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[#] Mon May 13 2024 16:08:47 EDT from Nurb432

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"We are outsiders and just got here. We dont know your business. We dont know your customers. And we dont care. You will do it our way because we said so, and you will shut up"


And when it all falls apart i get to :  " i told ya "  then exit stage left as it all burns to the ground.

[#] Tue May 14 2024 11:09:00 EDT from Nurb432

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No, the office is not a social club. 

[#] Wed May 22 2024 08:04:45 EDT from darknetuser

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Full disclosure: one of the organizers of this thing pays my bills.

Here you are a report regarding Open Source Professionals. The LPI surveyed a number of IT pros in order to have some statistics about what IT candidates want and don't want from an IT job. "Respondents care most about work-life balance and remote work options when considering a new role. A stated policy for using and contributing to open source software and opportunities for training and certification were also important to respondents."

Progressive woke policies score so low in the priority list as to be negligible XD available-now/

[#] Wed May 22 2024 08:23:17 EDT from Nurb432

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This is true in any industry really, not just "IT" as most people are sick and tired of the nonsense. 


Wed May 22 2024 08:04:45 EDT from darknetuser

Progressive woke policies score so low in the priority list as to be negligible 

[#] Thu May 23 2024 06:40:29 EDT from darknetuser

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2024-05-22 08:23 from Nurb432
This is true in any industry really, not just "IT" as most people are

sick and tired of the nonsense. 

Sure, but the point is this comes from a serious survey with proper methodology and no bias. It comes to show the real interest people shows in woke policies when they can express themselves in an unpunishing neutral environment. If you had to guide yourself by what the media says, woke is the nw normal; according to this survey, woke matters for a percentage in the single digits range.

Also, it looks to me like sysadmins have a bigger tendency to be pissed off by their jobs than developers, and the "other" category seems to be happier overall.

[#] Thu May 23 2024 08:07:23 EDT from Nurb432

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I dont trust surveys. Even so called anonymous ones. 

Thu May 23 2024 06:40:29 EDT from darknetuser
2024-05-22 08:23 from Nurb432
This is true in any industry really, not just "IT" as most people are

sick and tired of the nonsense. 

Sure, but the point is this comes from a serious survey with proper methodology and no bias. It comes to show the real interest people shows in woke policies when they can express themselves in an unpunishing neutral environment. If you had to guide yourself by what the media says, woke is the nw normal; according to this survey, woke matters for a percentage in the single digits range.

Also, it looks to me like sysadmins have a bigger tendency to be pissed off by their jobs than developers, and the "other" category seems to be happier overall.


[#] Thu Jun 06 2024 09:02:33 EDT from Nurb432

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yay losing local admin rights. Even us IT support people. Now everything has to go thru that silly 'zero trust' nonsense if it requires any elevated rights.    Had to use that to install an app on VDI. took 5 rounds of them adjusting things to get it to work.  

[#] Thu Jun 13 2024 17:03:55 EDT from Nurb432

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So i guess this coming fiscal year we upped our rates we charge back to departments to host physical servers to ~ 550 a month.   That is just hosting, you still have to buy it..

We include admin support to keep the OS patched ( mandatory. its on our network, so we dictate )  and a tech to swap out parts if they die under warranty., and sure we supply power, cooling, network.....  but man that seems expensive just to let it sit in our room..


[#] Thu Jun 13 2024 18:37:47 EDT from Nurb432

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and 4k a month to host an oracle app. per site

Ouch. ( im sure oracle is screwing us and we are only passing it along.... but still .. ouch )

[#] Sun Jun 16 2024 16:10:48 EDT from Nurb432

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Do most people use their V/C/S time?

I never did in previous jobs..  never did in this one either and now i have so much i cant take enough before i retire  ( literally over 2000 hours.. )...  Been trying to take a day off her and there starting this spring, and it feels 'strange'..  

I'm not even sure what i lost before. Never really even thought of not going into work each day..  Its how my dad was too, so i grew up: "we just go do our thing..."


I remember one time i wrecked my car between jobs when i was a field guy..  it was around noon ( a spare tire/wheel fell off a semi in front of me doing about 65 mph on the interstate.. about flipped the car.. i did go airborne ). Within an hour i had my car towed, a rental delivered to where i was, parts and tools transferred, and i was on the road.   So basically i used my lunch hour..  And i was not late to the next appointment..               And the time i got my arm rebuilt after i lost the radius a few years ago.. i took off an afternoon for surgery, which felt odd.. And i was back on the job the next morning. ( one handed, but was back and typing and talking on the phone )


Or am i just a weirdo?

[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 11:09:40 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'm not familiar with the phrase "V/C/S time" but it sounds like some sort of accumulated time off and/or comp time?

Mine doesn't carry over, so it's a use it or lose it arrangement, but as a very senior employee I have so much of it that I don't ever finish it all.
And yes, I do feel sheepish taking so much time off even when I do use it.
Stricttly my own feelings, too -- my boss keeps telling me I need to use my time off.

As it so happens I am on vacation right now (house is supervised so don't get any ideas hehe) but that's just one week of paid time off and I get at least five before you even start factoring in the time they give us for floating holidays. Last year I took more than ever but I still had some left over by the end of the year.

In the old days when I was still involved in production support we were asked not to simply clock out when the number of remaining days off equalled the number of work days left in the year, but now that I'm in engineering they don't really care as much.

And of course I have to reserve some time in case I get sick, but I'd have to be pretty damn sick to not be able to sit at my computer and do some work.
I think the last time I did that was when I got the china virus a few years ago. Oh, and when I was injured in 2017 and had to stop working for a couple of weeks, I took time off instead of short term disability because disability only pays half.

This year ... I'm taking more time off to do my beloved home improvement projects!

[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 11:15:29 EDT from Nurb432

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Sorry, ya "Vacation, Comp, Sick".   Ours roll over here. If they didn't, i bet id have been more diligent about a day here and there. But they don't, so 'Im busy so ill do it later' and later never really happened.

Monday i heard they will pay you for ~230 hours of V time unused.  Then up to $5k above that in whatever hours you have left in the pool, at your current pay rate, not when it was earned.  Anything over that is gone.    Of course that is subject to change each fiscal year when new rules come out.

[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 11:18:23 EDT from Nurb432

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Oh and i think if you leave under good terms and come back later, you get what you had before you left re-applied to your account.  You also get to keep the years accumulated towards pension if you leave and come back. That i do know happens. 

[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 11:38:48 EDT from Nurb432

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Squatters rights!!!

Thu Jun 27 2024 11:09:40 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

As it so happens I am on vacation right now 

[#] Thu Jun 27 2024 14:42:29 EDT from Nurb432

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A *single* system outage. So lets email EVERYONE .. all 700 of us.


[#] Fri Jul 05 2024 09:11:00 EDT from Nurb432

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So at the office when we have an outage that effects x number of people they open up a teams channel/conf call. While i hate MS, its what we use, so it makes sense.


Today, Teams is down.   LoL.

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