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[#] Wed Mar 26 2014 06:21:17 UTC from Ziggy

Subject: OHAIDER

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Hello! I finally found a BBS with some people on it... How would you like to meet in the chat?
Just to chat.
There's totally...
No spammeringus here...

[#] Wed Mar 26 2014 11:35:01 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: OHAIDER

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Welcome aboard, Randy Pike and Ziggy. This is a friendly place and you'll enjoy it here. You'll probably find that there's not a whole lot of real-time chat activity though, so just wind your way through the message boards and enjoy!

[#] Wed Mar 26 2014 12:43:18 UTC from fleeb

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Well, friendly, but for the occasional DIE IN A CAR FIRE

[#] Wed Mar 26 2014 13:09:37 UTC from wizard of aahz

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That and try not to step into the puddles of cheese.

[#] Wed Mar 26 2014 13:41:44 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Those puddles aren't cheese. They're mayonnaise.

[#] Wed Mar 26 2014 15:01:11 UTC from vince-q

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Mar 26 2014 9:41am from IGnatius T Foobar
Those puddles aren't cheese. They're mayonnaise.

And here I thought they were Miracle Whip... ;)

[#] Wed Mar 26 2014 18:07:30 UTC from LoanShark

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Hypothetical, politial, lyrical, Miracle Whip.

[#] Thu Mar 27 2014 04:16:40 UTC from ax25

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There is a party in my pants.

[#] Thu Mar 27 2014 14:25:48 UTC from zooer

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You are 16 and fantasize about old technology? You do know there is porn out there.

[#] Thu Mar 27 2014 14:32:37 UTC from zooer

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Kids today.

[#] Thu Mar 27 2014 21:14:16 UTC from ax25

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Some of it in high quality ASCII.

[#] Fri Mar 28 2014 01:03:27 UTC from Shazam

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There's porn out there??

[#] Fri Mar 28 2014 07:36:58 UTC from mo

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Where! ? Where! ? Where! ?        I've been searching for this stuff for years!

[#] Fri Mar 28 2014 14:01:17 UTC from Ladyhawke

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*sends Animal new mo's address*

[#] Fri Mar 28 2014 15:46:33 UTC from zooer

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When I was his age our porn was 256 colors or less AND WE LIKED IT. It took ten minutes to download a single
picture AND WE LIKED IT.

[#] Fri Mar 28 2014 15:49:42 UTC from fleeb

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(wait for it)...

... ation.

[#] Fri Mar 28 2014 16:57:43 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Wasn't "Anticipation" the word that got replaced by "omg wtf bbq totesamazeballs" in the dictionary last year?


[#] Fri Mar 28 2014 17:29:35 UTC from fleeb

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[#] Fri Mar 28 2014 21:31:22 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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There is a party in my pants.

Well aren't you special, Mr. Party Pants.

[#] Sat Mar 29 2014 05:57:29 UTC from Lynda Falstaff

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I'm going to be very disappointed if they find the Malaysian plane, I really, really want it to turn up in the Mojave desert 10 years from now

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