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[#] Sat Jul 04 2020 20:30:11 UTC from bennabiy1

Subject: Conversations with children - educating the next generation

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I came across a couple interesting views on life...

Socialism   Welfare


And we can't forget the ultimate advice...



[#] Sun Jul 05 2020 13:06:11 UTC from zooer

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Kanye West AND Paris Hilton have decided to run for president in 2020! Not on the same ticket they both want to be president.  

[#] Wed Jul 08 2020 09:52:41 UTC from zooer

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Come on you opinionated bastards say something, there is a lot of sheet going on.

[#] Wed Jul 08 2020 19:49:06 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ok, try this on for size.

"[Hermiston Police] Chief Jason Edmiston tells KEPR-TV News that the criminal investigation for second-degree intimidation due to the racist, hate-filled letter received by Jonathan Lopez on June 23 has been closed. The matter will be referred this week to the Umatilla County District Attorneybs Office for initiating a false report b a Class A misdemeanor in Oregon.

Edmiston says the investigation has shown that Jonathan Lopez wrote the letter himself and made false statements to the police and on social media. The end result is a verbal and written admission by Lopez that the letter was fabricated.


Some pundits are now pointing out, quite correctly, that because of the left's insatiable lust for keeping us divided, the demand for racism now far exceeds the supply -- and because of this, they're forced to manufacture counterfeit racism.

The very idea of an alleged "hate crime" being different from any other crime is, by its very nature, an Orwellian construct that should not exist.

[#] Fri Jul 10 2020 00:15:42 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Another thing polls like to do is question 150-800 people and report
it as "Most Americans".  Eight-hundred out of 320 million

So there's one of two things happening here.

1. In addition to cheating at the elections more than ever, the democrat/media complex is rigging the polls more than ever, in a cover-your-bets attempt to game the election by making patriots give up.

2. In the event Joe Alzheimer wins the general over President Unprecedentedly Awesome Stable Genius, it means that the fix was already in, America was already lost, and the last four years were merely an abberation.

[#] Fri Jul 10 2020 00:17:08 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Great-grandson of Syracuse’s Aunt Jemima angry at her removal:
‘This is an injustice’

The real Aunt Jemima (Nancy Green) was an inspirational story, a true leader, someone all Americans of all races ought to be proud of.

I cannot, and will not, support Black Lives Matter, because I believe black lives matter.

[#] Sat Jul 11 2020 06:17:25 UTC from arabella

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1 person, 1 vote. First past the post. Abolish the Electoral Colledge. Secret Ballot. How hard can it be? The candidates are the people who should need ID, and frankly after your last election, which put something which resembles a human being in shape only, they should also be vetted for traits which may sully the Office of the Presidency.

[#] Sat Jul 11 2020 19:54:08 UTC from zooer

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Democracy, where 50.1% of the voters get to tell the other 49.9% of the voters to F'off. If you support popular vote, who would win in this case: Candidate A: 43% Candidate B: 37% Candidate C: 20%

[#] Sat Jul 11 2020 19:55:23 UTC from zooer

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You can't format text?
Democracy, where 50.1% of the voters get to tell the other 49.9% of the voters to F'off. If you support popular vote, who would win in this case: Candidate A: 43% Candidate B: 37% Candidate C: 20%

[#] Sat Jul 11 2020 21:00:31 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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bella, do you know why the Electoral College was created? It's because the United States was built as, well, a united group of states, not as a powerful centralized national government. The President is chosen by the states, and there's actually no requirement that a popular vote be held in each state at all.

Is it time to change that? This is a discussion that ought to include the intent of the process only, but these days we tend to have it with specific candidates or parties in mind.

The US is a *large* nation and this creates problems that smaller nations may not have. A direct election favors the large population centers while ignoring the needs of the rest of the population. Candidates for national elections would simply campaign in New York, California, and Texas while largely ignoring everyone else.

To argue against the existence of the Electoral College is really a smaller version of arguing against the existence of states in the first place. Perhaps that's the conversation that should take place instead?
It's called the "federal" government because it's a federation of states, but if that model is failing then it could be a far more interesting discussion -- one I'd be willing to have.

[#] Sat Jul 11 2020 23:58:35 UTC from darknetuser

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2020-07-11 15:54 from zooer in Skeptic Tank>
Democracy, where 50.1% of the voters get to tell the other 49.9% of

the voters to F'off. If you support popular vote, who would win in

this case: Candidate A: 43% Candidate B: 37% Candidate C: 20%

It can be even worse than that. SOme non-bipartisan systems have aberrations such as the following:

Hitler: 25%
Moderate Center: 30%
Stalin: 25%
Vegan Party: 20%

So if you voted for the Moderate Center, you may find out that they made a pact with Stalin in order to achieve a stable government and have more than 50% in combined power, which means that, despite the moderates having won the election, you end up having communist policies and people shot in the streets, because 25% of the population voted that.

