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[#] Wed Nov 11 2020 15:20:42 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I think the whole Bond as a woman thing is being overplayed to get attention....

I think that 007 Bond is retiring, and there's a black woman who winds up with his 00 designation.

But he's still Bond, no matter what.

If they do some crap like Dr. Who did, or the female Ghostbusters, or the upcoming female Blues Brothers, etc. it wil fail.

What's wrong with a movie like Salt, Peppermint, Mr. and Mrss. Smith, the Avengers flicks, etc. Don't recreate a male role as a woman. Just create strong women on their own terms. Sadly, it often seems forced. A lot of women just aren't that believable as being "strong".

Once again, Hollywood doesn't understand the audience and just pushes diversity for the sake of diversity, not advancing the story.

[#] Wed Nov 11 2020 17:13:38 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Wed Nov 11 2020 10:20:42 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold @ Uncensored
I think the whole Bond as a woman thing is being overplayed to get attention....

I think that 007 Bond is retiring, and there's a black woman who winds up with his 00 designation.

But he's still Bond, no matter what.

If they do some crap like Dr. Who did, or the female Ghostbusters, or the upcoming female Blues Brothers, etc. it wil fail.

What's wrong with a movie like Salt, Peppermint, Mr. and Mrss. Smith, the Avengers flicks, etc. Don't recreate a male role as a woman. Just create strong women on their own terms. Sadly, it often seems forced. A lot of women just aren't that believable as being "strong".

Once again, Hollywood doesn't understand the audience and just pushes diversity for the sake of diversity, not advancing the story.

I think there is an inherent admission when they do this that they think a black of female character cannot succeed on their own if they're not a reimagined white male character - that an LGBT character can't be successful unless they were previously an implicitly straight character. 

Of course, they may just be bitter and petty people who get some kind of kick out of "stealing" "our" characters from us, and they enjoy that we abandon loved franchises when they do this, so they can call us whatever "phobe" or "ism" applies when we "can't accept," that "humanity is evolving." 

I suppose it is a little bit of all of this. They've told one another their myths about the straight white male patriarchy and why we reject this kind of thing for so long, that they believe it - even though for their franchises to flop as hard as they do, it has to be more than just *us* rejecting their "re-imagined" franchises. Their target audiences aren't interested either. 

[#] Fri Nov 13 2020 11:16:14 UTC from darknetuser

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2020-11-07 06:48 from zooer
The next James Bond will be a female of color.... and if you don't

see the movie you are a racist and a sexist.

Didn't the James Bond franchise die out decades ago?

Apparently not.

While I think having a female super-spy would be great, I don't think

Ian Fleming's 1940s/50s book series is the correct story line.
Introduce a modern spy thriller, new character, new name. If people

are still interested in the spy thriller genre it will take off.

The media is already insisting the viewers are the problem. If she

fails it is because people are racist and sexist not because it was a

foolish Hollywood gamble.


James Bond (movie franchise) died for me when Pierce Brosnan left. Not that I find Daniel Craig bad or anything, but they just didn't give him good movies to work with.

With all this push from SJWs against hiring anybody who does not fit their communistic world, what reasonable people must do is not purchase SJW tainted products in return. Otherwise you are just giving money to people who hates you.

Let SJW products burn.

[#] Fri Nov 13 2020 11:23:58 UTC from darknetuser

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The amazing thing is that Hollywood keeps doubling down on pushing

its programming when it is clear that they've reached a point where

people are rejecting it. They haven't attempted to become more
subtle, to reset. They've gone, "No! We tell you what it is right to

believe, and you ACCEPT it, or you'll get MORE until you learn to

behave! Why is our industry dying?" 

The hubris involved here is epic. 

And then, the Covid thing has been their own ideology mostly hurting

their own cash cows the worst. Like, they're TRYING to cut themselves

off from their primary source of funding. 

I feel like China must be behind it, honestly - because it takes more

than Soros kind of money to float an industry that big and tell it to

destroy itself.
It takes NATION level money. 

Yeah, I agree profit is not the motivation here. At least if they are trying to profit from their audience's money.

A friend of a friend worked for Disney here. A lot of their managers are trans or homosexuals and, as far as I have been told, it shows in their companie's internal policies. They have quotas for the recruitment of workers and that sort of thing.

