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[#] Thu Feb 07 2019 09:10:21 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Greetings from Detroit. I missed a connection and got stuck here overnight.
I wonder if there's a way to tell my corporate travel booking site to never offer me flights that come through here. On the way out I connected in Atlanta, a city I'd much rather be stuck in.

The hotel offered a free shuttle to anywhere in a five mile radius. This wasn't a fancy hotel either; it was a Holiday Inn Express (which happens to be my favorite). This tells me that the area isn't safe to walk around in.
At that point I didn't care if they were offering me a free ride to the restaurant I could see from the lobby ... I grabbed an apple and a coffee and called it a night, hoping that my second floor room wouldn't take any stray bullets.

While having breakfast (in the hotel) I watched a local news broadcast where they were talking about how GM is laying off 1,500 more people, and then they talked about how electric cars don't work very well in the cold because the batteries don't work well in low temperatures and people also tend to turn on the heat.

[#] Thu Feb 07 2019 10:54:19 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I've flown into a through Detroit a bunch. The airport is fine. Detroit itself? What a shithole.

[#] Thu Feb 07 2019 13:14:09 EST from wizard of aahz

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Airport has the monorail that IGlet really likes.

[#] Thu Feb 07 2019 13:42:00 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Just remember, when your city is used to show how to survive the apocalypse you might live in a shithole.

And in case people are wondering how bad some areas of Detroit really are, check out:

[#] Thu Feb 07 2019 14:38:56 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Airport has the monorail that IGlet really likes.

The monorail was not running. I can only assume that someone shipped its job offshore.

After seeing it for myself I am joining the ranks of those who believe that the entire area of the state should be leveled.

[#] Thu Feb 07 2019 14:47:14 EST from Haven

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I lived in Detroit for 4.5 months over 2 years.   The company I worked for had an office in Downtown Detroit.  I was there from 2009 - 2011.  I would stay downtown Detroit for a week at a time.  Downtown was dead after 6PM.  My first time up there I walked the 6 blocks from my hotel to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner.   There were less than a dozen people in the place including servers, bartenders, and customers.  There were no cars moving on my walk back.   

[#] Mon Sep 16 2019 17:46:34 EDT from wizard of aahz

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I have a new hobby. Perhaps for a roadtrip.

[#] Mon Sep 16 2019 18:18:40 EDT from zooer

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"If you don't read a newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read a newspaper you are misinformed."

-Ben Franklin, Mark Twain, Thomas Jefferson, all said this at the EXACT same time on their Twitter feeds.

[#] Tue Sep 17 2019 08:21:12 EDT from darknetuser

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You know what they say. The ads section of the newspaper is the most honest section of the newspaper.

[#] Wed Sep 18 2019 09:48:42 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I have a new hobby. Perhaps for a roadtrip.

I think I would totally be on board for that. Do I need to buy magic underwear?

[#] Sun Oct 20 2019 19:33:37 EDT from Jackson

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Yes sir

[#] Mon Dec 09 2019 16:33:37 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ok, I got the magic underwear and the gold plates. Let's go.

[#] Fri Feb 07 2020 18:22:20 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Looks like I'll be back in Dallas on April 19-23. I love flying on 717s.

[#] Sat Feb 08 2020 19:47:50 EST from LoanShark

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So, actually not a Road Trip? Har har. ;-p

[#] Sun Feb 09 2020 13:47:52 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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"Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads."

[#] Wed Feb 12 2020 08:48:48 EST from wizard of aahz

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Lessee... There's a Baltimore trip coming up. An Orlando trip. An Arizona trip. Delta points here we come.

[#] Fri Feb 14 2020 09:23:32 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I thought you did your Arizona trips on Southwest.

[#] Mon Feb 17 2020 02:26:40 EST from wizard of aahz

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Depends on the Arizona trip. They're not all the same.

[#] Wed Feb 19 2020 06:59:45 EST from zooer

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Here is a pro tip to anyone taking a flight in the next few weeks.

Casually mention to the people next to you that you have been stuck on a flight with a bunch of Chinese tourists.  

Mention that the air was so dry in the cabin everyone was coughing and how that air gets circulated.

Fake a loud nasty hacking cough into your hands, snuffle a few times, say "woa, that doesn't feel right" and then rub the arm rest back and forth a few times.  BAM! you have control of the arm rest for the remainder of the flight.  

[#] Wed Feb 19 2020 09:21:43 EST from darknetuser

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Last time I made a joke like that, they told me I would be kicked out of the plane.

Which is funny, because there is no way the TSA would allow me into a plane to begin with :P

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