Any similarity to any country I have been in is coincidential.

[#] Sun Jul 12 2020 00:14:26 UTC from darknetuser

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Subject: I2P taken by SJWs (or not)

OK, so the I2P team has decided to remove a reference to a Master "something" in the i2p code, because "Masters" are racists and Black Lives Matter.

This has caused a very bad mess with users threatening to migrate from the official i2p implementation to others (such as i2pd), coders quitting, and such. The main proponent of the change has told the community that users who don't endorse the BLM agenda are not welcome to the network, which has made him to be subjected to extreme Internet beatings that have forced him out of the official chat.

A few months ago, nobody would have cared if SJWs claimed yet another piece of software, but I think people is growing tired of all the PC crap and they are starting to act up against it.

I don't think ZZZ (main developer of the I2P official implementation) intended to make a political statement. He probably wanted to avoid conflict with SJWs. However, by making this change in the codebase, the I2P team is stating that they support Identity Politics as seen by the extremist left. As such, I can not longer recommend or advocate for the use of the official I2P implementation.

If you want a politics free implementation of i2p, you may use i2pd. The main dev has already pledged not to bend knee to political pressure - actually very vocal about the problem.

This sort of thing is very concerning, because it could turn a network into something like Mastodon, in which the biggest chunk of the network is trying to isolate ideas they don't agree with to the point of harassing node operators.

[#] Sun Jul 12 2020 12:37:58 UTC from triLcat

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I was told that I shouldn't refer to someone as being from my tribe because that takes away from Native Americans. 

I said that I'm from the Tribe of Judah, which predates referring to Native Americans as Tribes by about 2000 years... 


[#] Sun Jul 12 2020 13:58:14 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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If you want a politics free implementation of i2p, you may use i2pd.

The main dev has already pledged not to bend knee to political pressure

- actually very vocal about the problem.

Well then, I'm glad I chose to go with i2pd then :)

For those of you who want to reach Uncensored on the I2P darknet, here are the keys:

uncensored-telnet b oavgsai6nkclfjwteblv7afbl3oo4gh5viuh4tlfk5mgrh7e7pgq.b32.i2p:23
uncensored-citadel b vt6gdl6i5isbfpfyiml53bcaa2b2cvmjxvat4dh6fkaa6hfofkza.b32.i2p:504
uncensored-http b 6i5slupgevsrbuvf7nosznunbzrvgax764gakfmlb73vihd3luna.b32.i2p:80

[#] Sun Jul 12 2020 14:02:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I was told that I shouldn't refer to someone as being from my tribe
because that takes away from Native Americans. 

I said that I'm from the Tribe of Judah, which predates referring to
Native Americans as Tribes by about 2000 years... 

Our old buddy Grelf told me once that because Italians and Jews have so much in common, we're basically the thirteenth tribe of Israel. "We were all wandering through the desert, and you guys basically just made a right turn and got stuck on the peninsula," he said.

And you know what ... I'll happily accept all the extra brothers and sisters.
Fuck the Orwellians who insist on telling us what words we can and can't use.

[#] Sun Jul 12 2020 15:21:47 UTC from zooer

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>> this case: Candidate A: 43% Candidate B: 37% Candidate C: 20%

This scenario actually happened, most people will say Candidate A should win because they have the most votes. In reality more people voted AGAINST candidate A than FOR candidate A.

Candidate A: Clinton: 44,909,889    43.0%
Candidate B: Bush: 39,104,550,  37.4%
Candidate C: Perot: 19,743,821   18.9%





[#] Sun Jul 12 2020 21:00:36 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That gets dangerously close to the logical flaw which says "every vote for X would have otherwise gone to Y".

In the 1992 election I voted for Andre Marrou, but that was in the old days when the Libertarian Party actually nominated libertarians.

[#] Sun Jul 12 2020 22:07:06 UTC from zooer

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Sun Jul 12 2020 05:00:36 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
That gets dangerously close to the logical flaw which says "every vote for X would have otherwise gone to Y".

In the 1992 election I voted for Andre Marrou, but that was in the old days when the Libertarian Party actually nominated libertarians.


Not dangerously close at all.

[#] Mon Jul 13 2020 16:59:08 UTC from zooer

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Trump is doing everything he can not to be re-elected and the democrats are doing their best to get him re-elected.

[#] Fri Jul 17 2020 21:46:07 UTC from zooer

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Is there any verification that the feds are attacking the protestors in Portland?
I see speculation that it is federal officers, Trump himself and his administration are attacking oh so innocent peaceful loving citizens but I do not see any verification on the information.

---headlnes from around the web --------
Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, Protesters Say
Trump Accused of Deploying 'Secret Police' in Portland as Political Stunt
Political leaders in Oregon have accused President Donald Trump of interfering in Portland's handling of widespread protests and riots in the wake of George ...
'Chilling': Federal officers are pulling Portland protesters into unmarked vehicles, reports say



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