACH feature in show as: Bulletin Boar

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What I am trying to describe is:

Just as you have the SEARCH BAR when in view as: MAIL

is to possible that you have a SEARCH BAR when in other views? Such as Bulletin Board or Blog?

It is a very useful feature when in those other views because then the search feature will work for the "body" of the emails.




Thu Aug 15 2024 05:06:08 EDT from nickb Subject: Re: missing SERACH feature in show as: Bulletin Boar


Tue Aug 13 2024 09:04:19 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: missing SERACH feature in show as: Bulletin Boar
Then it DISAPPEARS under the show as BULLETIN board style. I
also found it to be really handy to be able to read emails like
a bulletin board then be able to find key words in my emails.

Can you clarify please ... was there a previous version of Citadel in which this appeared differently, or are you pointing out the difference between the Mail and Forums view and requesting the search box in one of them?

And if it is an older version where it worked differently, what version was that? WebCit-classic hasn't been significantly modified in quite some time but we can run a diff and see if something was accidentally lost.




would all have the SEARCH function ontop of the "view as"

It was a few version earlier, when you still have the OPENID


[#] Mon Sep 09 2024 21:38:50 UTC from yjlion

Subject: Re: visual issue

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run the command on the terminal  dpkg-reconfigure locales and chouse the language you need.

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