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[#] Fri Mar 12 2021 13:08:28 UTC from Nurb432

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I roomed with 3 guys one year at school. ( after that i ditched it and got an apartment on my own. I was young and stupid )

They were an interesting group. 

One was a prissy chess player that thought he was better and smarter than us. Total asshole. Got tired of listening to him one evening trying to watch TV as he was playing by himself in the kitchen area, "im a master player bla bla bla " "Fine Mr master player, get that damned board out and if i win you shut up.. forever" and washed the floor with him ( little did he know, i was on the chess team in middle school.. but i grew up and moved on ).  When i left, i dug his prize board out, took one piece, and hid it with some of his other things. Wouldn't find it until he moved out.   Might have been mean, but i didnt toss/steal it, or beat him with a bat. So i was being good.

Another guy, *always* bought fast food.  Just figured it was his gig. One evening i got a can of ravioli out ( having to share a kitchen, i really didnt have the room to 'really' cook things so lots of canned foods and such was my diet ) and as it was on the stove "what, it comes in cans?!?!?" "mom always made that for me" .  After i explained to him how the grocery store worked, and where one was, he had ravioli for every meal, for a week. I guess fast food was not really his gig, he didnt think he had any other alternative since he wasn't at home anymore.  Poor guy.

3rd guy, came right from the deep south. Great guy, tho a little but too southern for me to really identify with him. Even his pickup truck, he converted to LP since they had no gas stations where he grew up. He also moved out about the time as i did as he couldn't handle them anymore either.  "dont you leave me here with these 2 weirdos"


That was the summer i blew up my road runner.. Bringing that back home with a couple of my buddies, that was an adventure of a life time.  I still dont know how we didnt get arrested, or dead. Or at the least lost my car out on I65 somewhere.  Man, we were stupid kids. ( part of my bus ride story i think i told before )

Fri Mar 12 2021 06:38:03 EST from zooer

I could never remember two of my college roommate's names.  I had a dream last night of a college reunion, and now I remember their names. 


[#] Fri Mar 19 2021 15:55:36 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Funny how the discussion went to college stories ... the friend I was discussing was my roommate in college. Like I said, we'd been friends for decades. We met in 3rd grade, went to the same college, ran with the same crowd. It wasn't an on-and-off thing, we were literally besties for decades, and then last year he just ghosted me with no explanation.

Yeah ... it sucks and I definitely agree with whichever one of you said that the reason I keep dreaming about him is because I need to process the whole thing. I wonder if the need for closure is a universal trait of human nature, or if it only applies to some of us.

I'm an extrovert, but I'm shy in crowds, so my friends are few but close.
It really stings to lose one.

[#] Sat Mar 20 2021 11:42:41 UTC from Nurb432

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I would imagine its human nature for closure, but it would still vary by person, and by what they lost.

[#] Mon Mar 22 2021 14:49:39 UTC from Nurb432

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Speaking of closure and friends and such.

Just lost my best friend this morning, unexpectedly.  Call from one of her children around 8am.  I never answer the phone if i dont recognize the number. I did this time. 

[#] Tue Mar 23 2021 10:55:18 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-03-22 10:49 from Nurb432
Speaking of closure and friends and such.

Just lost my best friend this morning, unexpectedly.  Call from one

of her children around 8am.  I never answer the phone if i dont
recognize the number. I did this time. 

I am sorry to hear.

What happened?

[#] Tue Mar 23 2021 11:11:09 UTC from Nurb432

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Unsure as of yet.

However. another friend who was talking to her on the phone that evening said she was having trouble speaking.  So i suspect a stroke.

[#] Wed Mar 24 2021 12:57:18 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-03-23 07:11 from Nurb432
Unsure as of yet.

However. another friend who was talking to her on the phone that
evening said she was having trouble speaking.  So i suspect a

Those suck, but I think they are better than degenerative sickness that wear people down to nothing in the span of a year. Those ones really crush families.

[#] Wed Mar 24 2021 15:23:40 UTC from Nurb432

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I donno, being able to prepare i think is a bit 'better' of an option.   Neither is good of course. 


[#] Thu Oct 06 2022 18:59:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Last night I dreamed that I met ESR and I asked him why his blog hasn't been working for over a year now. He changed the subject.

(I did meet ESR in 2002 but his blog was still working then.)

[#] Fri Oct 07 2022 13:51:40 UTC from nonservator

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ESR, the quintessential boomer and lolbertarian.

[#] Sat Oct 08 2022 19:01:44 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hey, I was a fan, at least during his heyday, which it could be argued has come and gone.

[#] Sat Oct 08 2022 20:04:50 UTC from Nurb432

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From what i remember, in the old days he was pretty cool.  Not payed any attention in a LONG time tho.

Sat Oct 08 2022 03:01:44 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Hey, I was a fan, at least during his heyday, which it could be argued has come and gone.


[#] Sun Nov 20 2022 22:56:46 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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As far as I can tell, he hasn't published anything in the last two years.
His most recent blog post was from more than two years ago, and commenting is broken. Shortly afterwards, the blog lost its stylesheet and appears to be running in some sort of sparse archive mode. He doesn't appear to have any social media activity either. All I was able to find in his name were a couple of very minor commits on GitHub.

I wonder if he is not well. But he's also the kind of person who would broadcast that kind of thing.

[#] Mon Nov 21 2022 00:00:21 UTC from Nurb432

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or he just gave up and walked away from it.

[#] Thu Nov 24 2022 19:37:28 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I can't imagine that. He's always been a narcissist. He loves attention.

[#] Fri Feb 17 2023 14:25:33 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Our friend ParanoidDelusions was in a weird dream I had last night. For some reason we were trying to start a band and he got really mad at me because our first performance failed to happen, because I forgot to find a drummer.
Then he dedicated his life to shitposting and I was having trouble stopping him because my computer was misbehaving like all technology does in dreams.

Sorry about that PD , I'll do better next time :)

[#] Fri Feb 17 2023 14:28:48 UTC from Nurb432

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For your 'reconciliation tour dream'  Akane Hirose is a damned good drummer, tho i hear a bit crazy. ( but aren't most? )

[#] Sun Mar 19 2023 21:46:10 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I don't even know whether PD is a musician at all. If he is I'll bet he's all sorts of fun to play with.

[#] Wed Jun 14 2023 14:07:13 UTC from shazam

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I love those dreams where I have to go to the bathroom (because I have to go to the bathroom but my brain is fighting to keep me asleep so it assures me I’ll find a bathroom in my dream) and I wind up wandering the long endlessly large houses that have a million rooms and hallways and even secret passages and trap doors and majestic huge doors and just non-stop sprawling spaces. But never any actual bathrooms. Or there will be a bathroom but it will have crowds of people and no walls for the stalls and no privacy at all or I get into a bathroom stall and there’s no toilet. One way or another the dream has to end because I have to get up.  I just think it’s amazing what my mind will spin up for me while it tries to get another few minutes of sleep in. 

[#] Wed Jun 14 2023 15:31:19 UTC from Nurb432

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I dont have that problem. i hardly sleep. and when i do im 90% awake

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