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[#] Sun Sep 24 2023 14:22:08 UTC from Nurb432

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Ancient Aliens.. 19 seasons.

I... really dont have words. 

[#] Sun Sep 24 2023 18:02:09 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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It was aliens.

Sun Sep 24 2023 10:22:08 EDT from Nurb432

Ancient Aliens.. 19 seasons.

I... really dont have words. 


[#] Sun Sep 24 2023 18:02:47 UTC from Nurb432

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AND i guess Marvel is rebooting Planet of the Apes.        


Please no. Please.

[#] Sun Sep 24 2023 18:03:45 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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Why not Planet of the Cats?

Sun Sep 24 2023 14:02:47 EDT from Nurb432

AND i guess Marvel is rebooting Planet of the Apes.        


Please no. Please.


[#] Sun Sep 24 2023 18:18:40 UTC from Nurb432

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At least it would be a new franchise.

But they would screw it up too. Its Marvel..  they lost their way.

Sun Sep 24 2023 14:03:45 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

Why not Planet of the Cats?


[#] Tue Sep 26 2023 16:33:56 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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AND i guess Marvel is rebooting Planet of the Apes.        

We can be 100% assured that it will be a gigantic crapfest, as is everything Disney post-Walt.

I'm sure they'll turn the whole thing into a judgmental rant about their woke version of racism.

[#] Tue Sep 26 2023 16:50:46 UTC from Nurb432

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Funny thing is in the original there WAS a lot of 'statements' and such.  But it was back when it wasn't shoved in your face and entertainment was more important.

[#] Wed Sep 27 2023 05:07:08 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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It's far too soon for Disney to make another movie about discrimination (or racism) because they did that fairly recently with Zootopia.  Zootopia was good and didn't have any of that feminist social wartard bullshit in it.

Dare I say, not having feminist social wartard bullshit is why Zootopia was good.

[#] Fri Sep 29 2023 12:56:15 UTC from Nurb432

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So i guess we are getting close to having David Tenant as the doctor again for a few episodes.  While i do like him as a doctor and was one of the better ones, i worry about the writing. It may suck. Nice to have Donna back too. But.. they are not bring back Billie as Rose, and instead some other totally different actor. Um no. Cant get Billie, just skip the character. 

AND of course he is going to transition ( pun totally intended here ) into the new doctor after a couple of shows.


And while many will disagree, i wish Capaldi had taken the job, he would have been in some of the greatest written episodes, but tenant got them instead. He could have been one of the greats, but no.. he turned down the job the first time, and by the time they asked again, the writing sucked and it was on the cusp of collapse into wokeness.   Sure David did well with them and the are some of the best episodes out there, but peter woudl have done it 100x better. 

My biggest beef about the collapse is not that they had a female doctor ( female timelords existed.. even in classic who , of course they did. one was even a companion for a while.. ), or even the preaching ( tho id ignore it ), but you dont change an established character to do it. its the freaking timelords, just retire Doctor back on earth with Donna or something, insert a new timelord with a new direction, and move on.  Even Missy, which did an ok job as a character, but having to make her the master, why? Just grab a new person from the pool and move on.  Really, i was against people like Matt smith too. Doctor was an old crotchety grandfather figure, not a kid. Even Tenant, too young.


Ok random aimless rant over.  I guess ill just cross my fingers and wait for the reviews.

[#] Sun Oct 15 2023 20:24:12 UTC from Nurb432

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anyone using Kodi these days?  This 'AndroidTV' crap that got uploaded to my TV box as an 'upgrade' is pissing me off. 

[#] Mon Oct 16 2023 17:44:12 UTC from Nurb432

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Never mind. I only care about a couple of things, and one of them isn't working. Keeps buffering, freezing.  ( 2 different machines, to eliminate any random hardware issues )

Sun Oct 15 2023 16:24:12 EDT from Nurb432

anyone using Kodi these days?  This 'AndroidTV' crap that got uploaded to my TV box as an 'upgrade' is pissing me off. 


[#] Thu Nov 09 2023 22:57:20 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Maybe turn off the screen and go outside :)

[#] Thu Nov 09 2023 23:07:10 UTC from Nurb432

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Planning ahead for long snowy nights where you really cant go out. 

