Mostly ranting from what i could tell. Was not listening that close. I think in the old days he was ok, but then went sideways and i lost interest.
"we gotta bla bla bla and buy this product to plan for bla bla rant rant" I think everything he says is a lead-in to a placement ad.
Hanity is about as bad. He would be on the radio on my way home from the office. I used to have it on in/out of work to listen for traffic reports. But then those started coming in too late, by the time they mentioned it, i was stuck behind the wreck, so went to 100% music. Morning dude here is even worse.
And yes i know all these broadcasters, be it radio, TV, podcast, video cast, whatever, need to pay the bills and make a living, but geesh dont flood me with the stuff....
Did he at least find some time to cry?
is that all he is now, scare people and sell product? ( sometimes the same...scare people that the world is ending, and 'buy this prep food' )
He should be hiring you ;)
2024-10-25 09:54 from IGnatius T Foobar
Subject: Re: Glen Beck
He's always been a little too opportunistic for my taste.
Something I realized doing press stuff is that you are either an overly opportunistic scumbag, you take money from political institutions, or you sell subscriptions for a ridiculous high fee and try to remain independent. Most people with a brain hates the press but nobody wants to do what needs to be done to support independent publications.
I used to be involved with a political party here back in the day and I had a position releasing news via a public boulletin. When the boulleting went digital we learned quite fast all the opportunistic, quick, hollow fearmongering generated about 200 times the traffic an actual piece of news did.
The tragedy is that cheap fearmongering is also cheaper to manufacture. 1st, you are usually levegaring the work somebody else did for you making people interested in the subject. On the other hand, producing an actual piece of news requires somebody to sit down and contrast some sources - and ok quality sources are also paid for one way or another.
What I heard was that they want to spin off MSNBC since its ratings are tanking.
Funny thing about that -- what darknetuser said about fearmongering "leveraging the work somebody else did" -- MSNBC makes use of the NBC News agency, and basically just layers spin and opinion on top of it. They don't actually have their own newsroom, so if they got spun off they would need to either build one or pay for access to one. That's a pretty tall order for a channel that's bleeding money. But it's ok, they reduced Rachel Maddow's salary from USD$30M down to USD$25M. (Hell, I'd do it for USD$10M and I'd do a better job.)
Television in general though ... the whole multichannel thing is dying. I wonder how many millions of subscribers have to cut the cord before the cable companies realize that they can't get away with selling "channel packages" anymore.
There is a guy on YT that likes to rant about stuff, like the collapse of Dr. Who. Hes quite funny. Not been posting stuff for a while now, and most of us totally forgot about Who ..
Seems its still on the air, and they are doing an Xmas special. lol. No one cares. Only value the show has now is to poke him to do a video, which IS still entertaining.
There is a guy on YT that likes to rant about stuff, like the collapse
of Dr. Who. Hes quite funny. Not been posting stuff for a while now,
How did Dr. Who collapse? Did he fall into a time rift?
Getting sloppy in his old age, I guess.
The collapse began when he became a her...
Sat Dec 21 2024 21:57:45 UTC from IGnatius T FoobarGetting sloppy in his old age, I guess.
James may is pretty prolific on his shows... Since i have been staying away from 'things' in the evenings i was watching TV with the dogs ( nothing current, no news, often times just animal shows, no actual content so they could watch too ) and ran across a couple of his shows from idle clicking out on tubi ( or pluto, i dont remember ). Seems he does a *lot*. Mostly 'mechanical' oriented, which is fine.
He is also getting old. As well.
Anybody here other than me looking forward to season 5 of "The Chosen"?
Also, since it's mostly shown in theaters and streaming services with an occasional stint in cable TV, I could ask the same in the movies forum. (But I won't.)