2024-03-29 04:00 from IGnatius T Foobar <ajc@citadel.org>
The title of the relaxation music video begins with "Fall Asleep
So why is the video twelve hours long?
Maybe you immediately wake up when it stops.
i really think weather people get paid by the word:
"A chance of rain showers between 1pm and 2pm, then a chance of showers and thunderstorms between 2pm and 5pm, then a chance of showers and thunderstorms after 5."
"whoohoo its my birthday, i am x years old" Or "whoohoo its my birthday i have been alive x years"
Well, technically you are a few months older.. That is just your 'appearance' date.. While I do think its a valid debate if its 'at conception' or not, but i dont think its debatable that at some point a fetus is alive. ( just when, not if.. )
And the news event that prompted this: NASA has determined that is where the part came from.. So ho pays the bill for this guy's roof?
Wed Apr 03 2024 19:58:06 EDT from Nurb432If a piece of the ISS crashes into your house, who is responsible?
What if it kills someone?
Tiktok ban.
So as we all know even if they do come out tomorow and 'ban' the app, there are a lot of ways around it.
- If its removed from app stores, android people can side load easily from a non US 3rd party store and buy a VPN. Not so easy for iOS to side load.
- VPN gets around the coming mandated national IP blockages for desktops iOS users and such too. ( will have to be IP, as they will mandate US DNS blocks too. )
What if this is a setup? The end goal is they want ammunition to go after VPNs and the ability to side load "unapproved" apps, and mandate more monitoring of 'systems' and 'traffic' and this is just the 'excuse' to get there.
Plus they can go down the route of "if you have any of these circumvention methods setup, you are presumed guilty"
Anyone remember "clipper"?
On paper, its another 'rule' that can be abused. its in the 'planning' stages, stored away for when needed.
And of course, it will be at some point.
Wed Apr 24 2024 22:15:18 EDT from IGnatius T FoobarThe tiktok ban bill doesn't even do anything about tiktok. It just gives money to Ukraine and Israel.
Lol, there is my answer > https://torrentfreak.com/u-s-know-your-customer-proposal-will-put-an-end-to-anonymous-cloud-users-240425/
"Late January, the U.S. Department of Commerce published a notice of proposed rulemaking for establishing new requirements for Infrastructure as a Service providers (IaaS) . The proposal boils down to a 'Know Your Customer' regime for companies operating cloud services, with the goal of countering the activities of "foreign malicious actors." Yet, despite an overseas focus, Americans won't be able to avoid the proposal's requirements, which covers CDNs, virtual private servers, proxies, and domain name resolution services, among others."
First ID everyone that does anything and what they do. Then arrest them for circumvention.
And what comes from many human ones are not? :)
Thu May 02 2024 10:58:32 EDT from IGnatius T FoobarIf a bot writes it for you it's called buggy code.
2024-05-04 15:45 from IGnatius T Foobar <ajc@citadel.org>
Two spaces after a period. Every time. Everyone who disagrees is
I'm just trying to save bandwidth/disk space/energy/screen realestate/etc.
Do not baby your air conditioning system.
If a product cannot survive being used for its intended purpose, it does not deserve to survive.
2024-06-04 04:25 from msgrhys <msgrhys@uncensored.citadel.org>
I wonder why gay nazism isn't a thing. I mean, if marxist socialism
can turn gay, so can nazism.
Aren't germans wearing leather gay enough by default?
Can somebody please design a new 'Thin Blue Line' flag that isn't a bastardization of the American flag?