A companie like Disney has a lot more sources of revenue than the films themselves. They have thematic parks, IP licenses, participations in global funds, toy companies... when you are at that level, it seems easy to say "Screw it, we can afford a 15% drop in film revenue in exchange of pushing the political propaganda we want to push"

[#] Fri Nov 13 2020 11:28:25 UTC from darknetuser

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2020-11-11 10:20 from Ragnar Danneskjold
I think the whole Bond as a woman thing is being overplayed to get


I think that 007 Bond is retiring, and there's a black woman who winds

up with his 00 designation.

But he's still Bond, no matter what.

If they do some crap like Dr. Who did, or the female Ghostbusters, or

the upcoming female Blues Brothers, etc. it wil fail.

What's wrong with a movie like Salt, Peppermint, Mr. and Mrss. Smith,

the Avengers flicks, etc. Don't recreate a male role as a woman. Just

create strong women on their own terms. Sadly, it often seems forced.

A lot of women just aren't that believable as being "strong".

Once again, Hollywood doesn't
understand the audience and just pushes
diversity for the sake of diversity, not advancing the story.

You know, the issue here is there are already women heroes, or black heroes, or what have you.

Seriously, Marvel has had Luke Cage, Black Panther, etc for a long time. But that fact didn't sell the idea they were *inclussive*, so they had to rub the concept in their audience's faces for them to notice.

And the way to do so is to introduce these elements in such an explicit and lampshaded way that it breaks the story flow to ensure you notice these elements are there for political reasons.

[#] Fri Nov 13 2020 13:36:07 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I actually really enjoyed Skyfall. The problem with the current Bond movies is that they've lost the campiness that made them fun.

[#] Fri Nov 13 2020 17:26:12 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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So, an interesting observation above is that Disney is infiltrated with LGBT activists. 

I've noticed that MOST of the activist agendas, from BLM to SJWs, Atheists to Fantasy Roleplay and Video Gaming - are really quietly driven as platforms for the LGBTLMNOPQRSTUV+ agenda. 

The first time I realized it was arguing with an atheist who claimed to be a satanist and then lectured me about how satanists do not believe in Satan - they're theists who adopted Satanism in order to offend Christian homophobes. 

Looked into that a little bit, and the modern Satanic Church isn't really a theist or atheist religion at all - it is a pro LGBT organization first and foremost. 

Then I noticed, no matter who you run into who is pushing SJW themes into some community *where SJW themes are irrelevant* - the person doing the pushing will have Pride flags and picture frames around their profile pic and photos of them at Pride parades and almost exclusively a focus on LGBT issues. 

I think this is a blind spot on the Right. LGBT activists infiltrate straight communities and organizations and then divide them over SJW issues as a coherent strategy - it isn't coincidence. There is some faction of the LGBT community that has a roadmap on doing this. 

I have no problem with LGBTs... but the far Left LGBT activists are behind most of the social unrest in the US today, and have been for a while. They're the ones getting statues of Baphomet put up in public squares, they're the ones driving BLM and AntiFA - they're the driving force behind Bernie Sanders, they're destroying every community they can. They come into FRP gaming groups and bitch about racist orcs and female warriors in impractical armor - and then they post homoerotic fantasy of scifi pictures to try and trigger the straights into responding with homophobic insults - and the mods always let that shit destroy their groups. They troll every community they can to divide and destroy it. Before they arrive, it was just a bunch of Star Wars fans, gay, straight, black, white, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Republican or Democrat - it didn't matter because... what do those things have to do with being a fan of Marvel Comics or Star Wars or Bond... 

But whenever someone shows up and goes, "I'm a pansexual, trangendered and transitioning black female AD&D fan...." 

Whenever all that shit is BEFORE the fan group they're joining... 

They're there *just* to get people to display transphobic attitudes so they can lose their shit and destroy the group. Every message will be about the "experience of a transitioning TG in the classic 8 bit retro community." 

"This isn't a support group for your gender identity or sexual preference, this is a group for the Amiga computer..."

"OH! Here it comes. Here come the het transphobe gatekeepers challenged by the fact that there are a lot of TGs who love the Amiga!!!" 

Like.... every time. 


[#] Fri Nov 13 2020 17:31:00 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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It actually made me feel a little bad for traditional Satanist theists. Their religion was co-opted and taken from them by the LGBT community. The LGBTs kept the "Do as thou wilt, and let this be the whole of the law," part - as it relates to carnal desires... Satanism was always *OK* with homosexuality - and even kind of endorsed it as just another intentional perversion of God's will. But they actually believed in Satan as an incarnate God, an existential being that had metaphysical power over the physics of the reality we live in. 

