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[#] Wed Sep 24 2014 11:14:56 EDT from fleeb

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Hmm.. overhearing the penetration testing guys talking about the security of one of their clients:

"Their network is *bridged* to the internet??!?!!"

[#] Thu Sep 25 2014 10:24:04 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'm watching a couple of tech people working on a project that I've deliberately stayed out of, and it's reminding me of that classic Salvador Dali painting of two blindfolded dental hygienists trying to draw a circle on an Etch-A-Sketch.

[#] Mon Sep 29 2014 19:33:23 EDT from wizard of aahz

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IG - and he's still working there?

[#] Tue Sep 30 2014 09:08:24 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The flying chairs were not seen by anyone outside of our room. I'm sure if the news made it to HR he would have to sit through a lecture about how office chairs are a protected class and we have to be sensitive to their well-being.

[#] Wed Oct 01 2014 09:38:29 EDT from fleeb

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Well, today's commute sucked ass harder than usual.

Normally, my ass feels somewhat cleaner after the commute. But this morning, it feels downright sanitized, as if the traffic used anti-bacterial soap and a powerwash. I wish I could say that it has left me with that oh-so-fresh feeling, but somehow, these commutes have an opposite effect from what you might expect from a thorough ass-sucking.

[#] Thu Oct 02 2014 02:51:20 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Thanks for that lovely visual.

[#] Thu Oct 02 2014 08:29:43 EDT from fleeb

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Well, Animal is back, at least for a bit, so I figured I might have competition.

[#] Mon Oct 06 2014 00:52:33 EDT from ax25

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Damn Fleeb.  Sorry you have to do that commute every day.  It is hit and miss with me as I only need to travel a couple days a week (and I pray for good weather an no crashes on the road).  I suppose vince-q knows of the right Saint to pray to for that.  I suppose it is Christopher, but I am not catholic...

[#] Mon Oct 06 2014 10:15:29 EDT from fleeb

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I'm not Catholic, either.

But it's my fault I'm on this commute, heh.

[#] Mon Oct 06 2014 12:52:27 EDT from vince-q

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Yup. It's St. Christopher (from the Greek 'Kristophoros' - Christ Bearer).

[#] Mon Oct 06 2014 13:39:32 EDT from Sig

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A former coworker has been hanging onto my new resume for "the right time."
This was apparently last week, as he notified me that it now graces the desk of the right VP who is behind a push to add a work role that would suit my particular talents and experience. We shall see.

[#] Mon Oct 06 2014 17:24:17 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Getting an email with sincere and genuine compliments from the boss for a job well done, with the entire department CC'ed on the message == ** kermit flails **

It's a good day :)

[#] Tue Oct 07 2014 08:20:05 EDT from fleeb

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Oh, wow... congratulations! That's very nice, and fairly rare.

[#] Tue Oct 07 2014 11:31:28 EDT from dothebart

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heh, tahts cool.

[#] Wed Oct 08 2014 14:08:18 EDT from fleeb

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I've been added to another project that is similar to what I've been working on, but a tad different.

I've never worked on a project with so much documentation and so little code.
It's remarkable.

[#] Wed Oct 08 2014 19:50:03 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I took a class in college about how to avoid writing code. At least it seemed that way. Reams of useless documentation and planning while not writing code.

[#] Thu Oct 09 2014 08:39:01 EDT from fleeb

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I think part of the problem here is that the government is involved. They want to know precisely what they're getting before it's written.

It's like the government completely screws up the software development process that works everywhere else because, y'know, it's the government.

[#] Thu Oct 09 2014 10:27:15 EDT from vince-q

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The government completely screws up everything they touch because, y'know, they're the government.

[#] Sat Oct 11 2014 01:37:39 EDT from ax25

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Mon Oct 06 2014 12:52:27 PM EDT from vince-q @ Uncensored

Yup. It's St. Christopher (from the Greek 'Kristophoros' - Christ Bearer).

Thank you Vince-q!

[#] Sat Oct 11 2014 01:49:00 EDT from ax25

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Good for you IG.  Fleeb, documentation can go both ways, but you already know that.  I hope it is down the yellow brick road.

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