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[#] Fri Mar 15 2019 15:04:53 EDT from fleeb

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Or... Linda Carter *today*, as Wonder Woman.


Or is she not alive at this point? Or does that matter?

[#] Fri Mar 15 2019 15:12:48 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I think the contact lenses took away her superpowers.

[#] Tue Mar 19 2019 07:58:49 EDT from fleeb

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Oh, she's far younger than I thought.

[#] Fri May 10 2019 19:19:39 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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This is the kind of bullshit that made me go, "I think I'm going to buy a FPGA device, set it up with an Amiga core, and start calling oldschool BBSes again. They think they've made being an ubernerd go mainstream... but none of the woke SJWs are nerdy enough for THIS. Like the original Star Wars trilogy... it'll always be ours, no matter how much they ruin the modern legacy of it. ;)

[#] Mon May 13 2019 09:56:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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(oh man ... I think I'm gonna love having you around) :)

[#] Mon May 13 2019 21:08:26 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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LOL. I always kept the Aides busy back in the day. :D

[#] Mon Jun 17 2019 09:49:12 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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This past weekend we watched the Netflix original film "Murder Mystery" (2019) with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston. Despite my misgivings about Hollywood, this was a really funny movie. I only watch movies that are either funny or have lots of explosions. The whole thing was ridiculous, like a Scooby-Doo cartoon or a game of Clue. That's my kind of mystery.

[#] Mon Jun 17 2019 10:44:04 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Although Godzilla isn't doing very well in the box office and getting mediocre reviews, if you're a fan of the original movies - King of All Monsters is probably the most authentic modern episode in the franchise to the original source material. It isn't a good "movie" - the human parts are kind of like the pizza guy showing up at a dorm room in a porn flick - you're just in it for the Kaiju fights - and those are pretty epic. 



[#] Mon Jun 17 2019 10:56:07 EDT from wizard of aahz

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The pizza guy shows up for the Kaiju fights? Hmm.. What kind of porn flicks are you watching?

IG - I'll take that recommendation and watch.

[#] Mon Jun 17 2019 12:09:06 EDT from pandora

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I watched both of those this weekend, and enjoyed them both. Godzilla had some plot issues, but the effects were good. Murder Mystery was hilarious even sober.

[#] Mon Jun 17 2019 13:43:25 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The pizza guy shows up for the Kaiju fights? Hmm.. What kind of porn
flicks are you watching?

I know someone who once said that the best marriage advice anyone could get was "if you're going to fight with your spouse, fight naked. Once the clothes start coming off you'll usually forget about what it was you were fighting about."

I don't know if she actually followed that advice but she has four kids.

[#] Mon Jun 17 2019 18:44:31 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Mon Jun 17 2019 13:43:25 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
I don't know if she actually followed that advice but she has four kids.

So we can assume she had at least 4 fights with her husband. :) 


[#] Fri Jul 26 2019 10:20:54 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yes, you're very clever.

[#] Thu Aug 08 2019 19:39:36 EDT from darknetuser

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Meh, you cannot get rid or remakes these days. Either they are running out of ideas, or more likely, they prefer to cash on brands they know to be safe bets rather to try original content. I wonder how many Godzilla films I will see publish before I die. And don't get me started with Disney remakes.


I am going to sound like the grumpy old guy of the board, but I am not getting interested in modern movie releases, at least not as often as I used to be. More and more I am turning to old films and shows, including those that predate color films. Modern ones are either remakes or are full of politics. There are some exceptions, and either big names and indies alike sometimes go bold and make something nice, but still...

[#] Sat Aug 17 2019 19:31:21 EDT from darknetuser

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I just got subjected to the last Avengers Endgame movie. So glad I didn't pay to watch this film. It had some nice ideas in it, but it was mostly special effects and veiled virtue signaling. Oh, and promoting the Captain Marvel Abomination for the next MCU cycle. Gosh, the film was close to making me pue at times. The best I can say about this film is that it finishes a story arc that had been agonizing for nearly a decade.

[#] Mon Aug 26 2019 22:55:13 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'd rather watch the original movie again than a remake. They're almost always awful. The only remake that was better than the original was Zero Hour.

[#] Tue Aug 27 2019 09:18:48 EDT from wizard of aahz

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IG is sitting on his front porch, waving his cane and yelling at the kids to keep off his lawn. (Except when they're driving on his lawn and that's okay)

[#] Wed Aug 28 2019 09:12:23 EDT from darknetuser

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Some remakes are good. Problem is, the remakes that are good are remakes of old bad material, which are recreations with improvements. I am thinking of some roman genre firlms from europe that got remade by Hollywood with better actors and materials. Those remakes make sense.
Then you have what you have today. They take some film that was already good. Then they remake it for the shake of remaking it. I always think, what is the point? The only reason to remake something is to improve upon it, really. Taking a film that could have been good and wasn't, because the productor botched it back in the 40s, and then making it right, that is a worthy effort. Taking something that was already very good and remaking it is not going to work because chances are that you are not going to do it better this time.

[#] Wed Sep 04 2019 09:50:16 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's kind of how I feel about every Batman movie ever made. None of them can ever be good, because none of them have Adam West.

[#] Wed Sep 04 2019 10:00:50 EDT from fleeb

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That's not true.

I saw a Batman movie with Adam West in it.

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