The LGBT community ripped that right out. It is JUST about being LGBT now. Satan isn't an actual BEING, it is a representation of an ideology opposed to Christian dogmas and doctrines and the Western Patriarchy that uses it to control oppressed people. 

And MOST people on the Right have no idea - don't care, and this is actually empowering to this agenda. 

[#] Fri Nov 13 2020 17:34:47 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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And God is it nice to be able to say that, to post that online, knowing that it won't get me a 30 day ban for "hate speech". 

This is an IDEA, that is supported by evidence, including statements BY LGBT members of the Satanic Church, that you can't post critically on Facebook - without them labeling it hate speech and suspending your account. It is a truth that only LGBT can state, and only in the affirmative. A conservative gay Christian CIS-Gendered man (and those exist) who posted this as a criticism would get a ban just as quick as I would as a straight white man. If he argued he couldn't post hate speech against LGBTs because he was gay, it would fall on deaf ears with Facebook mods. This happens *all the time*. I picked up a 7 day ban one time for calling *myself* White trash. 

I was like, "I AM white trash." Nope. Hate speech. 7 day ban. Come back after you've thought about what you've done. 

[#] Sun Nov 15 2020 17:15:48 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Check out what's been happening in the LGBTQ community for a LONG time.... rate-children


[#] Sun Nov 15 2020 19:15:40 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Sun Nov 15 2020 12:15:48 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold @ Uncensored
Check out what's been happening in the LGBTQ community for a LONG time.... rate-children


So, there is no question that we are on the slippery slope to normalizing pedophilia - that this is one of those topics where the conservative Right screams, "We see where this is headed!" and the Liberal Left responds, bewildered and wild eyed, "why are you such conspiracy theorists? We would *never* take it THAT far," knowing all the time that is exactly what their end goal is. 

But the question is, is the Far Left mostly a radical LGBT movement aiming at making it OK to engage in whatever depraved acts their community desires? 

OR... is they really just a community of useful idiots being encouraged to be activists for this goal knowing that the end result will be a Communist society where they will be unwelcome and unwanted? 

The basic idea comes down to this: 

The traditional heterosexuals white patriarchal Christian European society is the root of all evil. That is the thesis. Things like the nuclear family and the concept of "childhood" simply perpetuate this issue, and as institutions of White supremacy, they must be dismantled. 

I was thinking about this in relation to how the Left *hates* Columbus and Columbus day. Inevitably, you will encounter posts on Columbus day about how Columbus and his men raped children in the new world. 

Here is the *interesting* thing that occurred to me about this claim. Syphilis was unknown in the old world prior to 1492. Some have claimed there is evidence it existed prior to that, but the evidence is scant - and it appears that if we gave the indigenous Americans pox, their gift to the old world was syphilis. (Which along with evidence that Hitler had late stage, untreated syphilis from a whore in Vienna, supports a claim that if we're responsible for waging biological genocide against native Americans, that they are in turn responsible for the holocaust.) 

But, another hurricane from butterfly wings about that is this... if the crew from Spain were raping little girls, and then syphilis was the fastest spreading social disease in the New World on their return (and it was...) then - they certainly weren't the FIRST men in the New World to have raped those girls. 

Which makes you question if it was RAPE. I suspect to the Native Americans - it was being *neighborly* - just another thing that was shared in the basically communist democratic anarchy that was the way the Native Americans governed themselves. 

Like most claims the Left makes - it is situational how they present it - they use sophistry to frame any situation with such inconsistency that you don't really know *where* they stand. They'll use modern society's definitions against modern society - in this case, calling the young women that slept with the crew of Columbus *children* to present the idea that Columbus wasn't a *hero*, he was a European child rapist who came to a virgin land full of innocent people and instantly began exploiting them, including raping their children. 

Ironically, all the while agitating that children do not belong to parents, they belong to *society* - and that they deserve the same rights, benefits, pursuits and responsibilities that any other citizen does. 

What they're holding back now is that they consider citizens *widgets* in the big factory of society. Children are wasted productivity right now. Once we give them the right to vote, make them autonomous as members of society to be raised collectively by society, and then acknowledge that they are sexual creatures capable of making their own decisions on how to engage in sexual activity... 

Get those little fuckers to WORK carrying their portion of the responsibility for the good of the collective. 

"You can drink, you can vote, you can smoke, you can fuck... you can push a broom in the factory for the good of The People. Your socialized healthcare isn't going to pay for itself, Jr." 

 The world that they'll get is one where these rights will all be reconsidered based on their benefit for the collective. 

