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[#] Tue Dec 27 2022 11:28:12 EST from Nurb432

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Send out a yearly report to a department. Only has 5 columns.  A total and 4 break downs of the total. 

"my total number is 2x they were last year" ( we average about the same each year.. slight variations but under 5% )

He added all 5 columns..  a senior manager who has been here for a decade.

[#] Wed Dec 28 2022 08:22:56 EST from Nurb432

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New 'suggestion box' form we just ran across today out on our internal portal page. ( i thought it had been turned off years ago..  )


"You can remain anonymous, however the recipient will have your name and email with your submission"


Um, that isn't how it works..

[#] Wed Dec 28 2022 16:28:56 EST from Nurb432

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"I dont like this, when did this new policy go into effect, so and so still can do x why cant my other new person" "well, that was missed, thanks for letting us know so we can remove those rights tomorrow" 



[#] Wed Dec 28 2022 18:04:59 EST from darknetuser

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2022-12-27 07:41 from Nurb432
Its what happens when you isolate people for 2 years. Regular
immunity tanks.

( the one down side of being an introvert too :) )

I am not so sure. As long as you go out and do your barnwork you will keep a healthy immune system. If you lock in a dark room with only a computer as a window to the outside world and deal with obody ever, that is a different tale.

[#] Tue Jan 03 2023 11:50:42 EST from Nurb432

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So it looks like in our SINGLE org ( equivalent to a department in the real world ), we now have 10 ways to track our time.  

and 5 or 6 source control systems. bla bla. Im being asked to move to Azure Devops, "ill pass. No thanks. You have your MS crap if you like, but i wont. My latest version is in a file share, you want it in your garbage, you can write a script to grab it. "

and more than one way tot rack incidents ( even tho its been mandated everyone use my system.  " oh, we dont use that" )



What a cluterF

[#] Wed Feb 01 2023 10:30:29 EST from Nurb432

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lets mange our work in yet another system, at the same time.  ( up to 5 duplicate systems now..)



[#] Thu Feb 02 2023 14:14:16 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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lets mange our work in yet another system, at the same time.  ( up
to 5 duplicate systems now..)

Teams, wiki, sharepoint, gitlab, Project Insight, SmartSheet ... no wonder no one can find anything.

[#] Thu Feb 02 2023 15:07:33 EST from LadySerenaKitty

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Clusterfuck.  You can say the whole thing, this is Uncensored Citadel.


Tue Jan 03 2023 11:50:42 EST from Nurb432

What a cluterF


[#] Thu Feb 02 2023 17:01:25 EST from Nurb432

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Sad thing is i run what was mandated to be the repository for work to be submitted, tracked, reported on, as well as the working knowledge repository, linked back to work being done.

Since nearly everyone flat out refused, management actually let them put links to their info in my KB module..    really?  how about step up and be a manager instead? Even to the point now   "we want you to make us a on-boarding form, which then emails us the details and closes the ticket immediately "  wtf.


I'm glad my time is about up.  i'm so over it. 



And i had forgot about smart sheet...  add that to our list too.

Thu Feb 02 2023 02:14:16 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
lets mange our work in yet another system, at the same time.  ( up
to 5 duplicate systems now..)

Teams, wiki, sharepoint, gitlab, Project Insight, SmartSheet ... no wonder no one can find anything.


[#] Thu Feb 02 2023 17:02:06 EST from Nurb432

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I know, its just not in my nature... 

Thu Feb 02 2023 03:07:33 PM EST from LadySerenaKitty

Clusterfuck.  You can say the whole thing, this is Uncensored Citadel.


Tue Jan 03 2023 11:50:42 EST from Nurb432

What a cluterF



[#] Thu Feb 02 2023 18:57:45 EST from zelgomer

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2023-02-02 20:07 from LadySerenaKitty <>

Clusterfuck.  You can say the whole thing, this is *Uncensored*

"Only I didn't say 'fudge'"

[#] Mon Feb 06 2023 20:06:57 EST from Nurb432

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So we can either spend 7 bucks a month on network accounts ( a handful of people ) and use existing systems as is... or we can spend 100's of hours of dev time, insert 3 layers of complexity, still not get full functionality..   wtf is wrong with our leadership?  

i need out of here. Clearly I am not going to last until time to hang up my towel.