Couch time with the dogs and cats. 

Thu Nov 09 2023 17:57:20 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Maybe turn off the screen and go outside :)


[#] Fri Nov 10 2023 00:48:07 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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Fixed it for ya.

Thu Nov 09 2023 18:07:10 EST from Nurb432

Planning ahead for long snowy nights where you really cant go out. 

Couch time with the cats. 


[#] Fri Nov 10 2023 01:06:49 UTC from Nurb432

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for me its cat in my lap, dog on my feet.  its nice. 

Thu Nov 09 2023 19:48:07 EST from LadySerenaKitty

Fixed it for ya.

Thu Nov 09 2023 18:07:10 EST from Nurb432

Planning ahead for long snowy nights where you really cant go out. 

Couch time with the cats. 



[#] Thu Nov 23 2023 18:34:42 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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In our home it's three cats and no dogs.  I'd like to have a dog.  My wife has told me that when the kids have their own homes I'll need to get a dog just to keep me from bugging her too much.

Speaking of television, for those of us who have no cable and no antenna, if you want to watch the Thanksgiving parade in NYC you have to subscribe to "Peacock" to stream it online this year.  No free feed anywhere.

[#] Thu Nov 23 2023 18:57:37 UTC from Nurb432

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Im really a cat person but dogs are cool. ( always have had both since i was a little kid ). Parrots are cool too.   My Nanday Conure was like a cat with wings in personality. 

Odd there is no free feed. Nothing on YT or similar ?


Thu Nov 23 2023 13:34:42 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

In our home it's three cats and no dogs.  I'd like to have a dog.  My wife has told me that when the kids have their own homes I'll need to get a dog just to keep me from bugging her too much.

Speaking of television, for those of us who have no cable and no antenna, if you want to watch the Thanksgiving parade in NYC you have to subscribe to "Peacock" to stream it online this year.  No free feed anywhere.


[#] Mon Nov 27 2023 00:45:39 UTC from Nurb432

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Gave up on elec, kodi, android TV, regular android, bla bla bla.

Tried ChromeOS flex.. had it running and working, then found out there is no way to disable login requirements on power up anymore. soooooo that was out. Not going to want to futz with that every time.

Now its just generic Linux.. auto login.. auto start chromium ( i thought about FF at first, but no GPU drivers.. ).. 5 buttons on the home screen to go to websites to watch TV ( pluto, tubi, netflix, YT and amazon ).  Including ad blocker for YT. if that dies this spring, ill do something at DNS level if i can.   Running on a 100 dollar micro-pc thing that isn't much bigger than the android TV its replacing, and smaller than some android boxes i have had in the past.  ( has a m.2 slot, so no need for external drive/network NAS.. ) Not a speed demon by any means, but its just doing video and music..  so more than enough.

Not yet decided on how i want to handle local video/music files, but wife wont use use that anyway, so may just stick with vlc. 

Oh and that funky 3rd party remote i was talking about..  sort of neat actually.    Found out today that it has a "mouse like function", where if you wave the thing around in the air, its like moving a mouse around.  Not a laser like pointer, just tracking movements with some sort of motion detector i guess. Much better than pushing buttons to make it move.   ( but its got buttons too.. )

And no, not kiosk mode, i wanted the login accounts ( like for netflix ) to be saved in the browser. Cant do that in kiosk mode.  

And yes, i could have stick with the old box, basically ignore the crappy new interface after that  'upgrade' to GoogleTV, and just cast from my phone, since its a licensed chromecast receiver.. but that is one more device id have to screw with and deal with battery charging, etc.. .. so no.

[#] Mon Nov 27 2023 17:21:11 UTC from Nurb432

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Ok no vlc.   jellyfin

This is cool. Indexes, grabs info .. previews.  and a pretty web interface ( so i can add a button to the chromium start page and be consistent )

[#] Thu Dec 21 2023 22:56:15 UTC from Nurb432

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And down goes X files

They are bringing it back, using the same director that killed Black Panther. As a reboot even.. Oh well, at least i have copies of when it was good.


And the mini anniversary shows for Dr Who the fall.  The people responsible should be buried for this.  Literally. 

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