It is all giving people they want knowing that in the end they will give *you* control of giving them what they want, because they *believe* you will continue to give them what they want. 

Hell, it is the White Witch in Narina giving Edmund Turkish Delight. There I go with another Children's Fantasy literature allusion - but that is exactly the plan. She wins Edmund's confidence by giving him the one thing we're warned against taking from strangers, ironically, as children. CANDY. 

And that is what the Left gives their useful idiots. The candy that is ambrosia to them - whatever it is they most want, the Left promises them. 

At the end of it, like the White Witch, they'll be indebted to someone who can give and take at will and who has long since passed the point where they have to earn loyalty with sweet gifts. 


[#] Mon Nov 16 2020 13:58:37 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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now. Satan isn't an actual BEING, it is a representation of an
ideology opposed to Christian dogmas and doctrines and the Western

I'm gonna stop you there. Satan is real, he is an actual being, and his prime directive is to keep you separated from God.

He wants us to hate each other. That's why he loves to sow division. How to respond -- kill 'em with kindness, be the light. And align yourself with the One who is bigger than Satan/Disney. Jesus is the only answer, come to know Him now.

[#] Mon Nov 16 2020 16:52:41 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Oh, don't worry about stopping me. I'm simply telling you that the Satanic Church no longer believes in a manifest, incarnate Satan who operates as a sentient entity with a goal and agenda. They don't believe that they're praying to anything or anyone, they don't believe that there is a being granting them mystical powers, the ability to hex people, rewarding them for their loyalty. They don't believe in hell or damnation, or heaven and reward. They believe in the State, though. 

They're atheist Marxists who simply believe that Satanism is an expression of the idea of contempt for the traditional straight White Christian Patriarchy. It isn't the same Satanic Church it was. The *traditional* Satanic Church was actually an institution OF the oppression of the Patriarchy. To believe in Satan is to believe in the Christian God, which gives credibility to the Straight White-European Christian Patriarchy. The modern Satanic Church is an atheist organization that embraces the ideology that all of these institutions exist solely to perpetuate the oppression of victim groups.  

Which probably satisfies Satan just fine. 

Mon Nov 16 2020 08:58:37 EST from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
now. Satan isn't an actual BEING, it is a representation of an
ideology opposed to Christian dogmas and doctrines and the Western

I'm gonna stop you there. Satan is real, he is an actual being, and his prime directive is to keep you separated from God.

He wants us to hate each other. That's why he loves to sow division. How to respond -- kill 'em with kindness, be the light. And align yourself with the One who is bigger than Satan/Disney. Jesus is the only answer, come to know Him now.


[#] Mon Nov 16 2020 16:59:02 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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And above all else, it is a LGBT+ activist organization. The article above describes how the LGBT "struggle" has been framed at being perpetuated by the traditional oppressive strategies of the Straight White European Patriarchy. 

It all comes back to Socialism/Communism as the *solution* to all of the oppression that has been put into place by the Patriarchy to ensure their continued global cultural and economic dominance. Just more cultural Marxism. 


[#] Mon Nov 16 2020 17:05:34 UTC from zooer

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Sun Nov 15 2020 12:15:48 PM EST from Ragnar Danneskjold @ Uncensored
Check out what's been happening in the LGBTQ community for a LONG time.... rate-children


NAMBLA is hiding behind the homophobic curtain. 

[#] Mon Nov 16 2020 17:46:56 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Mon Nov 16 2020 12:05:34 EST from zooer @ Uncensored


Sun Nov 15 2020 12:15:48 PM EST from Ragnar Danneskjold @ Uncensored
Check out what's been happening in the LGBTQ community for a LONG time.... rate-children


NAMBLA is hiding behind the homophobic curtain. 

I think this is a distraction. We SEE Nambla hiding behind the homophobic curtain and become so distracted and outraged by that we don't even notice that there is a curtain behind Nambla.  That is the curtain hiding the Marxist agenda. That is the curtain we need to open and reveal. We're treating symptoms instead of curing the root problem. 

[#] Mon Nov 16 2020 20:29:01 UTC from LoanShark

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2020-11-16 11:52 from ParanoidDelusions
Oh, don't worry about stopping me. I'm simply telling you that the
Satanic Church no longer believes in a manifest, incarnate Satan who

[#] Tue Nov 17 2020 04:58:05 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Mon Nov 16 2020 15:29:01 EST from LoanShark @ Uncensored
2020-11-16 11:52 from ParanoidDelusions
Oh, don't worry about stopping me. I'm simply telling you that the
Satanic Church no longer believes in a manifest, incarnate Satan who

Well... that is some day glo, eye melting art house Fanzine noise, there, isn't it? 