[#] Tue Feb 07 2023 13:31:30 EST from Nurb432

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Yay..  after a 2nd round of explanations, common sense won. 

[#] Tue Feb 07 2023 18:44:10 EST from Nurb432

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Apparently this upper manager wont listen to 'regular folk' it has to come from your manager before its listened to.   So while common sense did prevail in the end, he's still an ass.


Unfortunately we have several people at the office like this, if you are not in the old boys managers club, you are meaningless.  Some will even refuse to speak to you, and not just by ignoring your email, they will literally walk right around you as you stand there and talk to your manager about the SAME EXACT THING like you dont exist...   bunch of freaking children  

Tue Feb 07 2023 01:31:30 PM EST from Nurb432

Yay..  after a 2nd round of explanations, common sense won. 


[#] Thu Feb 09 2023 18:28:07 EST from Nurb432

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Not me, but heard about another person who left our org as an upper manager "as long as i am here you will never get a raise or be able to move to a new position"

Petty *****es dont deserve to be managers.

[#] Tue Feb 14 2023 09:17:28 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Clusterfuck.  You can say the whole thing, this is Uncensored


[#] Tue Feb 14 2023 22:38:33 EST from LadySerenaKitty

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Tue Feb 14 2023 09:17:28 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Clusterfuck.  You can say the whole thing, this is Uncensored



[#] Tue Feb 21 2023 13:51:56 EST from Nurb432

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  • Impossible to meet goals mandated down. ( effects your reviews )
  • Expansion of the power base into other BUs, when the expansion is not in our charter of what services we provide
  • Justification of your existence, what you have done, how much money you saved by being here.
  • ROI now has to be done on *everything* we do.. even incident management.
  • 5 different ways mandated to track your time and prove you are doing something and have things scheduled to do to fill 100% of your time. ( incidents, not accounted for )
  • Petty upper management, wont listen to 'just an employee' or actively holding your career back.
  • Bleeding people right and left
  • System i support, going to be told we are switching platforms later this year. Zero input in the decision making process, even tho my team of 3 are the experts in this field..
Manager ( our buffer between us and the petty upper management ) retires out mid-summer. Unsure of replacement or if we get re-orged and report directly.


Sounds like its time to move on, or at least get my ducks in a row to prepare. Ya, been talking about how i dislike the place these days, but i do think the bus is coming. And id rather not be underneath it.

Too bad too, just about to hit 22 years here. ( first of April.. ya.. i get the joke :) )

[#] Tue Feb 21 2023 18:45:03 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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How about that, we both started our current jobs the same year. I will hit 22 years on Feb 26.

Dunno what your skill set is, but if you have a CV you're willing to share?

[#] Tue Feb 21 2023 19:26:40 EST from Nurb432

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I dig a pretty good hole :)

just kidding, actually i dont.. 


Im actually starting to work on my resume.. I had it up to date until i got hired here, but not kept it up on the various groups i worked in since since i was mainly the "ITSM dude".. everything else was 2ndary and related to the core job so really didnt need to ( like project management, BA, coding, scripting, BI.. bla bla ), But now that i think the hand writing is on the wall, its time to start getting it updated so i can sound special.

I do have some contacts in other BUs that would like to have me around.  Almost got a position to be some sort of "Technical Analyst" in another BU, but just before i applied to make it official, they lost funding. Glad i didnt, it would have looked bad.  But i also have to be careful as since my current BU is planning on gutting IT in other BUs, i dont want to just end up back here. ( that has happened to a few people in the past )

Tue Feb 21 2023 06:45:03 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
How about that, we both started our current jobs the same year. I will hit 22 years on Feb 26.

Dunno what your skill set is, but if you have a CV you're willing to share?


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