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[#] Wed Aug 07 2019 11:15:25 EDT from wizard of aahz

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Which states?

[#] Wed Aug 07 2019 14:12:15 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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She talked me out of it before I decided.

[#] Fri Aug 23 2019 13:35:54 EDT from pandora

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little Nic turns 23 today!

[#] Mon Aug 26 2019 23:08:53 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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geez. that happened fast. I remember when you were expecting at a user meeting 23.X years ago, probably at the diner or something. How's he doing?

[#] Tue Aug 27 2019 11:56:35 EDT from pandora

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He's doing pretty well. He's currently an assistant manager at a taco bell, looking at maybe moving to call center management. He has a good work life balance, and likes to play d&d with his friends. He's a sweet young man, and I'm proud to be his Mama.

[#] Wed Aug 28 2019 15:23:36 EDT from pandora

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and today Marilyn turns 21. She's out day drinking to celebrate.

[#] Wed Aug 28 2019 16:27:44 EDT from LoanShark

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*chuckle* Doesn't seem like her.

[#] Wed Aug 28 2019 16:56:16 EDT from pandora

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I think that is why she sent me photo evidence.

[#] Thu Dec 19 2019 13:54:31 EST from pandora

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trying to navivagate supporting my daughter through the death of her fiance, there are no words.

[#] Thu Dec 19 2019 17:14:02 EST from LoanShark

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jesus, this is really not the year for you guys. :-(

[#] Fri Dec 20 2019 09:12:13 EST from pandora

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it surely isn't.

[#] Wed Dec 25 2019 18:23:17 EST from triLcat

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oh no! so sorry to hear!

[#] Thu Apr 02 2020 12:05:36 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The IGlet is 20 years old today. Oof.

[#] Tue Apr 21 2020 18:12:40 EDT from shazam

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I was just thinking he turns 20 a week before mine do. What's he doing nowadays? And how's your daughter?

My only daughter is back from her second year of seminary in Israel, came back a couple weeks before the program had been scheduled to end. She cooked and cleaned for Passover and now she's baking a lot and tutoring my "baby" (he's 9) and running things that I'm too busy to take care of. She's also working on a degree with an online college, I think she's going for psychology. Her twin is still taking his college courses, but all online now of course. He hates it, said if he had wanted online college he would have signed up for online college to begin with. But he's muddling through anyway, he goes to the local community college, I believe majoring in cyber security. The next one under them is in 12th grade, doesn't care that they cancelled Regents because he wasn't scheduled to take any anyway. Doesn't know what he's doing next year. And the baby, in 3rd grade. He makes me crazy, thank God. 


So, everyone's kids are getting grown up. What's everyone up to now?

[#] Wed Apr 22 2020 19:00:47 EDT from darknetuser

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So, everyone's kids are getting grown up. What's everyone up to now?

Mine had a nice day today. I took them to the pasture and had a lot of grass. Trees offer good shade. When I took them back home I scratched their butts. They liked it so much that they didn't want to let me go - which is actually what always happens.

[#] Sat May 02 2020 16:13:11 EDT from triLcat

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Adina was here for almost two years and you never told me?! Seriously?! We would have had her for a Shabbat! 

[#] Thu May 07 2020 09:24:21 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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So, everyone's kids are getting grown up. What's everyone up to now?

As previously mentioned, the IGlet is now 20 years old. He is studying early childhood education at the community college and plans to finish and get certified at a four year college. He's got a girlfriend who he met in 11th grade and is basically part of our family at this point. I haven't paid a dime for his education yet -- between scholarships, his job at a local pharmacy, and the money he's making on his YouTube channel, his education has been self-funded so far. And he's still the kind of person everyone wants to be around; he just has such a positive, magnetic personality. He's just one of my best buddies at this point.

The IGlette is 15, and a typical teenage girl: talented, pretty, smart, hates herself.

[#] Thu May 07 2020 13:33:09 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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It's weird how someone can feel like part of the family... My younger daughter has been with her boyfriend for 6+ years. So 2 years of high school, 3.5 years of college, and a year of the working world. They've kind of grown up together, and he's a fixture here. Now they're talking marriage pretty regularly. Couldn't be happier. That'll mean two down.

Now to see what the boy brings home.

[#] Tue Aug 11 2020 17:45:57 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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My daughter is 15 and she isn't into boys yet.  She wants to be a crazy cat lady.  This bothers me a lot.  I want grandchildren.

[#] Wed Aug 12 2020 06:42:55 EDT from darknetuser

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2020-08-11 17:45 from IGnatius T Foobar
My daughter is 15 and she isn't into boys yet.  She wants to be a
crazy cat lady.  This bothers me a lot.  I want grandchildren.

Think about this. What is worse, wanting to be a crazy cat lady and accomplishing it, or wanting to be happily married and end up a crazy cat lady?

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