You know, as an 80's punk... this kind of thing was always around - but it was such an East Coast thing. It is a little bit of the intersection between arts and fashion and urban desperation. Being a punk made me very tolerant of this kind of thing, because there was always some of it around - but even as a kid... I thought it was... pretentious or trying too hard? 

My daughter attends art school in Chicago... and - art scenes are always full of people who really crave attention... I get the irony that the punk scene has a lot of this element in it, too. But West Coast punk was also fairly grounded and practical. Flannel shirts, t-shirts, Chucks and Levis were as much a part of West Coast punk as studded leather, liberty spike mohawks, and Dr. Martens. People into these kind of scenes always seemed to have too much drama where ever they went. 

Of course, I always got the feeling that these kind of people regarded West Coast OC style punks as just another variety of banal suburban teenager only a few degrees removed from a redneck - and they're probably not *wrong* about that. 


[#] Tue Nov 17 2020 15:23:49 UTC from LoanShark

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Well... that is some day glo, eye melting art house Fanzine noise,
there, isn't it? 

It was really a little bit disturbing. This "gallery" folded a few years ago, but before that... he was known for having creepy staring contests outside on the street with people. Known for hanging around with Amanda Bynes, who was having a Britney Spears-esque tough time in her life. Known for hanging around with that exploitation filmmaker, whatshisname. Known for requiring gallery visitors to pledge their immortal soul to Satan. But above all, he and his girl were known for being Charles Manson fanboys, complete with that pseudo-swastika symbol.

The Manson family shtick is the part I kinda had a problem with.

[#] Tue Nov 17 2020 18:35:54 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Tue Nov 17 2020 10:23:49 EST from LoanShark @ Uncensored
Well... that is some day glo, eye melting art house Fanzine noise,
there, isn't it? 

It was really a little bit disturbing. This "gallery" folded a few years ago, but before that... he was known for having creepy staring contests outside on the street with people. Known for hanging around with Amanda Bynes, who was having a Britney Spears-esque tough time in her life. Known for hanging around with that exploitation filmmaker, whatshisname. Known for requiring gallery visitors to pledge their immortal soul to Satan. But above all, he and his girl were known for being Charles Manson fanboys, complete with that pseudo-swastika symbol.

The Manson family shtick is the part I kinda had a problem with.

I read a little bit of the interviews - and got a better idea of what the guy is about. "Vector Gallery," is the name of the art exhibit, and the whole thing is one piece of art. 

So - I think that the fascination and preoccupation with religious iconography with certain subcultures is a reoccurring theme. Both Marylin Manson and The Smashing Pumpkins are good examples of this obsession with a kind of convergence between Warhol Pulp Art and the imagery of Evangelism and Catholicism. I mean - what this is is neon Goth. It tends to attract people who are fascinated with afterlife and metaphysical ideas - but who either have not been raised in a faith or who have rejected faith. There is often this weird dichotomy between rejecting religion and faith but being obsessed with it at the same time. He has changed the concept from the Gallery of Satan to the Gallery of Jesus Christ. I think it is also a dash of being offensive for the sake of offense. Religion is a very fragile thing to be irreverent, casual or even blasphemous about. Like most "punk," things - it is fairly safely offensive. You notice artists don't do this with Islam. They want to offend the religious, but not if the offended are very likely to try and kill them for that. 

The whole Manson Family fascination is just another, typical manifestation of that. Fascination with serial killers, man's inhumanity and depravity - contrasted with the ideals - and hypocrisy, of the religious. 
I think the Internet exposes more people to this subculture - but it isn't anything new - and a lot of it is just youth and young adults looking for shock value and exploring their humanity or the things they don't understand about humanity. 

And art is narcissistic and exhibitionist. All art. Writing. Music, acting, drawing, painting... all of it is, "I've created this thing, and I think it is so good I want to share it with you, because I'm pretty sure you're going to like it." Art that is offensive is kind of a safety net. If you LIKE it, you get it, you get me. If you don't like it, that is what the artist wanted. You didn't reject the art or the artist, the artist's art exposed you. 

But, I don't have any sacred cows with art, generally speaking. Lots of people love when artists are tipping sacred cows they disagree with, but then lose their shit when the artist turns to a sacred cow they hold sacred. 


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