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[#] Wed May 26 2021 21:44:53 UTC from Nurb432

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I heard that if this went thru, somehow Disney ends up with DC too.  

[#] Wed May 26 2021 21:45:48 UTC from Nurb432

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I thought we already did? Female too.

Wed May 26 2021 11:04:10 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Well, we'll get Black James Bond for sure, now. 


[#] Thu May 27 2021 14:17:34 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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They will probably have to spin that off in order to complete a deal, if so. 

It would be interesting if Disney took Marvel and destroys it, took Star Wars and destroys it... but got DC and somehow *improved* it. (Killing Superman for good and for real would be a good start. Green Lantern next.) 



Wed May 26 2021 17:44:53 EDT from Nurb432

I heard that if this went thru, somehow Disney ends up with DC too.  


[#] Thu May 27 2021 18:38:25 UTC from Nurb432

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Current Disney can do nothing but destroy. 

[#] Thu May 27 2021 20:09:56 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Disney considers us dead as a demographic. They consider Millennials dead as a demographic. What they want is the next generation being indoctrinated so that they'll indoctrinate *their* children when they start having them. They kind of play it like the Tobacco company formula. The ones you have are already dead or going to quit. It is the ones you are going to HOOK that you need to focus on - they haven't been born yet, so start converting their *parents* into your consumer base when *they* are still children. 



Thu May 27 2021 14:38:25 EDT from Nurb432

Current Disney can do nothing but destroy. 


[#] Thu May 27 2021 20:59:12 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well, we'll get Black James Bond for sure, now. 

If they cast Billy Dee Williams, then I'm ok with that.  So what if he's 84.

[#] Thu May 27 2021 22:06:36 UTC from zooer

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Terry Crews would be good.
Ving Rhames is getting old, he would be no nonsense.

I still say the James Bond franchise is dead.  Long live the next super spy franchise.

[#] Thu May 27 2021 22:15:50 UTC from Nurb432

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Dont hold your breath. I doubt some of us ever see another in our life times. 

[#] Thu May 27 2021 22:18:02 UTC from Nurb432

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With deepfakes, who cares how old an actor is? They just rent out their likeness from when they were younger.  Dont really need actors anymore. Just people about the same size and shape to move around.  Then add 100% green screen, and most of the rest of the physical crew vanishes too. 



Thu May 27 2021 04:59:12 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Well, we'll get Black James Bond for sure, now. 

If they cast Billy Dee Williams, then I'm ok with that.  So what if he's 84.


[#] Fri May 28 2021 04:37:57 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Idris Elba was always tapped for the part. Personally, I don't see it in him - and at this point, I think he is sick of the suggestion. 

Every time there is a white fiction part they want to recast with a black actor to make a point, Idris gets mentioned. That would get old to me, I think - if I were a black guy. 

"What exactly are you saying about me that every time they want to recast a white role as a black role, you think of ME?"