Oh yeah!!! nearly forgot! Someoen mentioned that NNTP was in the works, if thats true what newsgroups will be available on uncensored?
NNTP is a protocol, it isn't necessarily something that opens up the floodgates of Usenet News.
I would hope Uncensored wouldn't hook into the general Usenet News feed.
Gads... much of that stuff is horrible. It used to be awesome, in the early 90s, before AOL. But then, people discovered that you could treat it worse than SMTP for spreading advertising, and it's been shit ever since.
Oh yeah!!! nearly forgot! Someoen mentioned that NNTP was in the
works, if thats true what newsgroups will be available on uncensored?
None! <grin>
What we're doing is adding NNTP to Citadel so that it works in reader mode.
All of the rooms currently available on a Citadel site will be accessible using your favorite newsreader.
As IG said, clients are like a box of chocolates. I know folks that have written their own or modified the existing ones.
So it's as easy as that! :/ I just gotta write a client that can speak the Citadel protocol and i get the chocolates? :P
And, it is even IANA approved!
Mon May 26 2014 11:02:33 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ UncensoredYes, that simple. Connect to port 504 and chocolate is dispensed over the wire.
This seems to be the best place to ask, so here goes: Ifg anyone uses IRC here have they heard of the Bitlbee program? If so has anyone got it working with citadel chat? I sometime chat to my facebook friends from my IRC client using Bitlbee, it works really well. Facebook uses xmpp/jabber protocol as does citadel, just wondered if there was an easy way to get it working with bitlbee ( i see in the docs people use pidgin to instant mesage there citadel friends Bitlbee would be cool.
My reasoning for posting the previuos hgere , is because i use a text IRC client and Bitlbee fits like a glove!
well, I also use bitlebee and irssi, but didn't try to connect it to citadels xmpp yet.
hint: just try it out ;-)
well i added my citadel account and when i tried connecting it issued an error message saying TLS is turned on here, but not supported in bitlbee (i think?):
20:17 <@mike> account add jabber mo@unceonsored.citadel.org MyPassWord uncensored.citadel.org 5222
20:17 <@root> Warning: Passing a servername/other flags to `account add' is now deprecated. Use `account set' instead.
20:17 <@root> Account successfully added with tag jabber
20:17 <@mike> account on
20:17 <@root> Trying to get all accounts connected...
20:17 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Connecting
20:17 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in
20:17 <@root> jabber - Login error: TLS is turned on for this account, but is not supported by this server
20:17 <@root> jabber - Logging in: Signing off..
I was following an out of date tutorial maybe (2009). So i will try again with docs from current bitlbee
just tried again success! One problem, i've never used the chat feature at uncensored :(
still! :)
19:04 <@mynick> account add jabber mo@uncensored.citadel.org XXpassXX
19:04 <@root> Account successfully added
19:04 <@mynickagain> account on
19:04 <@root> Trying to get all accounts connected...
19:04 <@root> jabber(mo@uncensored.citadel.org) - Logging in: Connecting
19:04 <@root> jabber(mo@uncensored.citadel.org) - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in
19:04 <@root> jabber(mo@uncensored.citadel.org) - Logging in: Authentication finished
btw i have never used the xmpp/chat feature of citadel, so if anyone wants to say hi to me ... pleae do :P.
I usually log in via the webcit UI and would like to see the chat in action actually B) .
... please feel free to send me a message via the chat any time you see me online!! I would like to see the chat feature in action.