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[#] Tue May 06 2014 10:05:34 EDT from zooer

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The problem is there is nothing protecting my cat. If he gets sick there is nothing to stop the sickness,
another cat could have a cat cold or some kind of sickness and pass it along. We also have a lot of wild
animals in our backyard, I worry about a fox getting the cat. He is probably 12 years old now and may not be as
quick to run up a tree.
The other cat would gladly come into our house.

[#] Tue May 06 2014 10:43:57 EDT from fleeb

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Not to add to the pain, but I still remember how my sister's beloved cat died.

Mauled to death by dogs.

He was pretty old, too... and his lady cat tried to protect him, but was herself fairly old.

That wasn't one of the better Christmas visits with my sister. I still miss the old cat.

[#] Tue May 06 2014 18:59:16 EDT from LoanShark

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May 5 2014 8:40am from zooer
This bothers me, my cat has a good friend that he liked to play with but
I was told that my cat has F.I.V. and
shouldn't be around other cats. They cry to each other at the sliding glass
door. It breaks me.


So rare for a cat to have a friend that is not a littermate or a housemate, but from "outside."


[#] Thu May 08 2014 17:08:41 EDT from dothebart

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hm, our cat seems to have 'fans' but she manages to frightem them enough so they don't cross our border any more. Even a weasel decided to rather leave then fight.

[#] Thu May 08 2014 21:05:25 EDT from zooer

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My cat has always had a few friends and a few enemies. Never know which is which but used to see all the cats
sleeping on the back porch. Our house must have been the cool house.

[#] Fri May 09 2014 18:40:37 EDT from vince-q

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Now that is cute beyond words.

[#] Fri May 16 2014 14:59:24 EDT from zooer

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Here are eight more heroic cats.

[#] Thu May 29 2014 11:01:03 EDT from Ladyhawke

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Nice list, Zoo

[#] Fri May 30 2014 10:05:25 EDT from dothebart

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pussy pics - as we know them...

[#] Fri May 30 2014 14:21:06 EDT from Ladyhawke

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Fri May 30 2014 10:05:25 AM EDT from dothebart

pussy pics - as we know them...

<squints at Bart>

You're not channeling Animal here, are you?

[#] Fri May 30 2014 16:35:07 EDT from dothebart

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Fri May 30 2014 14:21:06 EDT from Ladyhawke


Fri May 30 2014 10:05:25 AM EDT from dothebart

pussy pics - as we know them...

<squints at Bart>

You're not channeling Animal here, are you?

uhm, no... they all served well to keep a little girl attracted to english vocabulary.

[#] Fri May 30 2014 17:19:50 EDT from dothebart

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so, again two mice came in by taxi...

they were lucky and got trapped into the alive trap under the kitchen sink, were we heard & found them (alive...)

do mice collect XP to win the next dice race against cats?

[#] Sat May 31 2014 11:41:35 EDT from zooer

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The doc said the cat is too fat so I have cut back his food.

He is losing weight but he sit in front of his food dish, looks at me, looks at the food container, looks at his
bowl, looks back up at me, opens and closes his mouth a few times and then he cries.
I feel horrible.

[#] Sat May 31 2014 18:24:39 EDT from wizard of aahz

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You're starving your poor cat!!! You should feel guilty..

Just kidding.. IT's hard though when they're pathetic

[#] Sun Jun 01 2014 05:53:20 EDT from vince-q

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Go get one of those 'feather on the end of a string' cat toy thingees they sell at just about every supermarket on the planet (and at wally-world). I use that with my furrrrball and it drives her nuts. Good for about 15 min. of very strenuous cat exercise each time I use this. If you do this about 4 times a day you will be giving your kitty a good workout, which is a very healthy way for your cat to lose body fat and gain muscle. Another thing I often do with mine is chase her around the house. She loves it (being essentially nuts as are all cats!) and after that she heads for a drink from her nearest waterbowl and then does what she does best - a nap!

Her weight is right around 8 pounds - and little of that is fat. Makes me quite happy since she is just over 14 years old and still acts like a pesky kitten!

[#] Sun Jun 01 2014 19:56:35 EDT from zooer

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Go get one of those 'feather on the end of a string' cat toy thingees
Good for about 15 min. of very strenuous cat exercise each time I use

If by "15 min" you meant about two minutes of sort of batting at it then yes I have used that. He doesn't chase
the laser, or any other cat toy. We grew our own cat nip and he likes that but grows tired of it. He does like
me to chase him around the house for a bit but it is a trick, I chase him once around and he falls over in the
living room and wants to be scratched. I usually jump over him and keep running and I stop. He comes after me
and wants to be chased again and he falls over in the living room wanting to be scratched. I can do this a few
times before he stops looking for me and gets mad. It isn't the chase he likes it is the scratches he wants.

We have one of those Cat's Meow spinning toys and he seemed to enjoy that but he catches it quickly and lays on

[#] Mon Jun 02 2014 08:39:23 EDT from fleeb

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You can probably take care of his exercize problems with a dog.

He won't like it at first, but that isn't the point. Heh.

[#] Mon Jun 02 2014 10:57:21 EDT from zooer

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Sisters dog visits all the time, they ignore each other for the most part. I think the cat made it clear that
he wont put up with any crap and the dog knows it is part of the family.

That and the dog is 12 years old and has a bad hip.

If the cat could be outside it would be climbing and hunting.

[#] Mon Jun 02 2014 16:48:07 EDT from fleeb

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ah, then a puppy. A big puppy. Heh.

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