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[#] Wed Feb 19 2020 16:39:13 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That joke is da bomb!

[#] Mon Mar 30 2020 15:13:29 UTC from mm9

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Slovakia here. thx

[#] Mon Mar 30 2020 20:32:36 UTC from zooer

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Wed Feb 19 2020 06:59:45 AM EST from zooer @ Uncensored

Here is a pro tip to anyone taking a flight in the next few weeks.

Casually mention to the people next to you that you have been stuck on a flight with a bunch of Chinese tourists.  

Mention that the air was so dry in the cabin everyone was coughing and how that air gets circulated.

Fake a loud nasty hacking cough into your hands, snuffle a few times, say "woa, that doesn't feel right" and then rub the arm rest back and forth a few times.  BAM! you have control of the arm rest for the remainder of the flight.  


A month and a half later and you would be arrested for domestic terrorism for doing that.

[#] Mon Mar 30 2020 20:34:29 UTC from zooer

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Mon Mar 30 2020 11:13:29 AM EDT from mm9 @ Uncensored
Slovakia here. thx

Oh wow!  Slovakia is my favorite country that shares a northern border with Hungry!

[#] Fri Jul 03 2020 12:58:41 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Mention that the air was so dry in the cabin everyone was coughing
and how that air gets circulated.

Funny thing about that. The air on a commercial flight actually does not get circulated. The air coming out if the vents is outside air, pressurized by the jet engines. It has plenty of oxygen and is perfectly breathable once pressurized.

This is not to say, of course, that being packed in with lots of other people during a plague is a good idea.

[#] Tue Sep 29 2020 18:23:19 UTC from LoanShark

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totalled the car because some jerk was driving like a lunatic and messing with people.

i suspect that with everything going on in the world today, tempers are very short and fuckery is at an all-time high. not the time to provoke people or toy with road-ragers; this can lead to irrational, aggressive behavior.

[#] Tue Sep 29 2020 19:17:48 UTC from zooer

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I am sorry to hear about that.

[#] Tue Apr 13 2021 05:57:12 UTC from smashbot64

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humanity should start every spoken piece with "i digress, but.."

[#] Tue Apr 13 2021 14:59:11 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I completely concur, except... 


Tue Apr 13 2021 01:57:12 EDT from smashbot64

humanity should start every spoken piece with "i digress, but.."


[#] Mon May 10 2021 20:44:23 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Look at me, I'm in an airport!

Most of the shops are closed, but it is mid afternoon. But I am excited anyway. This is my first time flying since the China Virus locked everything down.

[#] Mon May 10 2021 20:56:40 UTC from Nurb432

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I'm not a fan of flying.


Well that isn't accurate, its not the actual flight, its that i'm not a fan of the hassles that go around it .  Back when we had a company plane, it was cool.   Park in the lot, walk out to the plane on the tarmac, and if someone is around, they slide the stairs up to the plane. hop in, toss your bags in the back and go.


I doubt even tiny country airports get to do that now.

[#] Mon May 10 2021 22:20:40 UTC from zooer

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It is almost as if they are making travel so painfully difficult and/or expensive you wouldn't want to do it.

[#] Tue May 11 2021 01:51:16 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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If you spend *enough*, they make it painless, and it is better than it has been in a long time. You even get real silverware, still.  

Pay attention to the pattern. 

"Real Cost Economics" is what they used to try and sell it as. 

And it isn't just airlines and red meat you're being priced out of. 


Mon May 10 2021 18:20:40 EDT from zooer

It is almost as if they are making travel so painfully difficult and/or expensive you wouldn't want to do it.


[#] Tue May 11 2021 13:04:26 UTC from Nurb432

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Right, but they may be trying to push out the 'working class' out of the market.  The ones they want to suppress in general anyway. 

[#] Tue May 11 2021 13:40:45 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Oh no. Exactly. 

Listen - since Covid, my trips, vacations and dinners out have been *fantastic* - mostly because the massive crowds are *gone*. It costs more to do anything - and it will get more expensive - but here is what I think... 

Most of the people on the OTHER side of the divide would rather spend a lot more and have a lot fewer of the "wrong sort" of people at the places they go. 

The only time they want to see *you* is when you're bringing food to their table or taking it away. Certainly not sitting at the table next to them enjoying a rare, aged steak also. 

So... a truth that gets lost in the doctrines and dogmas of economic and class identity warfare... 

The middle class *has* been shrinking. But the upper class - the 1% has grown faster than any time in modern history over the last couple of decades. Identity Politics pushes the idea that the disappearing middle class is solely the result of people slipping back into poverty. That isn't the truth. The growing upper class has disproportionately favored "PoCs" too. Indians are the richest demographic in the US now - but Latinos and other PoC demographics have far more wealth than ever before also. If you go to shopping destinations of the truly affluent, places like Harrods in London, or malls in Abu Dubai, Barcelona... You'll see that the myth of Western European control of the global economy is a myth. The people with the MOST money globally aren't people who look like Donald Trump. 

The Thourston Howells of the world are the exception these days, outside of a handful of Silicon Valley Billionaires - and those guys are *struggling* to keep up with the wealth of old-world old-money - on any given day, and have been for a while. 

The goal absolutely seems to be to make the 1% a much more exclusive club. Part of my concern is that I'm a dingleberry hanging off an ass-hair of the top 1% - and I'm absolutely the kind of person they want on YOUR side of the country-club fence, not theirs. 

The promise of "equity" that Identity Politics is selling is for the bottom 98.9% of incomes. They want to redistribute that equally so that we're all equally MISERABLE with no upward mobility into their class possible - and then they want to live an isolated life far away from the rest of us and our squalor. We'll live in thatched huts outside the keep, while they live behind tall, thick walls inside the castle. 

And they've convinced the majority of society that this is the *best* idea. 


Tue May 11 2021 09:04:26 EDT from Nurb432

Right, but they may be trying to push out the 'working class' out of the market.  The ones they want to suppress in general anyway. 


[#] Tue May 11 2021 19:07:48 UTC from Nurb432

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Not so sure about that.

They may have convinced the vocal segments but not the 'quiet' majority. 

Tue May 11 2021 09:40:45 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions


And they've convinced the majority of society that this is the *best* idea. 



[#] Tue May 11 2021 19:13:15 UTC from Nurb432

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And On Topic for road trips..  seems my new fenders are coming Friday. may be time for a trip to local state park for some mud soon

Decided against putting on the OEM fenders i have had siting for several years in my garage, waiting to be painted and swapped ( still in the box even ) and instead going with tube outer fenders.  Been thinking about it, dont want to go thru it again in 3 years when i them and they rust out, so might as well do tube. 

[#] Tue May 11 2021 19:22:37 UTC from Nurb432

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Bleh typo:


when i them  = when i trash them from trail use

[#] Tue May 11 2021 19:31:26 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I don't think it is a vocal minority. 

I think most of the people who are "moderate left" - still tend to lean that way despite all the evidence of the last 5 years that was revealed. They *still* believe the basic foundational untruths of their ideology - even if they believe their extremes have taken the train off the tracks. They still believe that *Biden* is a *better* choice than Trump was. 

They believe in institutionalized racism in America. They believe in the general ideas of gender theory and of critical race theory. They believe in the wage gap, and that the last election was won fairly and that there were no irregularities. They believe in AGCC as something that more socialized economic solutions can solve. They believe that most media is fair and impartial, and that Fox news is a mouthpiece of the Far Right. They think Russian Collusion was absolutely the reason Trump won, but they think that China had no part in his defeat. 

Bret Weinstein was driven out of Evergreen College because of critical race theory - but he still believes in almost ALL of the doctrines of the Left. 

And there are more of them, per capita, than us - just by distribution through urban centers as the major population hubs of the US. The quiet majority is quietly supporting the radical Left because they *believe* the popular narrative that the MODERATE Right is a worse solution than the radical Left - that we're all racists, fascists and homophobes who believe in Sky Wizards over science. 

Tue May 11 2021 15:07:48 EDT from Nurb432

Not so sure about that.

They may have convinced the vocal segments but not the 'quiet' majority. 

Tue May 11 2021 09:40:45 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions


And they've convinced the majority of society that this is the *best* idea. 




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